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Sonic Universe #61
"Shadow Fall" Part Three: The Shadow - agent of the brutal Black Arms?! It's up Rouge and Omega to bring their ex boyfriend back to life - if it does not destroy them all first! Meanwhile, a vicious alien race tactical nuclear device stolen gun - and that can only spell trouble! Team Dark will survive the mission with a deadly and cunning eclipse,
Origin II #03
25 pages | 37.5 мb.

Tags: Origin II Wolverine Kieron Gillen
Logan: in a cage! Abused by devious prisoners clawed man of the woods can find one thing he thought he lost - humanity. Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert uncover the mystery of human life, which will be Wolverine!
Batman - The Dark Knight #28
21 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Batman The Dark Knight Batman - The Dark Knight
After the return of the Dark Knight's new era of Batman, and he proceeded to carry out the assigned mission, traveling the world, while his hometown to replace former partner, Dick Grayson. But in Gotham lost one person who means a lot to Bruce Wayne, and for this reason he decided himself to understand the mysterious disappearance of a former
Molly Danger #3
142 pages | 76.5 мb.

Tags: Molly Danger Austin Commander Holder Slipscott
Molly and Austin must take down the sultan's super speed, Slipscott, before he comes down with a bag of money. Meanwhile, the commander of the growing discomfort holder creates a wedge between him and Molly.
Mighty Avengers #07
Falcon hunting - and what he finds mighty Avengers will rock their core! Meanwhile, Luke Cage and Adam Brashear - aka Blue Marvel - sit down and talk about the dead presidents, past mistakes and family ties. Guest starring Iron Fist!
Hawkeye #15
Barton Brothers double down against the bad guys, like a clown besieging their buildings. Can keep everyone safe Hawkguy against killer nobody not even seen? What happens when you get locked out with a loser like his older brother for a week straight? You go crazy, is not it? Clint goes a little nuts. Plus ... two free staples!
Guardians of the Galaxy #12
"TRIAL Jean Grey" PART 4! Surprise ally from the past one character comes to the rescue, but is it enough against the most powerful army in the universe?
D4VE #03
24 pages | 40.1 мb.

Tags: D4VE Ryan Ferrier Valentin Ramon Menendez
While K'Laar initiate "phase 2," D4VE intends to collect his old team defense bot. Nothing can prepare D4VE his greatest nightmare even though, in the form of an impromptu performance review.
Avengers Assemble #24
Mad scientist June Covington is in a state of war in New York City with AIM to control new inhuman abilities! (And also because she hates people and loves to kill them!) SPIDER-GIRL must enlist the help of Iron Man to understand what is at stake, how to deal with it - and if she is very lucky, how to restore her friend without ending up dead.
100 Bullets Brother Lono #08
24 pages | 24.4 мb.

Tags: 100 Bullets Brother Lono Lono Brian Azzarello
Series that IGN calls "cruel comic magic 'wraps with this stunning final issue. Bosom fate will finally be decided? Whatever happens, you will not want to miss how this unrivaled command performs a mind-blowing conclusion.
Superman – Lois Lane #1
Lois is an important character of Superman stories. As Kryptonian alter ego Clark Kent, she works as a reporter in the Metropolis newspaper Daily Planet. After rebooting, The New 52 Clark and Lois are no longer husband and wife, Lois, and another man appears.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #31
Once an immigrant from Japan Hamato Yoshi bought pets - four turtles. But under the influence of mutagen Yoshi turned into polukrysu-polucheloveka Splinter and turtles grew to enormous size and acquired human traits and qualities. Underground in a sewer pipe, Splinter raised them as his own sons by teaching discipline, philosophy and martial arts
Beware the Batman #9
23 pages | 13.7 мb.

Tags: Beware the Batman Batman Katana Professor Pyg
As Katana goes hand in hand with some of the thugs Professor PYG, in the race to Batman Gotham Arms Hotel, to save the boy and his family!
Teen Titans #28
19 pages | 42.6 мb.

Tags: Teen Titans new Teen Titans Teen Titans
Someone is hunting for young heroes. And Robin is going to figure out what to secret organization of young heroes. There is not even a team, but it is already beginning to appear.
The Flash #28
20 pages | 34.4 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Star Trek #30
23 pages | 28.9 мb.

Tags: Star Trek James T. Kirk Spock Star Trek comics
The all-new five-year mission of the enterprise continues as Captain Tiberius Kirk Jane and her team are faced with a never before seen the enemy in deep space! Wait ... Jane Kirk? What's going on? All will be revealed in the first chapter of this new two-part stories controlled STAR TREK writer / producer Roberto Orci!
Star Trek - Khan #5
24 pages | 27.5 мb.

Tags: Star Trek - Khan Star Trek Khan Star Trek comics
The second film adaptation of the comic book - the only one in which comics have not released simultaneously with the show. IDW have decided to correct this misunderstanding, so prefacing a future release of all of film adaptations (including this one) under one cover.
Ghostbusters #13
End of the year is a busy time for most businesses, and Ghostbusters are no exception. Surrounded on all sides by a surge of activity in this spectral especially busy season, they are looking forward to a little break once the new year hits. But recent supernatural symptoms shown a city that does not sleep come to mind, and the boogeyman come to
Forever Evil – A.R.G.U.S. #5
Steve Trevor was a close with the League when he appeared Syndicate and Zatanna sent to save. Veller just their director. In general, all agents are disclosed, and many organizations have already been killed. He had a relationship with Diana? Steve tries to rescue the president, but faces Defstroukom.
DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe #5
Barely managing to escape after his last battle with Chi-Mohn, Skeletor went to the most unpredictable world to restore - Earth! There he begins to implement his plan for pumping out the magic of the earth's core. Joining together in unexpected command Myung-Hee goes in search of Skeletor. Came into conflict with the heroes of the universe DC, Hee
2000AD 1870
Happy Birthday to 2000 AD! In this environment, we celebrate 37 years of Thrill forces with hardcore cover Cliff Robinson and Dylan Teague, showing the dangers of messing with the law! Inside, there is a new Judge Dredd thriller, plus Gray Area, ABC Warriors, Strontium Dog and the new Future Shock! 2000 AD Prog 1870 will be available worldwide and
Larfleeze #8
Jedi Cole, disgraced Green Lantern, stripped of his ring. It comes with the sport hunting interest in the TV show! Details in this release. Also in this issue: Larfliz steal your attention in his first solo ongoinge! What happens when Larfliza, a great collector, stolen ... EVERYTHING!

Larfleeze #8 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Catwoman #28
20 pages | 40.1 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #28 (2014)

Publisher: DC
All-Star Western #28
When Gotham was another one-horse town, there was no one to catch criminals. And things got worse when bounty hunter John Hex comes to town. Will Amadeus Arkham, founder of criminal psychology, enlist the help of Hex to help the Gotham Police Department track down a serial killer?


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