New comics
Champions #58
27 pages | 37.1 мb.

Tags: Champions Sensational G-Girl Sparkplug
It's not easy to be a beautiful girl. Especially when you used to be a guy! That's why Billy Jane Jensen is ready to do everything possible to get back to the guy. Even if what a naughty black Enchantress says that that is going to take turns to be true. Of course, before she does something like that, she's going to get a second opinion. From
Carpe Noctem #02
As Chelsea learns more about his new powers Scribe, play reckless behavior Dante has infuriated the brothers Isaac Bottwin bring the fate of Rivera before the Board of Underworld. Jays understands that the actions of Dante led to their death, and decides that he is going to kill his brother himself.
Broadsword, P.I. #01
33 pages | 42.4 мb.

Tags: Broadsword P.I. Joshua Wolper Hari Ravi
Broadsword, PI : Book One Greatest Detective Barbarian World goes on adventures in the strange world of hard-boiled fiction. Some comic book heroes live forever. Others are dying all the time. Collection "Crystal Falcon," "Jungle Adventure" and "Hit Head." The first three deaths "A dozen of death" story arc.
BPD #01
29 pages | 36.5 мb.

Tags: BPD Marty Jones Avner Meyrav
Prom Marty Jones, a member of the Baltimore Police Department, knows all too quickly that sometimes wear a badge is not enough. Haunted by the traumatic event, now it is trying to give justice in their own way and settle old scores. This is the first story about the question of morality, fear, overcoming trauma, as well as the ability (or lack

BPD #01 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Big Trouble In Little China #16
Jack accidentally brings the spirit of the Pork-Chop Express to life!
'68 - Last Rites #02
33 pages | 76.4 мb.

Tags: '68 - Last Rites Alice Gleason Faye Kuen
New York, 1970: How to rescue falling from the winter sky, Alice Faye Kuen takes Gleason ago Pitt Island, New Jersey tales of horror and loss. Heroes rise and fall in the dark shadows of the frozen houses the infamous Zodiac pain! The second part of the final climax of the 68th of the universe, with a haunting script by Mark Kidwell and fear
1 Night On Earth
24 pages | 27.8 мb.

Tags: 1 Night On Earth Hong Kong Los Angeles
1 Night in Hong Kong, San Salvador, Miami, Los Angeles and Sydney.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #34
"The siege of the Crystal Empire" Part 1! The mysterious new enemy brings together some of the most villainous characters Equestria attack Crystal Empire! What is their true purpose and our ponies will be able to save the day?
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Van Helsing Vs Dracula #02
Whisper war When the ancient bond between Dracula and Aida found Liesel Van Helsing begins to doubt the one person she trusted. With Mina currently in captivity intentional Dracula Helsing and her team must regroup and figure out how to do something that nobody has ever done before ... to kill the vampire who can not die.
Bizarro #04
Cigam! See you on-Zatanna to meet your match in magic spells backwards when Bizarro and Jimmy break up your act in Branson, Missouri!

Bizarro #04 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Squarriors #04
32 pages | 47.8 мb.

Tags: Squarriors Eli King Rustle Spin
Breakout hit series continues in this penultimate issue in the first series! Rustle and spin secretly followed his meeting with Eli Moe, revealing the true intentions of the defector Tin Kin. Meanwhile, the king orders his tribe, to prepare for the incoming invasion.
Critter #03
35 pages | 60,6 мb.

Tags: Critter Tom Hutchison
New remastered debut from Big Dog Ink imprint Aspen continues! College life can be a little more interesting when you have superheroes as guest speakers, but there is nothing better than slipping into your own superhero costume and go for an evening patrol on the beach - or so you think. Thanks remastered content, exclusive behind the scenes look
DC week - The New 52 (16.09.2015, week 37)
Collection DC Comics for 16.09.2015 (37 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #2 2. Black Canary #4 3. Constantine The Hellblazer #4 4. Doomed #4 5. Dr Fate #4 6. Green Lantern The Lost Army #4 7. Harley Quinn #20 8. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #20 9. Martian Manhunter #4 10. Prez #4 11. Robin Son Of
Collection Marvel (16.09.2015, week 37)
16 comics pages | 652.4 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 16.09.2015 week 37
Collection Marvel Comics for 16.09.2015 (37 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Armor Wars #05 2. All-New Hawkeye #05 3. Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier #11 4. Agent Carter - S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #01 5. Age of Apocalypse #04 6. Captain America - White #01 7. Guardians of Knowhere #04 8. Infinity Gauntlet #04 9. House of M
Lumberjanes #18
28 pages | 42,4 мb.

Tags: Lumberjanes Abigail Jen Rosie
Which side does Jen choose Abigail and Rosie?! While Abigail tries to lure the monster that she could kill him (which is all kinds of crazy), Jen goes bearwoman for help.
Lumberjanes #18
27 pages | 55,5 мb.

Tags: Lumberjanes Abigail Jen Rosie
Which side does Jen choose Abigail and Rosie?! While Abigail tries to lure the monster that she could kill him (which is all kinds of crazy), Jen goes bearwoman for help.
Secret Identities #07
Double the size of the series finale! World frontline is shocked when the truth comes out of the side of cheating. It will have to survive the final victory of the offender? Everything ends here!
Manifest Destiny #17
30 pages | 60.5 мb.

Tags: Manifest Destiny Chris Dingess Owen Gieni
Who—or what—is the fabled Vameter?
The Fiction #04
26 pages | 45 мb.

Tags: The Fiction Kassie Max
Max and Cassie delve into fiction for the first time in many years, to find Tyler, only to find that place that was once filled with the magic of childhood has become warped, corrupted, and filled with dangers they could not survive,
Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier #11
"CUDDLE TIME" After the climax. The end is coming. There might be a little death.


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