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Samurai Jack #15
23 pages | 66.1 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Scotsman Brittney Williams
[right][/right]In this issue: The fans demanded it and IDW supplies - return Scot! Humungous mountain bully and stoic samurai stalwart team again! This time they fight against strange mystical curse that-well, that part of the secret, but trust us, this Doozy!
The Transformers #36
Upon its ending, it was replaced by two ongoing series, Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye, which pick up directly from here. These are the final days of the civil war that has ravaged Cybertron and countless other worlds. The fighting will end and one side, Autobot or Decepticon, will come out on top.
Judge Dredd - Mega City Two
Dredd is headed Californee way! As part of the judicial exchange program, Dredd is sent packing for two Mega-City, a sprawling city, covering 5,000 square miles of the Californian West Coast and in the center that was once known as Los Angeles, where he soon discovers that they do things in another there.
The X-Files - Season 10 #19
25 pages | 37.4 мb.

Tags: The X-Files - Season 10 Mulder Scully
Abortion clinic bombing leads Scully and Mulder investigate a group of right-Helmed by a teenage girl who claims to hear God's voice in her head. But its actions are far from heaven ...
108 pages | 150.6 мb.

Tags: KISS Kids Celestial Chikara Demon Starchild
Introducing adventure Li'l demon, Starchild, Catkid and Spacey ... Kiss Kids gang! It's Rockin 'New comic offers adventures for all ages (and many in-jokes and familiar characters kiss believer, too). No blood or fire here, just laughs and fun stories about young costumed maniacs and crazy city in which they live. Also features an all-new

KISS Kids (2014)

Publisher: IDW
Airboy Archives Vol.1
314 pages | 1017.7 мb.

Tags: Airboy Archives Airboy Skywolf Valkyrie
Airboy, Valkyrie, and Skywolf back! As the original Airboy killed his son Davey Nelson takes on the cabin to avenge ottsa.Vysokogo flight adventure series Eclipse, comics comes roaring to life. Collects the first 16 issues Airboy including backup Skywolf stories, starting with the release number 9.
Rogue Trooper - Last Man Standing
Nu-Earth, just another planet ravaged by war throughout the galaxy, its atmosphere is poisoned by chemical weapons. Created to fight in such conditions have been genetically engineered GIS Marines. But now there was only one, the man known as ... Rogue Trooper. Join renowned author Brian Ruckley and artist Alberto Ponticelli in this new series.
Fever Ridge - A Tale of MacArthur's Jungle War Vol.1
South Pacific theater of World War II, as a rule, considered from the point of view of marines fighting on Guadalcanal to Okinawa. Unsung in WWII fiction story of the 6th Army 6th Infantry Division ("in Sightseein" Sixth ") and their jungle commandos, the Alamo Scouts, commanded by General Walter Kreuger, a trusted lieutenant and savvy" American
Shadow Show #01
26 pages | 44.1 мb.

Tags: Shadow Show Joe Hill
In the Shadow Show, famous writers and come together to pay tribute to the work of a single by Ray Bradbury, incomparable literary artist who gave us such timeless classics as Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, and Dandelion Wine. The first is the "silver water in Lake Champlain," written by Joe Hill and adapted by Jason
Judge Dredd #25
"Badges, Part 2." With the judge being killed at an alarming rate, and chaos breaks out in different blocks Dredd more determined than ever to find the murderer-former judge who was crazy about cloned and placed in jail. But the case has attracted Dredd at the crossroads of the Special Judicial Squad, who think he is guilty of all the troubles
The Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #4
Comics themselves narrate opposition elite (mostly American) units GI Joe vs. Cobra international grouping. Cobra has extensive resources and contacts around the world and hopes to capture the entire planet. Pinned: Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro, Serpentor, Tomax and Xamot, Major Bludd, Dr. Mindbender, Storm Shadow.
The X-Files - Year Zero #5
24 pages | 29.8 мb.

Tags: The X-Files Year Zero X-Files comics Alex Krycek
In the remote deserts of the Middle East show the most terrible weapon of alien colonists - "black oil" weapons of mass destruction, capable of controlling the rights and regenerate it. That Mulder and Scully are taken to detect and isolate the source, and in this case involved Alex Krycek considered dead?
G.I. Joe v4 #3
23 pages | 40.2 мb.

Tags: G.I. Joe v4. G.I. Joe G.I. Joe comics Cobra
Elite Units of America's best prepared for counter-terrorism operations. They are the only protection against the murderous terrorist organization "Cobra".
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40
Once an immigrant from Japan Hamato Yoshi bought pets - four turtles. But under the influence of mutagen Yoshi turned into polukrysu-polucheloveka Splinter and turtles grew to enormous size and acquired human traits and qualities. Underground in a sewer pipe, Splinter raised them as his own sons by teaching discipline, philosophy and martial arts
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #18
Mechagodzilla madness abounds as the new villain makes his plan known! He aims to raise the strongest of Godzilla. But what's the secret of his allies help? The answer will shock you!
Samurai Jack #14
24 pages | 53.6 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Scotsman Brittney Williams
[right][/right]In this issue: The fans demanded it and IDW supplies - return Scot! Humungous mountain bully and stoic samurai stalwart team again! This time they fight against strange mystical curse that-well, that part of the secret, but trust us, this Doozy!
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #35
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!
The Transformers – Drift – Empire of Stone #1
Drift: Empire of Stone - IDW comic book series for the first generation. Events occurring after the Drift left aboard the Lost Light. Editions series will come out from November 2014 to February 2015.
The October Faction #02
Infidelity and spells can lead to some strange Bedfellows as Frederick tries to convince their children to avoid his footsteps at any cost (it's hard enough trying to keep the family together without mechanical monsters knocking at the window and a strange ghost living in the closet). All in a days work for Allans in Gristlewood, USA.
The Maxx - Maxximized #13
Sara reflected on her grandmother and went weird connection, while the old man in a nursing home runs off into the parking lot, chasing imaginary space korablya.Personal nursing home convinced the old man dementia, but there seems to be a connection between his imagination and Outback. Meanwhile, Julie reinvent itself, revealing, among other
Indestructible #09
34 pages | 48.9 мb.

Tags: Indestructible Barry Greg Pincus Tarr
How sinister plan Tarr revealed that up to Barry to save the hero and civilian alike. Including Greg, who kinda, sorta, and more. Outnumbered, outgunned, and out of his league because, most likely, Barry look slim. But "Farmstrong" just might rise to the occasion, suggesting that it can avoid the paramilitary guards Tarr, and distraction open bar

IDW Publishing Comics

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