New comics
35 pages | 37 мb.

Tags: Dreamtime Dreamtime comics

Dreamtime (1995)

Publisher: Other
Spring #02 - Undertow
119 pages | 164.1 мb.

Tags: Spring Bill Jemas Young Heller
Hot sun, hot babes, and the cold decaying flesh of the zombie horde. She wore an itsy bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka dot the Apocalypse. It's co-eds vs. the undead.
Soul #02 - Good Mourning
120 pages | 115.9 мb.

Tags: Soul Ben Chief McClelland
The posse shoots to kill, but Ben survives. Too bad it's all downhill from here. As the tale unwinds, Chief McClelland and the posse suspect that Ben may not be telling them the whole truth. And they might be right. Good thing Ben has a hard head.
Smut Peddler - 2014 Edition
A superior pornucopia for classy dames (and the forward-thinking gentleman)! Smut Peddler is the world's sexiest anthology of woman-centric comic book smut. The 2014 edition features a dream team of artists and writers, an all-star cast of creators premiering the finest filth you're gonna find in comics.
Smut Peddler
Indie comics' most sex-positive, lady-friendly, dirty little mini is back as a FULL-SIZED ANTHOLOGY! Smut Peddler began life in 2003 as a digest-sized minicomic, published by Saucy Goose Press. There were three volumes of those fun, beautiful, erotic comics, followed by a years-long publishing hiatus... Until now! Featuring the work of Carla Speed
Slab #02 - Fresh Flesh
122 pages | 103.7 мb.

Tags: Slab Dr. Grimes Bill Jemas
Even a Brain a-day can't keep this doctor away. Things get weird in the lab when Dr. Grimes feeds a zombie sandwiches, all in the name of science.
Silver Surfer Epic Collection- Freedom
The sentinel of the spaceways soars again! After years trapped on Earth, the Silver Surfer finally breaks free of Galactus's barrier and returns to the stars. His full Power Cosmic restored, he heads for Zenn-La. But the old saying holds true: You can't go home again. While the age-old war between the Kree and the Skrulls heats up once again, the
Rise #02 - Last Generation
180 pages | 245.7 мb.

Tags: Rise Barbara Johnny
Johnny and Barbara escape from the undead, live through the night, than pick up a hitchhiker on their way home. No good deed goes unpunished.
JLA Shogun of Steel
A rocketship from an exploding planet Krypton lands not in Smallville, but rather war-torn 14th century feudal Japan. When the baby from Krypton grows into a man, Hoshi, he is convinced by a ragtag band of warriors - Elseworlds versions of the Flash, Hawkman, and Batgirl, among others - to join a rebellion against the oppressive and cunning
DC Comics - Bombshells #18
On an Allied base at sea, Amanda Waller and Barda Free gather the Bombshells-Wonder Woman, Aquawoman, Supergirl and Stargirl, and their latest additions. Amanda warns them that the coming war is one of magic and steel, and that the Bombshells must rise and risk everything they know and love to fight this cruelty of the world.


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