New comics
Halo - Escalation #19
28 pages | 39.5 мb.

Tags: Halo - Escalation Gabriel Thorne Spartan Ray
Halo! "Impact" of the 2-disaster looms as the Spartans Ray Thorne and race against the clock to track down a mysterious new weapon of mass destruction. Duffy Boudreau (BlackAcre, Bloodshot) and Douglas Franchin bring you a stunning conclusion of another action-packed chapter of the saga Halo! Essential complement to the Halo canon! Halo franchise
Grindhouse - Drive In, Bleed Out #06
Grayndhaus back from the dead, and this meaner, Badder and dirtier than ever! In the first of four new operational opus, scalps at RM Guera joins series writer Alex de Camp to "Slay Ride," a holiday tale of brutal revenge and supernatural horror in freshly fallen snow! We're back, just in time to celebrate the holidays in bloody style! From the
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #29
Bigby learned some harsh lessons about power, corruption and lies ... Now it's time for the final exam!
Captain Midnight #24
28 pages | 53.7 мb.

Tags: Captain Midnight Nancy Silver Dragon
Captain Midnight may be a genius inventor, and a fighter. , But a time traveler is willing to be a superhero in the modern era? And if he was ready for his first date since 1944?! Meanwhile, a mysterious force took over Sharkbyte technology and killer Helios forged rocky loyalty with close allies midnight. Author: Joshua Williamson (Nailbiter,
Street Fighter - Super Combo Special (FCBD)
Five generations of warriors worlds collide in this epic new story Street Fighter Free Comic Day 2015! Rue Charlie, Crimson Viper, Ibuki, and more put his martial art skills to the test as they battle across miru.Avtonomny history, is ideal for beginners in the Street Fighter universe, or longtime fans!
Poet Anderson - The Dream Walker #02
Jonas and Alan Anderson to return to the Dream World, only to find himself caught in the ageless battle between the rabble, selfish Dream Walkers and mysterious, evil REM, which plans to take on the real world set their attention on young Jonas. Created by Tom DeLonge, founder and frontman of bands Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves, it's a
Poet Anderson - The Dream Walker #01
In Dream World, power and adventure are Lucid Dreamers, while nightmares haunt distressed and helpless. The lucky few who watched the mysterious guardians. Defenders of our common unconscious life are known as ... ... Dream Walkers. Passepartout Jonas Brothers and Alan Anderson discovered outside our universe, one that can only be achieved through
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol.2 - Going Green
This is the story Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fans have been waiting over 20 years for the most unspeakable stories about the origin of Tommy-green Ranger! As Rita Repulsa choose this over the other teen to wage war against the Rangers? This is the only place to learn. Note to fans: Graphic novel takes place directly in front of the classic
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol.1 - Rita Repulsa's Attitude Adjustment
When the ancient stone idol comes to life and starts blasting everything in its path with morphing beam seems, the world is in pretty dire; but it's nothing compared to the chaos unleashed when Rita Repulsa gets her hands on it! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to join the fray, but this new villain has extra muscle from Squatt and Putty Patrol. If
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #42
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!
Justice League 3001 #1
Two words: blue and gold. Okay, three. Three words, Blue and go ... Wait, that's four words. Okay, let's try eto.Komanda Blue Beetle and Booster Gold back! By Giffen and DeMatteis! This universe is ready for any of them ...? You?
We Are… Robin! #1
27 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: We Are Robin Robin Robin comics
Spinning out of the pages of BATMAN! The teenagers of Gotham City have adopted the “R” and made it their own. A new Robin? No, HUNDREDS of new Robins! Don’t miss the start of this new series from rising star writer Lee Bermejo (JOKER, SUICIDERS), who also provides the covers!
Grayson #9
Grayson is on a mission to stop the use Paragon part of the body of a dead villain to create something much more sinister!

Grayson #9 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Deathstroke #7
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
Superman #41
28 pages | 39.7 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman new comic Superman
Superman is a fighter against the perpetrators. He is the representative of an alien civilization. His planet Krypton (Krypton) exploded, but the child had to put in a capsule and sent into space. In the end, he was on the earth. Superman wearing tights red and blue colors and with a huge letter chest. No weapon he was not scared. It can only kill

Superman #41 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Suiciders #5
26 pages | 38.5 мb.

Tags: Suiciders Suiciders comics
Harley Quinn! Detshot! Royal Shark! They are part of a team of supervillains bombers recruited by the government to take on missions to many dangerous that anyone would consider it suicide!
Green Lantern The Lost Army  #1
Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn’t recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don’t know where you are and there’s not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #08
Broken and beaten after his brush with death, Batman finds an unlikely friend-a down-on-his-luck Gothamite, who, like Batman, longs for the brighter days of Gotham's past.
Green Lantern Vol.10 - War of the Green Lanterns
With all the Green Lantern Corps against them, four death GLs - Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart - make a choice that will be among the most memorable in the history of GL. But not all of them agree on what should be done, and that the lines may intersect. Can these soldiers to overcome their differences in time to save the
Green Lantern Vol.9 - Brightest Day
Blast from the black night comes the next exciting chapter in the mythology of the Green Lantern: "New Guardians"! Forced to come together during the lifting of the Black Lanterns, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, Atrocitus, Indigo-1 and Larfleeze must agree to disagree if their next mission to succeed. But when one of the


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