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Magnus - Robot Fighter #11
26 pages | 37.4 мb.

Tags: Magnus - Robot Fighter Leeja Magnus
Russell Magnus thought he was a normal person living a normal life ... until a massive work not tore it from his home and put him in a world where men are controlled cars! How did he get back to his family? Now the mysterious and deadly Leeja Klein? And why Magnus so damn good at fighting robots? Fred Van LENTE (GI Joe) and Corey Smith (Fathom)
Red Sonja Vultures Circle #02
38 pages | 56.4 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja Vultures Circle Lyla Red Sonja Sefkh
Red Sonja and her prize pupils, Lyla and Xoana, return to their school with the renegade priest Sefkh in tow. After the Stygian reveals that the half-human son of the serpent-god Set is marching forth to reclaim the world for his sire, Sonja realizes that the world is in peril. But before she can decide whether to come out of 'retirement' one last
The Lone Ranger - Vindicated #3
The Lone Ranger sets out to restore justice and fireworks to people who beat Tonto and left him to die on the streets of the Red River, but strange twist reveals the true ambitions and greed of people who are chasing. Meanwhile feeling Lone Ranger Fiona Doyle to be putting it at greater risk and Tonto!
Vampirella Vol.2 #09
37 pages | 50.4 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Medea Tristan
In "Dragon Chariot", in the third chapter in the "damned" story arc, a new outbreak terrible "black rabies'-plague that turns those suffering from this deadly in delirium maniac sends Vampirella and bondage to the top field agent, werewolf Tristan Athens, Greece, in search of the second Cursed part in terms of Doctor Faustus "to complete the
Legenderry Vampirella #01
39 pages | 61.8 мb.

Tags: Legenderry Vampirella Vampirella David Avallone
Return to the fantastic steampunk world with Bill Uillinhema LEGENDERRY! Vampirella comes home with an epic battle in the Principality to find that her Scarlet club was closed, and powerful forces within a big city conspired to destroy it ... but they quickly learn that they have drunk the wrong immortal vampire.
Shaft #3
26 pages | 56.7 мb.

Tags: Shaft Shaft comics Dynamite
Purgatori #05
36 pages | 60.6 мb.

Tags: Purgatori Cremator Lucifer
Go to hell, Purgatori have to find Lucifer and get him back his strength. But it will have to take a number, because there are others living hell out projects to murder Lord lies. If the vampire goddess can overcome these obstacles as it will ever return Lucifer her powers?
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter #11
23 pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Turok - Dinosaur Hunter Turok Greg Pak
Life is hard for Turok in "civilized" England in the 1200s, where he was treated as "savage", although able to tame dinosaurs better than anyone. But the assassination plot against one of its allies will send Dinosaur Hunter deep inside Sherwood Forest, and back in his element. High action and intrigue courtesy Greg Pak (Batman / Superman, Action
The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood #04
Life Charlie falls apart. He seems to have lost more than just his son, he and his wife struggle with juniors disease. But will come from an unexpected "friend"? And Charlie could face the demons that come along with the decisions that he makes?
Justice Inc. #06
All hell breaks loose, as a fortress Doc attacked by a real master villain plotting to destroy not only Richard Henry Benson, but Shadow and Doc Savage as well! Who evil force which the pursuit of world peace must begin with an all-out war? And when the three allies uneasy newly formed Justice, Inc. learn that their enemy is going to steal the
Flash Gordon #8
33 pages | 58.2 мb.

Tags: Flash Gordon Flash Gordon comics Flash Gordon
In January 7, 1934 Alec Raymond released his first mini-comic about Flash Gordon, a young blond searing opposing universal evil in the face of the Ming on the planet Mongo Merciless.
Bad Ass Vol.1 - Dead End
If Kick-Ass and Deadpool was a child, it would be bad ass! The only difference? Dead End is a thief through without a single intention to save anyone. What makes Dead End consciousness so great humor and caustic sarcasm - the sign of true evil genius. It's hard to hate and even harder to kill, Dead End is an eloquent psychopath who fights for
Path of Exile - Death to Sin #03
24 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Black Death Fidelitas Geofri Lady Dialla Malachai
Victario Nevalius, People's War Correspondent? As empire is facing an open revolt on all fronts, Victario takes on the guise of imperial correspondent that he could catch a firsthand look inside the Chamber of Horrors in Maligaro Inquisitor ... But even bloody Karui Rebellion could not prepare for the Victario dark horrors lurking in! Get ready!
Vampirella Feary Tales #04
38 pages | 58.4 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Feary Tales Vampirella
In the penultimate issue of all stars anthology series celebrating the 45th anniversary of Vampirella, I love the style of pin-up ghoul each Fan-Boy is (un) dressed for success "Vampire (R) New Clothes" Stuart Moore. Vampirella then goes on to find yourself in a sticky situation in "Hard large forest" Eric Trautman, while Nancy Collins has her
Twilight Zone Shadow And Substance #01
Successful, but is deeply concerned about the writer returns to his hometown for autographs, to find that he stepped back in time to encounter him and insulted unsuitable younger. Can he save the boy from suffering coming your way? If it is, when this test, which he succumbed, making him the man he was?
Red Sonja The Black Tower #04
39 pages | 47.2 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja The Black Tower Red Sonja Frank Tieri
Last question! The pulse pounding finale Red Sonja largest event of the year! But after the shocking ending-- latest release, which can be our story next? What will Sony Ruda as Black Tower reveals all the secrets and the true power behind it reveal? Find out in our stunning conclusion!
Red Sonja #14
37 pages | 56.7 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja Walter Geovani Gail Simone
The new soul-searing epic Red Sonja, forgiving monsters continues as cruel and repulsive parasite infected she-devil, right as it goes on the trail of the last surviving marauders who killed his village! This is Sonia, as you've never seen it before, do not miss it! The epic story of Gail Simone ending with the number 18, so be prepared to climax

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