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The X-Files Classics - Ground Zero
Adapts the best-selling novel by Kevin J. Anderson. Dr. Gregory, a renowned nuclear weapons researcher, is not only dead–he's been charred to a radioactive cinder. Since this is a death on federal property, Mulder and Scully are hastily called in. When a second victim, completely unrelated to nuclear science or Dr. Gregory is obliterated in the
The Wastelands #01
108 pages | 81.5 мb.

Tags: The Wastelands Petitecreme
The Wastelands: Book 1 In a world where Gods and people lived together, how do the people cope when their deities all suddenly disappear? Continuing from Rahu's story. Amy, a college student suddenly finds herself in the Wastelands. The story continues as she discovers the people of the Wastes surviving without the Gods.
Pirates of Mars Vol.1 - Love and Revenge
Follow the adventures of Captain Lovelace as she plunders the skies of Mars, evades a dangerously obsessed Admiral, and tries to keep her dysfunctional crew from mutiny. Love & Revenge collects issues 1-3 of Pirates of Mars. Plus Bonus Sketchbook section.
Jughead and Archie Comics Digest #04
The gang has created a masterpiece: the ULTIMATE sand sculpture to put all boring old sandcastles to shame! Unfortunately, what—or WHO—they discover buried underneath their sculpture threatens to ruin their chances of winning the grand prize in the sand sculpture contest. Find out if they can be the kings and queens of their sandcastle in
Heavy Metal #272
116 pages | 118.2 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Vittorio Astone Zeljko Pahek
Deck the halls with balls of steel! Or something like that! Heavy Metal celebrates the holidaze by launching Enki Bilal's epic "Julia & Roem," kicking off Erika Lewis' stunning new graphic novel, "The 49th Key," and introducing horror writer Matt Farrell to our unhallowed pages with his short story "R.I.P."! And that's just the beginning! Cover by
Heavy Metal #271
117 pages | 26.2 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Fearless Dawn William Broad
Asylum Press Special! Heavy Metal and Asylum Press team up to bring you a Halloween sci-fi/horror spectacular that is sure to corrupt your deviant mind! Featuring all new stories from the Asylum inmates: Steve Mannion delivers a nod to Moebius in "Prayer...", a Fearless Dawn yarn, William Broad gives us "Priests of the Black Death" where an order
Heavy Metal #270
117 pages | 27.4 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Enki Bilal
Heavy Metal bids a found farewell to summer with another rampaging collection of comics featuring barbarians, zombies, space vixens, vampires and more - you know, the usual stuff to warm the cockles of your heart! Featuring Bilal's ANIMAL'Z and introducing the wickedly talented Wren Nowan to the magazine! Cover and Gallery by world-renowned game
Betty's Cool Fashions
Beautiful, practical, cool clothes on a budget—that’s Betty Cooper’s approach to fashion! She’s Riverdale High’s biggest sweetheart, and always dresses the part. No matter how small her budget is, Bettty makes it work! Let Betty give you a down-to-earth fashion show with over 100 pages of her hottest fashions. Can her BFF Veronica handle
Assassin's Creed #02
Events in Salem turn terrifying as Assassin Tom Stoddard faces the townspeople’s rising hysteria while they bay for the blood of supposed witches. Viewing his memories, Charlotte witnesses how deep the feud with the Templars goes – and how brutal the choices to be made in her new life will be!
Archie's Funhouse Double Digest #03
Meet Ultra-Teen: Chuck's new superhero creation. He's super fast, super strong, and he's got x-ray vision! He only uses his powers for good -- but can too much good be a bad thing? Find out if Ultra-Teen's goody two shoes behavior can save the day -- and save his friendships -- in this super lead story!


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