New comics
Secret Origins Special #01
Against the warnings of Batman, the news team produces shows about Gotham criminals, featuring an interview with Penguin henchman, the wife of Two-Face, and he Riddler. Stories include: "The murder of the Pitch": Penguin kidnaps his childhood tormentor, is now a steel toothed criminal named Sharkey, he begins to torture, and to tell the story of
Kamandi - At Earth's End #01-06
6 issues pages | 49.4 мb.

Tags: Kamandi - At Earth's End Ben Boxer Kamandi
6-part series of Elseworlds writer Tom Veitch and artist Frank Gomez Kamandi rethinking how 22th century armed with a leather jacket wearing vigilance apocalyptic future Earth. This was followed by a sequel Superman: At the edge of the Earth.
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #38
Bigby and snow start to slot together the pieces of a murder mystery, and it goes deeper into Fabletown knowledge than they even thought of.
Drafted #02
Extraterrestrial contact was made with the earth! The ultimatum was given: to join their fight or be destroyed! Initial resistance of the Earth as a result of the terrible events of the last question. If we continue to refuse, we will suffer even more. If we agree, we will be thrown into a terrible war. Damn any way ...
Drafted #02
Extraterrestrial contact was made with the earth! The ultimatum was given: to join their fight or be destroyed! Initial resistance of the Earth as a result of the terrible events of the last question. If we continue to refuse, we will suffer even more. If we agree, we will be thrown into a terrible war. Damn any way ...
Drafted #01
It begins as a day like any other. However, in an instant, everything changes ... Today, we learn that we are not alone in the universe. Government will cease to exist. Boundaries are disappearing. The old hatred forgotten - and the people of the land finally united into one, find themselves embroiled in a conflict of unimaginable proportions -
Atom Wakes Vol.1
29 pages | 42.8 мb.

Tags: Atom Wakes Daniel Sasso
Atom wakes up is a ten-year boy who gets lost in undesirable traits after losing all he treasured. Survivors Nuke attacks, brush with certain death, and hidden from the tyrannical leader, all trying to find out the reasons and motives of the alien failed experiment that has left him with incredible powers.
#IFightGhosts - The Spectromancer Chronicles #01
Season 1 hit comics are going for you here and chronicles the story of Darren Palmer, the twenty-something fraudster, who died in an accident, and given a second chance at redemption, serving "Spectromancer". His task is to track down and return the rogue spirits who fled decision limbo. However, Darren is all about personal gain, but instead
Unity Vol.3 - Armor Hunters
In battle with the Armor Hunters! When an ultra-powerful threat from deep space begins brutalizing Earth, humanity's first response is - who else? - The fearless team of heroes, soldiers, and short fuses called Unity! Now it's down to XO Manowar, Ninjak, Eternal Warrior, and Livewire - plus some special surprise recruits - to lead the assault on
The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage
Death was just the beginning ... Doctor Mirage talks to the dead ... but the only spirit Shan Fong can not find is that of her late husband, Hwen. Instead, America's favorite semi-retired paranormal investigator is haunted and raw, using her gift to solve homicides and bring peace to the recently bereaved. But when a big-time occultist with a
Wonder Woman '77 #07
A well-known scientist, jealous of the attention her museum gives Wonder Woman, gets a cat powers through several museum exhibits and becomes a cheetah!
Wayward Vol.1
Rory Lane tries to start a new life when she is reunited with her mother in Japan, but the ancient creatures lurk in the shadow of Tokyo, the sense of something hidden deep inside her, threatening everything she holds dear. Rory might reveal the secrets of its power before it's too late? JIM TOOTH (SKULLKICKERS, Samurai Jack) and Steve CUMMINGS
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #722
Mickey battle giant bugs Scorpion Valley in Part 2 of the epic "Search Zodiac stone!" Then it against Scrooge Beagle Boys in the new Freddy Milton tales!
Valhalla Mad #04
28 pages | 51.1 мb.

Tags: Valhalla Mad Joe Casey
An immortal mistake carries with it extremely mortal consequences. Thou must purchase this comic book!
Ursa Minor #01
In 2022, werewolves endangered species. Vampires are the saviors of humanity and a girl with the power she can barely manage to return is determined by a supernatural balance that nature intended. Tom Hutchinson, the founder Penny for your soul legend Oz takes the concept of lycanthropy and vampires, as well as the dark side of humanity to new
Tiny Titans - Welcome to the Treehouse Vol.1
Find out what life is like for young heroes Sidekick Elementary in this new collection, featuring TINY Titans # 1-6! Kid-Friendly version of the Teen Titans and their rogues gallery star in this fun, light-hearted, all ages romp beautifully written and illustrated by Art Baltazar and Franco (Patrick Wolf Boy)!
Tiny Titans - The Treehouse and Beyond Vol.6
In this new collection of issues # 33-38, tiny Titans look at twins, will meet with his counterparts from the other world, the journey to the center of the Earth, and more! 2011 on EISNER AWARD WINNER!
Tiny Titans - Sidekickin' It Vol.4
As the end approaches, the school, the gang is planning a birthday party for Robin. In addition, Supergirl and Kid Flash have a race around the world and Zatara mixed her magic words, unleashing the fury of furry fun. Collects TINY Titans # 13-18.
Tiny Titans - Return to the Treehouse
Eisner award-winning series is back in a new title, collecting six issues of the series! Superboy and Supergirl to return to the Treehouse, to discover ... it's not enough! Or is it just ... really enough? Who would do such a thing? Find out all your favorite search Tiny Titans answers!
Tiny Titans - Growing Up Tiny! Vol.7
New amount Eisner award-winning series, including many O 'Crocs, super-high-speed racing, Bizarros young love, and the intersection of Doom Patrol Boys! Collects tiny TITANS # 39-44!
Tiny Titans - Field Trippin' Vol.5
In this new collection of tiny Titans, Supergirl baby-sitting Less tiny titans. Then the leaders of the gang in the Fortress of Solitude for a super birthday - which crashed crew of Braniacs. Collects: TINY TITANS # 26-32
Tiny Titans - Adventures In Awesomeness Vol.2
Check in on the young, adorable characters Sidekick Elementary, they are sent into space to get their report cards, turn into monkeys, fall in love and so much more! Collecting issues # 7-12 monthly comic.


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