New comics
Vampirella Vol.2 #13
30 pages | 52.9 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Grigory Schuld Sofia
In the not so polite request its mysterious benefactors, Vampirella and Sophia step in to large mir.Ohota Vlad Dracula brings them from the US to Russia, where the forgotten cemetery, emerging from the church, and the horror of the images they are waiting ...
The Fiction #03
28 pages | 51 мb.

Tags: The Fiction Kassie Max
Max and Cassie delve into fiction for the first time in many years, to find Tyler, only to find that place that was once filled with the magic of childhood has become warped, corrupted, and filled with dangers they could not survive,
Swords Of Sorrow Vampirella & Jennifer Blood #04
Jennifer determined to avenge the blood of a woman in her opinion, he is trying to formulate it into a murder - Vampirella! But the sudden arrival of the leader of the Los-Muertos Calavera and his heavily armed narcos make vigilance and a vampire to join up in a deadly "cemetery" Tanets.Ofitsialny tie-in epic Sword of grief crossover event,
Secret Six #05
Gail Simone is back with a new 52 debut of fan-favorite team - SECRET six! Six strangers gathered in mysterious circumstances for explosive first question that will leave all to ask: "What is the secret?"
Rat Queens #11
Palisade destroyed and never recovered from the grand battle against the spawn N'Rygoth while rats Queens try to pick up the pieces of their broken links. Hey, we never promised that everything will be candy and medicine.
300 pages | 321.2 мb.

Tags: Oemnibus Oemnibus comics image

Oemnibus (2015)

Publisher: Other
MAD Magazine #534
61 pages | 67.3 мb.

Tags: MAD Magazine MAD
This annual summary of MAD's 20 dumbest people of events and things! Thanks to Miley Cyrus, President Obama,-Rod, Paula Deen and blurred lines, there are plenty of stupidity to go around! Plus our complete sham "as follows:" Planet Tad, MAD Strip Club, MAD Look Sergio Aragones' on overnight, Fold-In and much, much more. Buy it today - it would be
Judge Dredd The Megazine #363
New readers start here! Bevy of new stories from the world of Judge Dredd Judge Dredd with bumper Megazine # 361! This issue includes: Judge Dredd: El Maldito Gordon Rennie, Carlos Ezquerra and Annie Parkhouse; Demon Nick Paul Grist; Storm warning: Relic Leah Moore, John Reppion Tom Foster Kirsty Swan and Simon Bowland; and Lawless: Between
Iron Squad #01 - Red Commando 2
On the Eastern Front, and the last resistance of the Red Army ranges, General Zhukov collect red commandos to save Moscow from the approaching Nazi threat. In their mechanized armor, the greatest heroes of the Red Army, participated in the recent operation is a chance to seize the largest Nazi Mekapanzer and turn it against the German army!
George Romero's Empire of the Dead - Act Three #04
The final chapter of George Romero's epic Empire of the dead saga continues! ELECTION DAY! Chandrake will retain their power, or Chilly Dobbs has his day? Will the elections have a question, and shock and awe tactics uprising threatened the city?! Detective Perez makes a horrifying discovery!
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero #217
Torpedo causes dangerous GI JOE rescue operation in Olliestan, and the odds are stacked against the team, whether they make evacuation time before they are overwhelmed? A tense game of cat and mouse continues in GI Joe: Real American Hero 204 number!
Fathom - Blue Vol.1 #03
24 pages | 40.2 мb.

Tags: Fathom - Blue James Maylander Vince Hernandez
New dangerous enemy is risen! Assembled a team of misfits Admiral Maylander face an enemy that is beyond their capabilities, combined-and they are learning the hard way that their disagreement among themselves can not only cost them their lives, but also the fragile harmony between the blue and the people forever!
Escape From New York #09
Snake's adventure in Siberia comes to a dramatic conclusion as he takes on the strange masked figure from his past.
Doctor Fate #3
25 pages | 30.3 мb.

Tags: Doctor Fate Doctor Fate comics Fate Doc Fate
Initially Helmet of Nabu was created as a repository of the spirit of Naboo. When a person is put on the artifact, Naboo is infused into his body and began to control his behavior. But over time, the spirit of forgotten how to manage own helmet and now can only give advice. You can safely say that the helmet of Nabu is one of the most powerful
Champions #56
22 pages | 31.3 мb.

Tags: Champions Icicle Tigress
ICICLE found a new friend! Or have it? Her name is Jim Tucker, she researcher's Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology, and is an old friend of his older brother's icicle, IceStar. But Jimmy has a secret, and it's something to do, to a certain speed of the green wool riding troublemaker who recently leading the police
Black Canary #3
21 pages | 22.1 мb.

Tags: Black Canary Black Canary comics Canary
The original Black Canary does not possess any superpowers, but was extremely proficient in judo, acting skills and reincarnation. Her costume consisted of a blond wig, fishnet stockings, pirate boots, bustiers and jackets unbuttoned. Initially, she also wore a domino mask, but then this element has been dropped. Black Canary joined the Justice


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