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Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake - Card Wars #03
What To Love: We had such a blast with Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake series created by Natasha Allegri (Bee and PuppyCat), we could not wait to return to our favorite characters in a brand new story by Jen Wang (in real life) and Britt Wilson (the adventure with Fionna & Cake), which shows the actual Cryptozoic card game, card Wars, which
The Fade Out #09
40 pages | 48.3 мb.

Tags: The Fade Out Ed Brubaker Elizabeth Breitweiser
Southern Cross #05
31 pages | 46.8 мb.

Tags: Southern Cross Becky Cloonan Andy Belanger
Alien artifacts and murder as The Cross veers off course.
Shutter #15
31 pages | 57.5 мb.

Tags: Shutter Joe Keatinge Owen Gieni
Secret origins and death ballads.
Sex Criminals #12
32 pages | 27.4 мb.

Tags: Sex Criminals Jon Johnson Suzie Dickson
Susie and John continue to plan for the worst in the history of entertainment kit assembly sequences of the second act. Getting a group together has never been so much fluid. By Matt Hollywood jerkhole fraction (Odi-C, Satellite SAM, Hawkeye) and literally a shed-full of car keys that somehow manages to draw comics.
ODY-C #07
27 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: ODY-C Matt Fraction
He of Troiia must tell the story of his life—or face its violent end.

ODY-C #07 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Invincible #123
23 pages | 31.3 мb.

Tags: Invincible Atom Eve Terra Grayson
Loose ends are tied up, conflicts are brought to a resolution, a door is that a new one can open.
Wonder Woman #44
28 pages | 36.1 мb.

Tags: Wonder Woman Donna Troy Eris Nikos Aegeus
Wonder Woman is on the trail of Donna Troy, who are seeking asylum in London, Diana and her past. But the new one can be more trouble than help in fleeing Amazon outcast!
Voltron - From the Ashes #01
More than 200 years ago, the Voltron Force fought the last battle against the empire Drule. Voltron has not moved from that battle, but his legacy lives on. Now, the old enemy appeared, and a new Voltron force should be chosen to pilot the Defender of the Universe! Writer Cullen Bunn says, "You do not grow in a day and age of my childhood without
Secret Six #06
What is the secret? In fact, there are more than one and answers shown here. The true identity of Mockingbird was just one of the secrets, and it's not even the most shocking. Plus: Marriage, that should not happen is offered. The man you thought was long gone profits. And at least one of the six is not the person you think they are. (Well, it's a
Rai #10
31 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: Rai Matt Kindt Clayton Crain
Keeper of the New Japan fall to the ground! Fallen, broken, and depowered Rai finds himself captured by the mysterious and savage tribe on Earth! With his friends hunted and tortured back to New Japan, Rai will find help in an unexpected yet familiar face, who knows a thing or two about survival. Matt Kindt, and Clayton Crain continue to work with
Mega Man #53
26 pages | 31.8 мb.

Tags: Mega Man Concrete Man Dr. Wily Guts Man Rush
Blue Bomber returns from the events of the "world" Unite and ready to fight for justice! That's all well and good, if it was not really someone to fight! The "Blue Shift," the world has finally come to life Mega Man, - but what is bad? Is it possible that our super robot fighting came really love fighting, he was once opposed? Meanwhile, Dr. Wylie
Ivar, Timewalker #09
33 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Ivar Timewalker Neela Sethi
All new ARC! Go to the board here! "End of history" - Part 1! As the story falls apart around her, only one person can help save Neil Sethi Ivar -A life time itself and that man ... Ivar! Wait what?! Can Nile learn new ropes TimeWalker time travel as time collapses? Or the universe, finally meet, it's doom? Learn how Harvey Award nominated artist
Harley Quinn #20
As the Los Angeles does not have enough problems with the DC Comics is moving now Harley Quinn is going to take over Tinseltown! It is at once a sense of fun, but the industry is to survive Harley fifteen minutes of fame?
Doomed #04
24 pages | 33.9 мb.

Tags: Doomed Aunt Belle Reiser Wonder Girl
It's a miracle girl vs the doom on the streets of Metropolis! Raiser just an ordinary, everyday teenager who turns into a huge, poisonous doom monster ... But all that flips when he gets the chance to meet his big crush ... only problem is, the idea of the Wonder Girls "crush" is a hit doomed pointless!

Doomed #04 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Doctor Fate #04
Life becomes more difficult for the new Dr. Fate. Now, the ancient god wants to destroy it, the mystical flood threatened to drown, and the riddle of the Sphinx eludes him. Furthermore, homework.
Broken Moon #01
26 pages | 32.6 мb.

Tags: Broken Moon Steve Niles Werewolves Vampires
When the explosions on the Moon Rock the Earth's surface, people are all but wiped out - lets monsters legends grow and take control of a civilization. Vampires, with their polluted cities and human-plant economy, still come out on top - but if werewolves have anything to say about it, vampires rule will not last long ...
Bloodshot Reborn #06
32 pages | 37.2 мb.

Tags: Bloodshot Reborn Bloodshot Jeff Lemire
All new ARC! Go to the board here! "Hunting" - Part 1 Bloodshot hunting. Determined to stop the violent terror that plagues Colorado, Bloodshot journey through the Rocky Mountains to destroy the remaining nanites that led mass murderers occur across the state. But whether drugs, booze, and mad visions rumbling around the head to end its path
Star Wars #09
Light Luke was stolen, and he should get it! Meanwhile, the Imperials close at Han and Leia ... ... Set them a mysterious woman from the past Hana!
Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham #02
John Gallaway rejected a new world Miracleman, rejected, Love denied - until the night Miraclewoman not visited him ... School Rebels strut their stuff and discuss the teen idol of the Golden Age, Johnny Bates, in "Trends". Miracleman explores deeper Infra-space "Search". Including materials originally presented in MIRACLEMAN (1985) No. 18, plus
Lando #04
24 pages | 34.2 мb.

Tags: Lando Lando Calrissian Charles Soule
Lando did with one of the most expensive ships in the galaxy ... But now, one of the most lethal and effective trackers around his tail. Get deceived by smooth-talking in space!
House of M #03
To return all that he had lost, Magneto, the legitimate patriarch of the House of Magnus should enter into an alliance with those he vowed to avoid, Luke Cage and the rest of the human resistance!
Iron Squad #03 - Pacific Invasion #1
On the Eastern Front, and the last resistance of the Red Army ranges, General Zhukov collect red commandos to save Moscow from the approaching Nazi threat. In their mechanized armor, the greatest heroes of the Red Army, participated in the recent operation is a chance to seize the largest Nazi Mekapanzer and turn it against the German army!


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