New comics
Thanos Annual #01
Jim Starlin returns to Thanos, and he brought INFINITY GAUNTLET artist Ron Lim with him! Thanos encountered Mephisto, his future self, the Avengers and more! Learn how a crushing defeat in the last set of events Thanos "in motion, which requires a change in the Marvel Universe in the near future! Prequel to the upcoming Thanos: INFINITY REVELATION
Collection DC - The New 52 (28.05.2014, week 21)
15 issues pages | 699.3 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 28.05.2014 (21 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-Star Western #31 2. Aquaman #31 3. Batman #31 4. Batman Eternal #8 5. Catwoman #31 6. The Flash #31 7. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #13 8. Justice League Dark #31 9. Larfleeze #11 10. New 52 Futures End #4 11. Nightwing #30 12. Red Lanterns #31
Guardians of the Galaxy #15
With the galaxy gunning for Guardians and Peter Quill missing, it's time to bring in a little help. Captain Marvel joins the Guardians of the Galaxy! But where in the Universe Star-Lord? And that his disappearance means safety earth?
Star Wars – Rebel Heist #2
The Empire is preparing for an attack on the peaceful world of the Eagle, and only Jedi Luke Skywalker-General takes note. When King Kayos killed Jedi in training Annikin Starkiller is ordered to find Princess Leia and Skywalker sends his only squadron against a powerful new battle station Empire!
Thunderbolts #26
Ancient cosmic power corrupted former ally ... Thunderbolts can remove it ahead of time all depends? Adventure into the mysterious jungle-once Marvel can do!
Peanuts #18
Irritability Lucy finally put to the test! When it comes to winning this year's Miss Crabby Pageant, Lucy struggles. But with competition as Molley volleyball Crybaby Boobie, can Lucy from annoying your way to shiny trophy winner? Enjoy "Miss Crabby Pageant" and many others Peanuts adventure in this latest edition, full of heart and fun galore!
Iron Patriot #03
24 pages | 35.6 мb.

Tags: Iron Patriot War Machine Ales Kot
"UNBREAKABLE" PART 3 Family Iron Patriot is dancing on the edge. Volume plan disclosed. James Rhodes dies.
Iron Man #26
SHOCK REPORT ON "Rings mandarins" That returns from the realm of the dark elf? Tony and Arno have been getting so good. I hope that there is no reason for them to fall out. IRON MAN wins but Malekith get a consolation prize?
Fantastic Four #05
"The Fall of The Fantastic Four" Part 5 - super-sized issue! Baxter Building quarantine and close! Fantastic Four held responsible for the destruction in Manhattan! A major turning point for the team and acute blow to the family! Trial of the century with an all-star roster of guest artists!
Winter Soldier - The Bitter March #04
Can the Red Room to keep the Winter Soldier under control after Bucky consciousness begins on the surface? S.H.I.E.L.D. Shen Ran agent continues its desperate struggle to save the woman, which is the key to the Cold War. HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D. Winter Soldier and all play a role in creating a monster that will one day break Captain America!
All-New Invaders #05
WORLD stunning conclusion that "Gods and men"! Invaders are trapped on a hostile world and under relentless attack god mind control. Faced with the fate worse than defeat, will be Captain America, Namor, the Human Torch and WINTER SOLDIER become a means for the Kree Empire conquered the galaxy? What role is played by one of the most powerful races
The Flash #31
23 pages | 41.6 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Suicide Squad # 30
32 pages | 48.3 мb.

Tags: Suicide Squad Suicide Squad Suicide Squad comics
Harley Quinn! Detshot! Royal Shark! They are part of a team of super villains bombers recruited by the government to take on missions so dangerous on that any would consider it suicide?
The Midas Flesh #06
23 pages | 31.7 мb.

Tags: The Midas Flesh Ryan North
Ship torn battle head against heart. Now that they have the almighty power Midas Touch in their hands, they have what it takes to use it to their home planet in the Federation? Lives at stake and friendship challenged in issue number 5 of The Midas flesh!
Aquaman #31
22 pages | 50.2 мb.

Tags: Aquaman Hercules Mera Aquaman comics
Many centuries ago, he helped Atlantis at the time of great need, and suffered great betrayal for his efforts. Now he's back - but he bent on revenge, or whether it was absorbed madness? Do not miss the introduction of the new 52 ... Hercules! Good luck, Aquaman!

Aquaman #31 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Mega Man #37
"Dawn X," Part 1 ! Mega Man / Mega Man X crossover here! Witness the struggle that spans over time and as the original Mega Man and Mega Man X battle long lost Sinister weapons to the security of mankind! Thanks to heroes and villains from both hit Capcom franchise , plus a surprise return to the character that will affect the very course of time
The Twilight Zone #5
28 pages | 45.7 мb.

Tags: Twilight Zone Twilight Zone comics Twilight Zone
You find yourself completely different, not previously conceivable, measuring not only sounds and visions, but also the mind. You find yourself in a country where only your imagination will set you certain limits ...
Dexter Down Under #04
25 pages | 37.9 мb.

Tags: Dexter Down Under Dexter Morgan Jeff Lindsay
BACK Dexter international ADVENTURE written by its creator Jeff Lindsay! Dexter Morgan, a serial killer of serial killers on the trail of a new killer ... but it's far from his cool and beat the Miami Heat Australian feeling! When everything turns Down Under, Dexter hunter he is a victim! Not only that, watch Dexter, he is trapped in a large
Wolverine Vol.6 #07
24 pages | 38.5 мb.

Tags: Wolverine Pete Wisdom Sabretooth Wolverine
As his plan to withdraw takes shape Sabretooth, Wolverine goes undercover in Madripoor - but he's not the only one with his own eyes on the empire in Sabretooth - Pete Wisdom and Mi-13 have to do with it? Paul Cornell (WOLVERINE: Killable) and Gerardo Sandoval (CABLE & X-FORCE) bring you part two of the epic that will push the deadly Wolverine
Uncanny Avengers #20
Unite or Die! Unity Avengers team to pull it together, but it's too late? Which of the seven futures become dominant? The ultimate goal Kang revealed! Supernatural Avengers learn that even if you have no other choice, never trust Kang.


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