New comics
Airboy #04
29 pages | 42.1 мb.

Tags: Airboy Greg Hinkle James Robinson
The twisted, drug-fueled finale! Is this a dream, reality, or somewhere in between? All JAMES ROBINSON and GREG HINKLE know is that now that they're in Airboy's world and not the bars of San Francisco, they have to put down the bottle, put away the drugs, zip up their flies—and actually act like heroes. Except they don't know how to be heroes.
The Uncanny Avengers #02
The devastation in Boston worsens, and the Uncanny Avengers fight a world gone mad. An unexpected figure makes a surprise entrance. So, hang on -- Deadpool is STILL an Avenger?
War Stories #14
21 pages | 29.6 мb.

Tags: War Stories Garth Ennis
As the aerial bombardment of Japan steps up a notch, disaster beckons when the escort pilots flying from Iwo Jima find themselves with more than just the enemy to contend with. Life on the remote island gets better by degrees, but an unexpected guest at dinner brings our heroes face to face with the realities of the war they’re fighting. Most
Unity #24
32 pages | 48.2 мb.

Tags: Unity Eternal Warrior GIN_GR Helix Livewire Malgam
Unity vs. the Armor Hunters…rematch! GIN-GR, the reformed killer robot who destroyed Mexico City and rampaged through downtown Los Angeles during the Armor Hunters’ attack, has turned on her Unity teammates! As she perpetrates the world’s most unstoppable jailbreak – a head-first, guns-blazing, kamikaze flight straight into the military
Lantern City #07
26 pages | 55.8 мb.

Tags: Lantern City Kendal Sander Jorve
Rattled by the revelation that Killian is more dangerous than he’d realized, Sander ventures back into the Underground in search of his missing wife.
Hellbreak #08
25 pages | 38.8 мb.

Tags: Hellbreak
God is Dead #44
24 pages | 37.5 мb.

Tags: God is Dead Mike Costa
The genie is out of the bottle and the gods are amok once more. But now with no memory of antiquity they are ravenous with the power to kill and demand fealty. Gluttonous deities descend upon an unknowing mortal plane and the resulting destruction pushes the planet once more toward oblivion. Mike Costa delivers a new and terrifying chapter in the
Crossed +100 #11
23 pages | 44.2 мb.

Tags: Crossed 100 Future Taylor Simon Spurrier
Simon Spurrier has created some of the most fantastic and frightening visions of horror in comics. And now the Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe has taken the breathing world of Crossed +100 created by Alan Moore to new places with a terrifying arc. Future Taylor has seen close up that the Crossed have changed both in their behavior and their
The Shadow #04
24 pages | 39.6 мb.

Tags: The Shadow Cullen Bunn
The secrets of the Last Illusion become intertwined with the work of writer H.P. Lovecraft. What warning did Lovecraft try to pass on to Houdini before his death? Will the shocking revelation of these secrets help the Shadow... or destroy him?
Red Sonja - Conan #04
26 pages | 51.3 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja - Conan Conan Kal'ang Red Sonja
Red Sonja and Conan have stormed a fortress intent on finding and stopping the wizard Kal'Ang. They are startled to discover an even greater foe from their past. Can their willpower match the mind of a sorcerer? It will take more than speed and strength to save them this time, but the Cimmerian and the fire haired warrior women will never give up
Imperium #10
“THE VINE IMPERATIVE” boils over! The world is suspended within balances of power. Tense and delicate terms of peace, crisscrossing and humming just below the surface. The Vine plantings, undercover alien spies of a galaxy-spanning race, hold positions of influence all over the planet. Toyo Harada, Earth’s most unstoppable psiot, amassed a
The Twilight Children #02
33 pages | 27.1 мb.

Tags: The Twilight Children Gilbert Hernandez
Children will be blinded. Lovers will cheat. Beautiful alien girls will walk the beach. A psychedelic world made of light will present itself to the lucky or the damned. Find out what’s making this sleepy Latin American town so surreal.
Red Hood-Arsenal #06
Roy and Jason have been through a lot with their new start-up business, and a therapy session to vent a few grievances seems like just what the doctor ordered. Too bad Sera Phina and her team of villains are finally assembled and ready to launch their attack!
Rebels #08
26 pages | 60.3 мb.

Tags: Rebels Seth Abbott Silence Bright
Two standalone stories in this issue! Meet Silence Bright, “Liberty’s Daughter,” who runs an underground print shop in occupied Boston in a tale with art by guest artist Ariela Kristantina (Deep State). Main series artist Andrea Mutti returns with “Occupation,” a Seth Abbott story set during the Great Fire of New York that touches on a
Infinity Gauntlet #05
The Infinity Stones are assembled and all of Battleworld is in danger. Can the Nova family possibly out-flank Thanos?
Harrow County #07
30 pages | 95.3 мb.

Tags: Harrow County Emmy Cullen Bunn
When your twin is the evil half of a dead witch that can control monsters and the undead, a joyful reunion just isn’t in the cards—which means there’s only one option for Emmy: war!
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero #219
As suspicious Cobra activity flares up around the globe, Hawk leads a strike team to try and get to the bottom of the sinister organization’s latest plot. But the deeper G.I. Joe digs, the more chilling Cobra’s master plan becomes…
Chewbacca #03
22 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: Chewbacca Zarro Gerry Duggan
All-New Wolverine #01
32 pages | 54.8 мb.

Tags: All-New Wolverine X-23 Tom Taylor
LAURA KINNEY EMBRACES HER DESTINY. HERE! COMES! WOLVERINE! X-23 was created to be a weapon and for a time, that's all she was. But with the help of her mentor, LOGAN-the original WOLVERINE-she escaped that dark past. Tragically, Logan has fallen, but Laura will continue in his footsteps as a hero. Recent events have her doing everything in her
2000AD #1956
32 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd
Zodiac Starforce #03
27 pages | 42.2 мb.

Tags: Zodiac Starforce Diana Emma Martin
Desperate to save team leader Emma, the rest of Zodiac Starforce risk opening a portal to the dangerous realm of Nephos to find a cure. But when the tiny portal rips asunder and monsters start spilling out of it and overrunning the town, Zodiac Starforce will need all the help they can get to defeat the evil goddess Cimmeria, her monster legion,
Web Warriors #01
All of your favorite web-slinging wonders from SPIDER-VERSE, together in one place! It's high-stakes action when ELECTRO threatens all of reality! From their base on Earth-001, it's up to SPIDER-GWEN, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, SPIDER-MAN INDIA, SPIDER-UK, SPIDER-HAM and a TON of other surprise spider-guest stars to stop him!
Transformers Robots In Disguise #04
THE ANSWERS! BUMBLEBEE's search for the truth about the rival AUTOBOT TEAM on Earth leads TEAM BEE to a thief with deep connections… but knowing the truth may be worse than getting lied to.
The Maxx Maxximized #25
21 pages | 31.4 мb.

Tags: The Maxx Maxximized Maxx Sarah James
Sara and Horse-Maxx struggle to contain the exploding Pink Fairies they rescue from the lake. As they try to keep them on ice, literally, and hide them from Sara's roommate.


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