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Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye Vol.6
MEGATRON takes control of the quest to find the Knights of Cybertron, a quest that has never been so urgent, so personal, and so is likely to end in tears. However, the crew of the missing light is not so eager to do his bidding and, as always, the latest decision will come back to bite them. Collects issues # 28-33.
Transformers - Dark Cybertron Vol.2
Output to 12 parts epic DARK Cybertron! Optimus Prime and MEGATRON join forces against the shock wave! Titans clash and the final battle will leave the planet changed forever. Collects Robots in Disguise # 25-27, More Than Meets The Eye # 26-27, and dark Cybertron # 2.
Transformers - Dark Cybertron Vol.1
The end of everything! Shock wave takes a step in the millions of years of planning and the ultimate goal to alter and destroy Cybertron as the Autobots and Decepticons! Combining casts hit more than meets the eye and robots in disguise for the first time in two years!
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Classics Vol.4
210 pages | 281.7 мb.

Tags: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Classics Dynamo Menthor NoMan
Original classic adventure Dynamo, Noman, Menthor, and more from THUNDER Agents # 11 Generate, Noman в„– 1-2, and Dynamo # 3.
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Classics Vol.3
214 pages | 251.9 мb.

Tags: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Classics Dynamo Menthor NoMan
Original classic adventure Dynamo, Noman, Menthor, and more from THUNDER Agents # 8-10 and gives Dynamo # 2. Features artwork by Wally Wood, Dan Adkins, Mike Sekowsky, elegant stone, and much more.
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #02
Between dimensional search Powerpuff Girls "for a mutant sister Dee Dee Dexter brought them to the threshold of Courage the Cowardly Dog! But when they are mistaken for dog sitters, the girls find themselves thrust into an alarming nightmare that is the life of courage. In addition, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Bloo story begins "small
Shadow Show #04
22 pages | 40,8 мb.

Tags: Shadow Show Audrey Niffenegger Neil Gaiman
In the Shadow Show, proclaimed writers and come together to pay tribute to the work of a single by Ray Bradbury! The first story featured is "The man who forgot Ray Bradbury," wrote Neil Gaiman with art Mary Frohlich, who peers into the mind of a man who sifts through his memories in an attempt to restore the name of the famous Polytechnic
G.I. Joe v4 #6
23 pages | 36,5 мb.

Tags: G.I. Joe v4. G.I. Joe G.I. Joe comics Cobra
Elite Units of America's best prepared for counter-terrorism operations. They are the only protection against the murderous terrorist organization "Cobra".
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #14
All Cutie Crusaders did everything you can think of to get their Cutie marks. But there is a creature of chaos that might have some ideas that they would never think of ... discord! When our pint-sized heroine started with unpredictable trickster, the results are bound to get fancy! Ponyville will be able to survive their friendship?
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #21
Mechagodzilla madness abounds as the new villain makes his plan known! He aims to raise the strongest of Godzilla. But what's the secret of his allies help? The answer will shock you!
Star Trek New Visions #05
Following last years highly successful " Strange New Worlds " fotoroman , John Byrne once again sail aboard the Starship: Enterprise , this time with a constant bimonthly series that starts going through the looking glass , to tell a story about what happened after the classic " mirror , Mirror " episode of the original series . The crew discovers
Star Trek Planet Of The Apes #03
It's never a crossover nobody ever expected! Star Trek: the hope for a better future! Planet of the Apes: chilling look at the fall of humanity! How could these worlds may face? What could cause the Captain Kirk and the crew of the company in the direction of a doctor Zaius, to protect the city of monkeys? And that Colonel George Taylor have to
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #38
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!
The Transformers #38
Upon its ending, it was replaced by two ongoing series, Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye, which pick up directly from here. These are the final days of the civil war that has ravaged Cybertron and countless other worlds. The fighting will end and one side, Autobot or Decepticon, will come out on top.
Haunted Horror #15
48 pages | 132.7 мb.

Tags: Haunted Horror Drazen Kozjan
Caution Dead walk again! In accordance with this terrible Bernard Bailey cover you will find a crypt full of never-reprinted Pre-Code horror comics classic geniuses! Comics US Senate, Dr. Frederic Wertham, and your mom does not want you! You will discover a horrible, bloody, terrible and shocking history of art in these forbidden comic - all
O Black #1
34 pages | 48.7 мb.

Tags: O Black O Black comics

O Black #1 (2015)

Publisher: IDW
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #43
Major battle on the island Burnow unfolds! Turtles will be able to help Fugitoid, to disable Technodrome before it's too late? Meanwhile, Splinter and Mutanimals go against the Koran and the leg!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - New Animated Adventures #20
Michelangelo discovered the hidden truth behind the strange behavior of each! With his brothers out of action as a result of the devastating psychic attack, it's up to T-shirts to save the day!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutanimals #01
Old stove, Slash, Herman The Hermit Crab, Mondo Gecko and dove Pete became a force to be reckoned with in the TMNT constant - and now they have their own mini-series in which they work together will be put to the ultimate test! When someone close to the group kidnapped, then Mutanimals end up on an adventure wilder and more dangerous than they
Garbage Pail Kids - Love Stinks
In December Garbage Pail Kids dragged kicking and screaming into the world of comics. Now, these rascals are right where you would expect to find them ... in love? This can not be true, you say? Well, if not so fond of the CPC, we do not want to be in order. So join the children, and they are celebrating Valentine's Day is the only way they know
G.I. Joe Snake Eyes - Agent of Cobra #02
DESTRO, one of the leading investigators cobra, was captured. As metal masked Maverick will be transferred to the new prison, jailbreak triggered by none other than ... Snake Eyes! With Destro free and eyes snake cobra in check, a mission that will awaken the world of GI Joe begins!

IDW Publishing Comics

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