New comics
The Amazing World of Gumball #06
Gumball has to deal with the Summertime Blues. It was all fun and games after the first, but now he has to deal with the summer worse enemy: boredom! It's up to Darwin to cheer his friend before the blues began to infect all on their summer vacation.
All-New X-Factor #18
Sunfire returned to X-Factor with an odd proposal. Meanwhile, the command is sent to the Middle East to intervene in the ongoing war between the two countries.
All-New Invaders #13
20 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: All-New Invaders Falcon Makkari Tanalth
In the aftermath of the defeat of Cree's of new invaders and loss GOD whisper, TANALTH looking for answers send it to the cosmic quest and fight forever (and the Golden Age Hero) Maccari. Will Cree warrior and eternal speed to kill each other or get answers to them and look for? Plus the first meeting Sam Wilson with new invaders.
Deathstroke #3
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
Robin Rises - Alpha #1
A series of Batman and Robin vol.2, which can be considered the main current in the whole range of Batman, and its screenwriter Peter J. Tomasi with the participation of artists Patrick Gleason and Andy Kubert finished third part return Damian Wayne after his death in Incorporated vol.2 # 8 Grant Morrison. The final will consist of the usual
Infinity Man and the Forever People #6
Infinity Man And The Forever People # 2 - the beginning of a new ongoinga friendly team cheeked enthusiasts Dan Didio and Keith Giffen, OMAC which taught only what is necessary to try to make another series of constant characters Jack Kirby. Perhaps it would be the same harmless fun that some of our commentators at the time called OMAC.
Harley Quinn #13
Harley and Poison Ivy guest star was going to save a bunch of cute puppies and kittens! What could go wrong?
Earth 2 - World's End #12
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!
Bodies #6
28 pages | 31.3 мb.

Tags: Bodies Bodies comics vertigo
VERTIGO brings you the miniseries of the summer, with four detectives, four time periods, and four dead bodies – all set in London. Edmond Hillinghead is an 1890s overachiever who’s trying to solve a murder no one cares about while hiding his own secret. Karl Whiteman is our dashing 1940s adventurer with a shocking past. Shahara Hasan is
Sonic Universe #71
ALL-New History ARC! "Spark of Life" Part One: Nicole detects a distress signal from the digital world, but how can this be if no one needs to know about the digital world?! Sally, tails and large have to go to an isolated island, to help answer the call! Who is Dr. Ellidy? and how it relates to the life of Sally and Nicole? Thanks to a stunning
Letter 44 #13
President Blades reveals the truth about the project monolith in the world, hoping to complete a global war before it starts. In space, a large part of the crew Clark was captured by unknown silami.Otchayanno gambit an attempt to get them, and we get our first look at the newcomers.
Wasteland #59
26 pages | 33.7 мb.

Tags: Wasteland Antony Johnston
Rocks fall. Everything dies. ... Well, maybe not all.
The Bionic Woman – Season 4 #4
While her friends and colleagues continue the desperate search, Jaime Sommers discovers strange secrets hidden behind a pleasant facade North of Eden! There is life in the balance, and you know, Bionic Woman will not stand for it ... but it could save innocent citizens of the city when she was not quite sure how to save yourself? This question
Tomb Raider #11
Comic book tells the adventures of archaeologist Lara Croft, who is not afraid to risk their lives and constantly finds himself in extreme conditions. Lara intelligent and beautiful woman, she is in great physical training, has many kinds of melee, makes a variety of dangerous stunts, as well as shoots well from all types of weapons. Lara Croft is
Secret Origins #8
The first issue of Secret Origins will tell the story of Superman, Supergirl and Dick Grayson (also known as the first Robin, and later - the superhero Nightwing). The second issue is preparing for the fans of the comic book stories Aquaman, and Batman Starfaer.
Terminator Salvation - The Final Battle #12
A-listers J. Michael Straczynski and Pete Woods unite for the biggest Terminator stories ever! Jumping between the future and the past, this sweeping, epic question twelve counts end war machine, but not one fans expect! Everything is at stake, and the fate of John Connor and Skynet will be told!
Sundowners #5
How Illuminatrix doing everything possible to convince Karl Wolf join Jubilant, Arcanika and concerned citizen to fight a twisted version Arcanika Crowlita and understands that, despite the hatred of everyone, it can only be the hope of humanity against the threat of devouring the planet!
Resurrectionists #02
25 pages | 48.4 мb.

Tags: Resurrectionists Jericho Way Lena
Fred Van ribbons! You tried dying? Framed architect who became a thief Jericho Way found that he resurrectionist, one of a select group of people who can not only remember their past lives, but to become it. The two groups are now after his service corporations travel, who wants to exploit his powers for mysterious purposes, and team colored
Mind MGMT #29
28 pages | 69.7 мb.

Tags: Mind MGMT Meru
New York Times best-seller! Meru has a new mission: the course of each agent loyal to the new management of the eraser. The parties are currently selected, and the last line is drawn! Matt Kindt (Star Wars: Rebel Heist) brings together themes! Last year heats up!


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