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Classic Popeye #25
35 pages | 50.9 мb.

Tags: Classic Popeye Popeye Wimpy Popeye comics
Thanks to the epic story, "Popeye in interplanetary battle" is as wild as you would expect! Cheerful favorite co-starring each: J. Wellington Wimpy! Plus, a lot more fuel spinach fun!
Angel & Faith Season 10 #5
Died down quite ambiguous events of the 8th season of "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" ended and ongoing Angelic in IDW. The rights to the Angel again went to Dark Horse, and now the continuation of the 8th season will be written under one roof. And it will consist of two series (25 rooms) - directly "Buffy Season 9" and just "Angel and Faith". In it
The New 52 – Futures End #14
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
Star Trek New Visions #02
Following last years highly successful " Strange New Worlds " fotoroman , John Byrne once again sail aboard the Starship: Enterprise , this time with a constant bimonthly series that starts going through the looking glass , to tell a story about what happened after the classic " mirror , Mirror " episode of the original series . The crew discovers
Batman Eternal #18
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
Grayson #2
Dick Grayson replace superhero costume at a new form of superspy ongoinge Grayson comics. While the fate and future of the first Robin, Dick Grayson's hanging by a thread in an infinite Forever Evil, USA Today portal excited to share information about the new life of the hero. After graduating in solo ongoinga Nightwing vol.3 # 30, Grayson in July

Grayson #2 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Green Arrow #34
29 pages | 35.4 мb.

Tags: Green Arrow Green Arrow Green Arrow comics
The owner of a large company "Queen Industries" Oliver Queen seems quite ordinary millionaire slacker. But few people know the opposite direction of his life. Green Arrow - a modern Robin Hood, protecting the innocent and the guilty kicking ass.
Green Lantern #34
32 pages | 47.4 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern new Green Lantern Green Lantern
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team. Find out what the outcome of the story.
Action Comics #34
26 pages | 43.7 мb.

Tags: Action Action Comics Geoff Johns
Faster! Stronger than a locomotive! With one bound he was able to reach the top of a skyscraper! Who is he, this mysterious young man, riding through the streets of Metropolis? A mysterious crime fighter and protector of innocents. The police are at a loss, the military head-on ... Who is the hero? It's Superman!
Action Comics Annual #3
41 pages | 75.2 мb.

Secrets of the missing five years, when Clark Kent came to Metropolis and to this day continues to be a mystery! The attack Brainiac on Metropolis, Superman is faced with his first enemy: Kryptonite Man!
Superman A Celebration of 75 Years HC
380 pages | 562.5 мb.

Tags: Superman A Celebration of 75 Years HC 75 Years
This amazing celebration of all things Superman includes stories from ACTION COMICS #0, 1-2, 137, 242, 544, 775 and 900, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #498, Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross, SUPERMAN #11, 17, 53, 75, 76, 141, 149, 247 and 400, SUPERMAN ANNUAL #11 and a 1940 story from LOOK MAGAZINE!
Rex Zombie Killer #1
For many, the question of the main release of the week (or even months) is not: go out Sandman Overture # 1, a new comic in the universe of Neil Gaiman's Sandman and Jay Williams HLB-third. That this can be countered? DC solved the problem by putting on this date only annual special issues of regular series. Let this DC-week will be special in
Lois Lane A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Don't miss these tales starring Lois Lane, Superman and more, reprinted from ACTION COMICS #1-2, 6, 484, 600 and 662, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #631, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN #2-3, MAN OF STEEL #2, SHOWCASE #9, SUPERMAN #29, 33-34, 58 and 168, SUPERMAN 80-PAGE GIANT 2011 #1, SUPERMAN: LOIS LANE #1, SUPERMAN'S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE #5, 16, 23, 42 and 106,
Infinite Crisis - Fight for the Multiverse #12
Stranded in Mecha Universe, Flash, Zatanna, Cyborg and Batman to continue his quest.
Greatest Hits (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 123.4 мb.

Tags: Greatest Hits Greatest Hits comics vertigo
In this mini-series consisting of six issues, Bullseye tells us the story of his life. History of formation of a simple boy from the slums, a hired killer Bullseye. A riot of colors, dirty slums, drugs, the CIA, love and more mixed up in this mini series. Hurry to learn the history of Bullseye!
Accelerate (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 51 мb.

Tags: Accelerate Accelerate comics vertigo Los Angeles
Futuristic Los Angeles neo-populated commune. Marnie, The leader of one such municipality accidentally discovers that a certain group of special police hunt for her and almost immediately finds an underground drug called "acceleration" - Allows you to go to another dimension - she realizes that this is her only chance to save themselves and
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #18
In the world, crippled Batman working with Oracle, to rally resistance. Meanwhile, in space, Guy Gardner Green Lantern assembled an army to confront Superman, including the biggest of them all GL.


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