New comics
Collection Marvel (29.01.2025. week 5)
14 issues pages | 926.1 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel Marvel Marvel comics 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection Marvel Comics for 29.01.2025. (week 5). The collection includes such comics: 1. Ultimate Spider-Man - Infinity Comic 013 2. X-Men 010 3. Sabretooth - The Dead Don't Talk 002 4. Storm - Lifedream 00 5. Psylocke 003 6. What If... Galactus - Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen 001 7. West Coast Avengers 003 8. Ultimate X-Men 011 9. Star Wars
DC comics week (29.01.2025. week 5)
5 issues pages | 515.3 мb.

Tags: DC comics week DC comics DC 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection DC Comics for 29.01.2025 (5 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. DC Connect 057 2. DC Power - Rise of the Power Company 001 3. DC's Lex and the City 001 4. Superman - Lex Luthor Special 001 5. Green Lantern 019
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