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Wynonna Earp #03
24 pages | 26 мb.

Tags: Wynonna Earp Beau Smith IDW
After bringing down Mars Del Rey’s cannibal cartel, Wynonna Earp needs to unwind… what better way to do that than chasing down a dangerous half-demon fugitive with the help of a new partner? All in a day’s work for the U.S. Marshals Black Badge division’s finest!
The Hollows
94 pages | 175.6 мb.

Tags: The Hollows Chris Ryall
Sam Kieth and Chris Ryall transport you to a near-future Japan, where burned-out husks-the Hollows-wantonly devour souls throughout the city. Far above, a segment of society lives safely in giant tree-cities, but the problems below have a way of growing out of control

The Hollows (2013)

Publisher: IDW
Strawberry Shortcake #01
Strawberry Shortcake returns to comics! And along with her comes the return of one of her most nefarious foes, the Purple Pie Man! Join us for the launch of this berry special two-part story re-introducing everyone’s favorite bad baker to the current Strawberry Shortcake mythos!
Mars Attacks - Occupation #02
The Martians came. The Martians saw. The Martians conquered. Now the space invaders cruelly rule over humanity, which has no hope for liberation... until Ruby Johnson decided she had enough and started fighting back.
106 pages | 134.6 мb.

Tags: D4VE2 54LLY 5COTTY B3TH D4VE Gale ST3V3
ONE YEAR LATER. With the world seemingly at peace, things seem pretty all right on 34RTH until a strange ship's arrival sends D4VE head-first into an existential crisis: an inconceivable blast from the past that threatens not only D4VE's dwindling relationship with 5COTTY, but all of robot-kind itself!

D4VE2 (2016)

Publisher: IDW
The X-Files #1
38 pages | 49.8 мb.

Tags: The X-Files IDW comics
Micronauts #1
48 pages | 64.5 мb.

Tags: Micronauts IDW comics
3 Devils #2
27 pages | 31.9 мb.

Tags: 3 Devils 3 Devils comics idw

3 Devils #2 (2016)

Publisher: IDW
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Vol.4
The ponies hit the high seas! A trip to Horseshoe Bay takes a turn for the dramatic when the gang is captured by Hoofbeard the Pirate! Plus, when a magical bookworm starts to cause some literary mischief, it's only a matter of time before things start to get out of hoof!
My Little Pony - Pony Tales Vol.2
Four individual tales highlighting some of the Pony's favorite friends - the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Princess Celestia, Spike, and Princess Luna! Collects My Little Pony Micro-Series #7-10.
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Vol.3
The citizens of Ponyville take center stage as an ordinary morning for Big McIntosh quickly turns into an unexpected adventure! Plus, the secret history of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's love!
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Vol.2
It's another unforgettable adventure in Equestria with all your favorite Ponies, and a brand-new story arc! When a long-unseeen enemy brings danger close to home and throws the Pony's world into darkness, the Ponies will have to face new challenges and conquer old fears. Big changes are on the horizon that you won't want to miss. Collects My
My Little Pony - FIENDship is Magic (TPB)
Fiendship is Magic explores the secret origins of Equestria's greatest villains: Sombra, Tirek, Sirens, Nightmare Moon, and Queen Chrysalis!
My Little Pony - Equestria Girls
Based on the hit movie, join the girls as they get settled into Canterlot High. Plus, Sunset Shimmer tries to find the true meaning of the holidays as rumors circulate around the school. Collects the 2013 Annual and the 2014 Holiday Special.
My Little Pony - Art is Magic!
Celebrate the charming and diverse artwork of IDW’s My Little Pony comic book series is this special art book! Read along as fan-favorite artists Jay Fosgitt, Sara Richard, Tony Fleecs, Andy Price, Brenda Hickey, and Agnes Garbowska showcase a selection of their most cherished pieces, provide insight into their process, and share the identities
Crawl To Me
107 pages | 77.8 мb.

Tags: Crawl To Me Alan Robert Alonzo Simon
Wire Hangers creator/hard-rock musician, Alan Robert, is back for blood with this all-new horror tale, Crawl to Me. The story centers on Ryan, as he struggles to protect his family from what appears to be an evil entity living within their basement's crawl space. It is only after a series of violent events occur, that Ryan realizes he must set

Crawl To Me (2012)

Publisher: IDW
Angry Birds Vol.3 - Sky High
The adventures continue in these charming all-ages comics featuring the ANGRY BIRDS! SKY HIGH contains all-new stories based on the best-selling game!
Angry Birds Comics Vol #2 – When Pigs Fly
Yellow and red birds were glad that finally can relax, as the turn of bluebirds monitor eggs. At this time, the black bird read the book "Stay calm and do not explode." But it turned out that the Bluebirds have forgotten that they need to monitor the eggs and decided to make fun of a black bird. They came up with a loud noise to scare him. They

IDW Publishing Comics

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