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Action Comics #32
26 pages | 51.1 мb.

Tags: Action Action Comics Geoff Johns
Faster! Stronger than a locomotive! With one bound he was able to reach the top of a skyscraper! Who is he, this mysterious young man, riding through the streets of Metropolis? A mysterious crime fighter and protector of innocents. The police are at a loss, the military head-on ... Who is the hero? It's Superman!
Green Lantern #32
24 pages | 46.7 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern new Green Lantern Green Lantern
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team. Find out what the outcome of the story.
Earth 2 #24
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended

Earth 2 #24 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #9
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
Legends of the Dark Knight #79
Knowing who the killer is and why he is attacking some of the most prominent citizens of Gotham, Bruce Wayne must put aside their understanding of the man who found the strength to win his darkest fears, but let revenge consume his soul. "Ashes to Ashes" Part 3.
Zendra (Volume 2) 1-6 series
6 issues pages | 116.8 мb.

Tags: Zendra Zendra comics Penny Farthing
Download free comics Zendra (Volume 2) 1-6 series
Zendra (Volume 1) 1-6 series
6 issues pages | 79 мb.

Tags: Zendra Zendra comics Penny Farthing
Download free comics Zendra (Volume 1) 1-6 series
Xena - Warrior Princess vs Callisto (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 30.1 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess vs Callisto Xena comics Topps
During the time of ancient gods , kings and commanders waited hero suffering land . Then came the mighty princess Xena , flame -hardened steel. Power , passion, danger - her courage will change the world .
Xena Warrior Princess (Volume 2) 1-4 series+ Annual
5 issues pages | 152.7 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess Xena comics Warrior Princess
Comics will take you at a time when there was no ancient Greece and the Roman Empire , when all the gods ruled that a penny and did not put human life. And in these dark times appears invincible and fearless warrior that comes to the aid of all who need it , and her name was Xena . Her main enemy - treacherous and cruel warlord Draco . Among her
Xena Warrior Princess (Volume 1) 1-14 series
14 issues pages | 345.1 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess Xena comics Warrior Princess
Comics will take you at a time when there was no ancient Greece and the Roman Empire , when all the gods ruled that a penny and did not put human life. And in these dark times appears invincible and fearless warrior that comes to the aid of all who need it , and her name was Xena . Her main enemy - treacherous and cruel warlord Draco . Among her
Xena Warrior Princess - The Wrath of Hera (1-2 series) Complete
During the time of ancient gods , kings and commanders waited hero suffering land . Then came the mighty princess Xena , flame -hardened steel. Power , passion, danger - her courage will change the world .
Xena Warrior Princess - Dark Xena (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 140.6 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess Dark Xena Xena Warrior Princess
During the time of ancient gods , kings and commanders waited hero suffering land . Then came the mighty princess Xena , flame -hardened steel. Power , passion, danger - her courage will change the world .
Xena Warrior Princess - Bloodlines (1-2 series) Complete
2 issues pages | 39 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess Bloodlines Xena Topps
Comics will take you at a time when there was no ancient Greece and the Roman Empire , when all the gods ruled that a penny and did not put human life. And in these dark times appears invincible and fearless warrior that comes to the aid of all who need it , and her name was Xena . Her main enemy - treacherous and cruel warlord Draco . Among her
Xena - Warrior Princess - The Dragon's Teeth (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 25 мb.

Tags: Xena Warrior Princess The Dragons Teeth Xena comics Topps
Comics will take you at a time when there was no ancient Greece and the Roman Empire , when all the gods ruled that a penny and did not put human life. And in these dark times appears invincible and fearless warrior that comes to the aid of all who need it , and her name was Xena . Her main enemy - treacherous and cruel warlord Draco . Among her
Wraithborn (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 94.5 мb.

Tags: Wraithborn Wraithborn comics widstorm
Wraithborn is a series written and drawn by Joe Benitez, about the immortal beings which inhabit Earth, preying and being preyed upon by a warrior called Wraithborn. When the Wraithborn warrior finds himself on death's door he transfers the Wraithborn to Melanie, a timid girl young girl. She must then contend with the Immortals and others who
Wordsmith (1-12 series) Complete
12 issues pages | 508.3 мb.

Tags: Wordsmith Wordsmith comics Renegade
Wordsmith tells the story of Clay Washburn, a penny and a half a word pulp writer trying to make it from day to day in the Great Depression.
The Official Magazine - Xena Warrior Princess (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 118.7 мb.

Tags: The Official Magazine Xena Warrior Princess Xena Xena comics
During the time of ancient gods, kings and commanders waited hero suffering land. Then came the mighty princess Xena, flame-hardened steel. Power, passion, danger - her courage will change the world.
The Ninjettes (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 105.4 мb.

Tags: The Ninjettes The Ninjettes comics death
What connection is there between the dark college student and the harbinger of death?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 30th Anniversary Special
Once an immigrant from Japan Hamato Yoshi bought pets - four turtles. But under the influence of mutagen Yoshi turned into polukrysu-polucheloveka Splinter and turtles grew to enormous size and acquired human traits and qualities. Underground in a sewer pipe, Splinter raised them as his own sons by teaching discipline, philosophy and martial arts
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #86
36 pages | 42.7 мb.

Tags: Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose Tarot Jim Balent
There is some 'thing' in the well! At one time the land was sown with many Wishing Wells help mankind. Slowly they Wishing Wells was black. Something got into Wells and poisoned them, cursed them. Now, Taro learns that some evil can not be wished away.


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