With the truth revealed, Harumi, Nico, and Damon must unite with the Jackpot and Nonchalants, to get Ivan back from SPI. But with so many things going wrong all at once, as they can be sure who to trust, even among themselves?
The most demanded a return to the comics is finally here! Original Quantum and Woody are back! Legendary creator Christopher Priest and MD Bright return to one of the most famous series of the modern era for a brand new event mini-series! What happened to the world's largest team of superheroes? Twenty years in the past the prime of life, the
Turns out to be an obsession with one of the most powerful beings in the universe can really mess with a guy superpowers. Life is not always a straight line, sometimes the curves in the road. But if there is anyone who would bend over backwards to reteach myself how to use them, this is Scott Summers.
Someone is hunting for young heroes. And Robin is going to figure out what to secret organization of young heroes. There is not even a team, but it is already beginning to appear.
Irritability Lucy finally put to the test! When it comes to winning this year's Miss Crabby Pageant, Lucy struggles. But with competition as Molley volleyball Crybaby Boobie, can Lucy from annoying your way to shiny trophy winner? Enjoy "Miss Crabby Pageant" and many others Peanuts adventure in this latest edition, full of heart and fun galore!
"Badges, Part 2." With the judge being killed at an alarming rate, and chaos breaks out in different blocks Dredd more determined than ever to find the murderer-former judge who was crazy about cloned and placed in jail. But the case has attracted Dredd at the crossroads of the Special Judicial Squad, who think he is guilty of all the troubles
The Secret History of Woodrow McCord revealed! Mysterious world protector, McCord was heroically gave his life before passing the baton to Nick Fury. McCord fought endless, lonely war in secret. But he lost his humanity in the process?
Rise of the end; NEW ORDER now begins! The Avengers World became A.I.M. World. The Avengers can not stop the combined might of AIM, the Gorgon and Morgan Le Fey. But what about the next Avengers?
Matt Murdock has struggled mightily to rise above the tragedies that have plagued him in the past. Now, however, one of his oldest enemies unleashed forces that Daredevil can not fight without being swallowed his gloomy moods and thoughts. Is this the beginning of a new, grim chapter in his life?
Wolverine-the greatest X-Men always dead! With this mutant power is now permanently out of the picture, and the various factions of good and evil are scrambling to fill the void left by the death of Logan! Wolverine Heritage will be formed heroes, who bravely fought with him ... or those insidious villains enough to challenge him for many years of
Sun Tzu's Art of War has been called the final work on military strategy and tactics and influenced the leaders of both war and business for hundreds of years ... which means that it is completely in the public domain, and is ripe for being ripped off Deadpool! And the fact that the plan to provide his version of Deadpool Art of War outsells the
This is the beginning of the end - 3 MONTHS TO DIE ends here! Beginning of the end here now ... DEATH Wolverine! THREE MONTHS TO DIE, loss healing factor Wolverine - all led to this, one of the most important events of X-Men decades. Logan spent more than a century to be the best there is, what he is doing ... but even the best disappear in the
The main character - redskin Turk - falls into a lost world, pulled out of our time, which runs all the villain Campaigner, hope to seize an ancient artifact called Chronoscepter. With it Kampeyner intends to get into our world and, of course, to capture it.
A beautiful girl wakes up in an abandoned subway station with no memory of how she got there. When men try to hurt her... they wind up dead. Where did she come from? And what is she capable of? An all-new series from Eisner Award-winning writer Greg Rucka! A surprising new heroine from the creator of Lazarus and Queen and Country!
A-listers J. Michael Straczynski and Pete Woods unite for the biggest Terminator stories ever! Jumping between the future and the past, this sweeping, epic question twelve counts end war machine, but not one fans expect! Everything is at stake, and the fate of John Connor and Skynet will be told!
Once an immigrant from Japan Hamato Yoshi bought pets - four turtles. But under the influence of mutagen Yoshi turned into polukrysu-polucheloveka Splinter and turtles grew to enormous size and acquired human traits and qualities. Underground in a sewer pipe, Splinter raised them as his own sons by teaching discipline, philosophy and martial arts
The plot tells of the team that went to the planet LV-223 after it became clear that the team "Prometheus" has not come back ever. The new team believes that is sent to the rescue, but soon they themselves need help. On the publisher's website promises that it will be a crossover, so the help is likely to come to your aid, but not from where