New comics
Spider-Verse #03
SERIES Secret Wars Spider-Man Noir run! Web Warriors outmatched in a world where none of them belongs. Any conduct secret Spider-Ham victory possible?
Runaways #02
This is the final exam day at the Institute for Gifted Youth Battleworld! Of course, the equivalent of a final exam Battleworld brutal Deathmatch between students! But do not worry, all of you, Molly Hayes totally got it. Regardless of the Jubilee says it is too young, or "on the way over your head." She never frickin "Princess Powerful!
Master of Kung Fu #03
19 pages | 47.2 мb.

Tags: Master of Kung Fu Fu Manchu Iron Fist Shang-Chi
The battle for control of the LUN Kun started! Thirteen chambers opened, and schools all K'un LUN going to determine who is a kung fu master! How to Master the lowest caste, Shang-Chi tries to enter the tournament in order to overthrow a despotic Zheng Zu. Will Shang-Chi, a wanted murderer can escape from their enemies long enough for his father's
Lando #01
22 pages | 35.1 мb.

Tags: Lando Lando Calrissian Ssaria
You know it ... you love him ... now, to join him for his big caper as a master of charm Lando Calrissian gets its own comic book! Before he joined the rebellion before it ran Cloud City, Lando made its way into the galaxy to get some of the fraud, some swagger and a smile. Lobot on his side, Lando has a plan to steal a valuable ship ... but he's
Spider-Island #01
Spider Queen turned to the island of Manhattan Madness Spiderman and Peter Parker lost due to Spider-Scribe CHRISTOS GAGE (Spider-Man, Spider-Man super) and rising star artist PACO DIAZ (wolverine, SCARLET SPIDERS) With Spider-Man defeated and captured, making Flash Thompson, aka VENOM chance? All this, plus a visit to the site MC2 BATTLEWORLD!
Saga #30
32 pages | 29.5 мb.

Tags: Saga Alana Dengo Lying Cat Slave Girl Sweet Boy
Sooner or later, everything dies.

Saga #30 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Pisces #03
31 pages | 45.8 мb.

Tags: Pisces Dillon Carpenter Kurtis J. Wiebe
With a fresh start in Houston, Texas, begins to find Dillon semblance of a normal life. But even with a beautiful new house to stay in the game and the pleasant company of an old friend, Dillon is starting to show signs of decay. There is a disease eating away at his flesh itself. And his mind.
Ghost Racers #02
TRAGIC origin GHOST RACER !!!!! Robbie REYES be damned GHOST RACER? Is his sizzling winning streak only reason the ghosts of his fellow riders to despise it and are eager to see him fail? Higher octane war fueled rivalries over hell, and more of your favorite Ghost Racers in the future for a lot more than just a victory!
Descender #05
32 pages | 63.2 мb.

Tags: Descender Bandit Captain Telsa Dr. Jin Quon Driller
Quon reveals a shocking secret that will change the course of Tim-21's life!
Civil War #01
The Civil War never ended. Welcome to Warzone, where six years of non-stop battle between the forces of iron blue and split down the center of the nation, completely transforming it. In a world of strange new alliances and enemies, President Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, General meet to make a final attempt in the world.
Black Science #16
The disaster is looming as a traitor in their midst triggers an event that will change forever the League ... and Grant worth everything he holds dear. Nothing will be the same after that.
Lady Death - Apocalypse #06
Apocalypse wraps in this stunning oversized last question! All stands have shown how we can see that Satyricon had colic queen rope in an attempt to destroy the Blacklands. Now only Lady Death is on its way. Will her new powers found from the void to be enough to stop the search for an apocalyptic mad demon? This is the ultimate fate of Underrealm
The Fox #04
28 pages | 35.6 мb.

Tags: The Fox Kitsune the Ghost Fox
"Fox Hunt" Part 4. Fox was broken, thrown, struck, crushed, shot at choked by a virtual army of supervillains, but nothing prevents Paula Patton, Jr. from the search of his son! But that was just for starters, get ready for intense action and psychedelic paranoia as Fox both sides of the border between reality and the world of nightmare! Who is
Archie #01
Comic superstar Mark Waid and Fiona Staples rethink the icon! Change is coming to Riverdale in the beginning of the match you can not miss the new ongoing series Archie! Familiar faces back in new and unexpected ways this should be # 1 issue! As the new school year approaches, you might think that Archie Andrews is looking forward to classes and
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #02
SERIES Secret Wars The undisputed queen of monsters Metropolis - aka SHIKLAH - is to avenge the death of their brothers! Together with the werewolf night, Frankenstein's monster, the Mummy Living, Man-thing, and Marcus Centaur, she has to fight his way through the land of the undead! Speaking of - how to kill Dracula, King of the undead?
Bloodshot Reborn #04
29 pages | 38.1 мb.

Tags: Bloodshot Reborn Bloodshot Jeff Lemire
The New York Times bestseller writer Jeff Lemire (Valiant, trigger) and rising superstar Mico Suayan (Moon Knight) bring synapse stunning first act on returning bloodshot conclusion knockout! Every Nanite-infected killer Bloodshot opposed, he loses more of his humanity, but the killers wreaking havoc across Colorado, he had a choice? Meanwhile, a
Unity #20
33 pages | 53.6 мb.

Tags: Unity Alpha Breaker Dell Eternal Warrior War Monger
From the dark recesses of the 20th century ... War-Monger returns to rage against the combined might of the most elite Superteam Valiant! For thousands of years, Eternal Warrior led the fight; and for thousands of years, one spirit annoyed him ... the spirit of the war itself. Today, Gilad Anni-Padda and his teammates in the unity should be
The Harvester #06
28 pages | 51.6 мb.

Tags: The Harvester
Providence #02
43 pages | 58.3 мb.

Tags: Providence Robert Black Alan Moore
This giant size, without advertising, the second question, exciting epic Providence Alan Moore continues to weave a complex mosaic of modern horror. With his artistic partner Jacen Burrows, they are the main character, Robert Black in the first stage of its development the seedy underbelly of America. Moore designed each cover all the pages and
God is Dead #38
25 pages | 41.7 мb.

Tags: God is Dead Mike Costa Emiliano Urdinola
Mike Costa built some tales worthy of ancient mythologies generated by them, but now something in God destroyed the world has changed. A hundred years later the small squabbles gods and destroying everything around them, suddenly the voice of the silent void. All the gods of the dead for the last time? Or something more sinister to come to plague
Sundowners #11
How Illuminatrix doing everything possible to convince Karl Wolf join Jubilant, Arcanika and concerned citizen to fight a twisted version Arcanika Crowlita and understands that, despite the hatred of everyone, it can only be the hope of humanity against the threat of devouring the planet!


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