New comics
Ghostbusters #18
End of the year is a busy time for most businesses, and Ghostbusters are no exception. Surrounded on all sides by a surge of activity in this spectral especially busy season, they are looking forward to a little break once the new year hits. But recent supernatural symptoms shown a city that does not sleep come to mind, and the boogeyman come to
Cyclops #03
20 pages | 40.5 мb.

Tags: Cyclops Corsair
Q: What’s the problem with stealing a Badoon ship? A: It’s a Badoon ship. Corsair and Cyclops experience engine trouble, shipwreck, and there is a good father-son chat they both avoided, as Rucka & Dauterman continue Schlager 2014!
Detective Comics Annual #3
40 pages | 56.3 мb.

Tags: Detective Comics Annual Detective Comics Annual
This is a special annual issue of comics, writing, Tony S. Daniel and illustrated by Romano Molenaar and Sandu Florea. Here Description confrontation Dark Knight and Black Mask
New Avengers #21
The world must die! But what New Avenger will find the strength to push the button? And what will happen in the aftermath?
X-Men #17
24 pages | 42.9 мb.

Tags: X-Men Beast Jubilee Kymera Primal Shogo Sprite
Future came calling ... and he wants his son Shogo same! But it will be the anniversary and the X-Men let their bouncing boy without a fight? Spoiler alert: hell no!
Uncanny Avengers #22
That's it! The final chapter of this story, which began in Dimension Z! Complete unity is established, but it's too late? The fate of seven simple terms decide! The ultimate revenge on Kang Uncanny Avengers revealed.
Vertigo Quarterly CMYK #2
Anyone who has installed an ink cartridge in his or her printer has likely encountered four familiar colors, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. No, you didn’t accidentally buy a cut-rate cartridge; these are the four colors that comprise the four-color printing process, the dominant means through which comic books were produced from the 1940s
Avengers #33
26 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: Avengers Captain America Star Brand
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! 50,000 years into the future. Holoworld: Mightiest Heroes of Earth captured in conceptual space. How do you defeat the idea?
Armor Hunters - Harbinger #01
40 pages | 86.4 мb.

Tags: Armor Hunters - Harbinger Animalia Telic
Earth besieged by alien bodies, and some of the most influential people in the world ... are the kids! Harbinger Departed still reeling from the tragic death in their ranks, but in the face of monumental destruction they find unlikely allies in the same group of super-powerful teens. But this generation Zero is here to help ... or are they just
100th Anniversary Special - Guardians of the Galaxy #01
Just in time for the release of their seventh epic film, Guardians of the Galaxy are celebrating the 100th anniversary of ... taking on Galactus SILVER!
Brass Sun #03
36 pages | 18 мb.

Tags: Brass Sun Conductor 17 Wren
Sun brass number 1 sold his original edition and a reprint of the second issue and now Ian Edginton and extensive clockpunk epic INJ Culbard in brass Sun, comes to North America through the six-issue series of US-format. Great Hourly solar system, Orrery, and the young can not Ren fled her home to seek refuge with the machinist. In the quest to
Veil #4
26 pages | 29.3 мb.

Tags: Veil Veil comics Toni Fejzula Dark Horse Comics
A beautiful girl wakes up in an abandoned subway station with no memory of how she got there. When men try to hurt her... they wind up dead. Where did she come from? And what is she capable of? An all-new series from Eisner Award-winning writer Greg Rucka! A surprising new heroine from the creator of Lazarus and Queen and Country!
The Sandman - Overture #03
The epic story of the origin of The Sandman continues in the second issue of the new series by the superstar team of Neil Gaiman writer and artist JH Williams III! In what part of the dream Daniel Mad Hettie and Morpheus reveals why he was summoned, and he was called to do.
Aquaman Annual #2
40 pages | 73 мb.

Tags: Aquaman Annual Aquaman Annual 2014
New comics titled "Aquaman Annual #1". Download the first all-new comics from popular publishers such as: Marvel, DC, Image, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse, Valiant Universe, Vertigo, Boom, Oni press, Archaia, Kaboom, DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT and others. Aquaman Annual and other comics you'll find only at our site
Star Wars – Rebel Heist #4
The Empire is preparing for an attack on the peaceful world of the Eagle, and only Jedi Luke Skywalker-General takes note. When King Kayos killed Jedi in training Annikin Starkiller is ordered to find Princess Leia and Skywalker sends his only squadron against a powerful new battle station Empire!
Doc Savage #8
25 pages | 50.9 мb.

Tags: Doc Savage Ham Johnny Long Tom Monk Patricia Savage
It's 1949, and Doc Savage and his assistants return of adventures in far away, exotic places to find danger awaits them much closer to home. Someone found the location Doc 'college of crime, "hidden hospital where he convict healing" of their criminal tendencies. And Doc faces an impossible position of having to choose between good and his life
Captain Midnight #13
24 pages | 49 мb.

Tags: Agent Marvin Jones Captain Midnight Hollow
Fight for your life in Washington, DC, the Master Planning struggling to do any damage to the brutal killer secret organization. Meanwhile, Agent Jones kidnapped kidnapper unexpected, which may indicate a disturbing truth about the motives of the mysterious black sky in. Find out more about the mysterious project black sky! New cover Freddie
Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #6
108 pages | 62.4 мb.

Tags: Batman 66 Meets The Green Hornet dc 2014
Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?


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