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The Devil's Rejects
A family bought together through a passion for death and mayhem. First appearing in the film House of 1000 corpses the family are now appearing in the comic of the same name as the sequel to the film. The comic contains tales of the family mostly told by the father Captain Spaulding. Rob Zombie writes and creates his characters into Comic form
Haunted Horror #29
48 pages | 276.9 мb.

Tags: Haunted Horror Dr. Odd
Social guest horror host Dr. Odd (a.k.a. David O’Dell) foists his great bug gobs of greasy grimy horror tales on the rancid readers. This face-melting issue includes: “Dead Rite!”, “Death of a Doll”, “Mother’s Advice”, “Tag…You’re It”, “The Body Maker”, and the bloody “Vein of Irony!”
Haunted Horror #19
48 pages | 151.5 мb.

Tags: Haunted Horror Mr. Karswell.
A terrifying Spook-tacular Halloween Ish! Steve Banes of the infamous “The Horrors of It All” pre-code comics blog, assembles, Frankenstein-like, this Halloween horror-winner of a comic book! Tremble and read if you dare this frightful fare: “Out of the Black Night”, “Trick or Treat” and many more morbid tales! This Halloween eye-candy
24 - Legacy - Rules of Engagement #04
The clock has been reset with 24: Legacy, and this limited series explores the past of its new leading character, Eric Carter, who led the elite squad responsible for killing an infamous terrorist leader and, consequently, forced into hiding. But before he was a national hero and a wanted man, Carter learned the Rules of Engagement in the streets
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