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Haunted Horror #10
54 pages | 141.8 мb.

Tags: Haunted Horror Art Fuentes Mike Howlett
Walking Dead! Ghouls, pursuing! Ghosts say! This full-color comics ice specializes in painfully restore comics from the 50s with a brilliant old school art and wonkiest horrific scenarios. Each story (best read with a flashlight under the covers, and doors and windows tightly bolted) pokolyuye spine! So good it's scary!
Haunted Horror #09
This issue digs a bevy of the most horrific, bloody, gratuitous comic books that have been banned in the fifties and should probably be banned again - but we are in any way you publishing this sick stuff! Amazing spine-tingling art, Bizarro story ... kind of like a horror fans!
Minimum Wage #04
30 pages | 41 мb.

Tags: Minimum Wage Rob Hoffman Bob Fingerman
Hard to tell if this celebration or drugs, but on the heels of Rob signing a new lease, he and the boys hit the city hard in the maelstrom of alcohol fueld. Hot girls coat mafia, gangsters Jock, and more fill the fourth chapter so real-it-hurts Finherman in series BOB.
The X-Files Annual 2014
The main part of the story focuses on the efforts of special agents aimed at disclosure of government conspiracy. Mysterious people from the shadow of the U.S. government, known as the Syndicate (Eng. The Syndicate), Consortium or hide the existence of UFOs and the political elite communication with extraterrestrials
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #7
25 pages | 34.2 мb.

Tags: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Hester Di Vito Fajardo 2014
The long-awaited continuation of the Agents G.R.O.M.a! The team is going to disembarrass the captivity of his fellow Spider! You will also learn a terrible secret about the price of force lightning!
Transformers Windblade #1
For centuries, two races of robotic aliens - the Autobots and the Decepticons - led war, in which the rate was the fate Bselennoy. And so the war spread to the Earth. At a time when the forces of evil seek the key to supreme power, our last chance for salvation is in the hands of the young earthling. The only thing that stands between the evil
Powerpuff Girls #7
Beware, Townsville! There is not no party like Party Monster Island, and these Beasties spend their holidays in your city exhibition! Will the Powerpuff Girls can stop them before they completely trash the place? In the first part of a special issue of History 2 Derek Charm!
Powerpuff Girls #6
Squat in Townsville citizens fear for I, MOJO JOJO back! Not even your Announces request is safe from my influence, because I'm all-powerful and supremely clever. You have been chosen to bare witness the final destruction of Townsville - because this is my plan to demolish this unfortunate city once and for all, along with those annoying Powerpuff
Powerpuff Girls #8
Osterіgaytesya zlochin for Misto Taunsvіll in Danian hour perepovneny geroїv! Tse vіrno, CEN-Lihodії ob'єdnalisya time Krutі dіvchata zahisnikami tsієї spravedlivoї mista! Nіchogo sobі, Blossom buv rights, leather dіysno zaslugovuє another chance vreshtі-Rasht! Pochekayte Ale ... Scho Tse sound? De scho evil smіh coming? Oh, Ni,
Samurai Jack #07
23 pages | 48 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Scotsman Brittney Williams
In this issue: The fans demanded it and IDW supplies - return Scot! Humungous mountain bully and stoic samurai stalwart team again! This time they fight against strange mystical curse that-well, that part of the secret, but trust us, this Doozy!
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #4
All Cutie Crusaders did everything you can think of to get their Cutie marks. But there is a creature of chaos that might have some ideas that they would never think of ... discord! When our pint-sized heroine started with unpredictable trickster, the results are bound to get fancy! Ponyville will be able to survive their friendship?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Color Classics #6
Return to this classic TMNT Mirage in full glorious color! Fun and relaxing picnic turns into action-drama for our heroes as they are unexpectedly thrust into the struggle with militant servayvelistov, all while racing to defuse a nuclear bomb is primed to start a third world war!
Rocky & Bullwinkle #2
Evil Leader (Fearless Leader) wants to force America to make him president, and protein Rocky, Bullwinkle moose and FBI agent Karen Sympathy trying to stop him. Angry Leader uses channel RBTV and hypnotizing your device for the American people. Do saviors just a few hours to stop the Leader.
Deadworld - Restoration #05
The few surviving lepers learn about the power and ferocity grakken Bowker and must confront Moloch and the two of them, their plans in motion. But do they work together? Donna, still desperately trying to restore his daughter sends a massive army of zombies to attack New Washington. Continuing the saga of the long zombie classic!
Judge Dredd #18
"Badges, Part 2." With the judge being killed at an alarming rate, and chaos breaks out in different blocks Dredd more determined than ever to find the murderer-former judge who was crazy about cloned and placed in jail. But the case has attracted Dredd at the crossroads of the Special Judicial Squad, who think he is guilty of all the troubles
Judge Dredd – Mega-City Two #3
fictional hero comics British science fiction anthology 2000 AD. Dredd - American law enforcement officer in the city of the future Mega City, where the judge, dressed in uniforms, combine the powers of police, judge and executioner. Dredd and his colleagues are empowered to ensure that arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot. The
X-Files Classics Vol.2
258 pages | 680.9 мb.

Tags: X-Files Classics Cancer Man Mulder Scully
The truth is ... here! Re-connect with Mulder and Scully as they unravel an all-new mystery only seen in comics! This second collection includes stories such as "feelings of unreality", "one player only," "Home of the Brave," "Night Lights" and more. Collects X-Files #10-19 and Wizard ВЅ.

IDW Publishing Comics

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