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303 pages | 271.6 мb.

Tags: Ronin Ronin comics dc comics

Ronin (1986)

Publisher: DC
The Superman Monster
They called him stupid ... crazy ... blasphemer who threatened the very laws of nature. But in the wreckage of a fallen ship, Vicktor Luthor's found the key to the creation of a new life. Now, Luthor's lab-created Superman possessed powers beyond those of mortal men far, threatening to destroy not only its creator, but all those who come into
Superman's Metropolis
69 pages | 24.2 мb.

Tags: Superman's Metropolis Lex Luthor Superman
Elseworlds. In his boyhood dream Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, combined with the vision of the famous director Fritz Lang in Superman's Metropolis, a wonderful setting Elseworlds graphic novel Man of Tomorrow in the city tomorrow. Beautiful paintings in the art of Ted McKeever perfectly evokes strong images of Lang's film and classical heroism of
Superman at Earth's End
The Earth has suffered an apocalypse, and Superman's trying to save Gotham City! But, is there anything worth saving?
Superman - A Nation Divided
When Atticus Kent joins the Union Army against Conferacy, he was not too sure if he would make it out alive. However, when a cannonball hits him with the Confederation in the chest, and he gets back up, he was not sure what to think!
Secret Origins Special #01
Against the warnings of Batman, the news team produces shows about Gotham criminals, featuring an interview with Penguin henchman, the wife of Two-Face, and he Riddler. Stories include: "The murder of the Pitch": Penguin kidnaps his childhood tormentor, is now a steel toothed criminal named Sharkey, he begins to torture, and to tell the story of
Kamandi - At Earth's End #01-06
6 issues pages | 49.4 мb.

Tags: Kamandi - At Earth's End Ben Boxer Kamandi
6-part series of Elseworlds writer Tom Veitch and artist Frank Gomez Kamandi rethinking how 22th century armed with a leather jacket wearing vigilance apocalyptic future Earth. This was followed by a sequel Superman: At the edge of the Earth.
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #38
Bigby and snow start to slot together the pieces of a murder mystery, and it goes deeper into Fabletown knowledge than they even thought of.
Wonder Woman '77 #07
A well-known scientist, jealous of the attention her museum gives Wonder Woman, gets a cat powers through several museum exhibits and becomes a cheetah!
Tiny Titans - Welcome to the Treehouse Vol.1
Find out what life is like for young heroes Sidekick Elementary in this new collection, featuring TINY Titans # 1-6! Kid-Friendly version of the Teen Titans and their rogues gallery star in this fun, light-hearted, all ages romp beautifully written and illustrated by Art Baltazar and Franco (Patrick Wolf Boy)!
Tiny Titans - The Treehouse and Beyond Vol.6
In this new collection of issues # 33-38, tiny Titans look at twins, will meet with his counterparts from the other world, the journey to the center of the Earth, and more! 2011 on EISNER AWARD WINNER!
Tiny Titans - Sidekickin' It Vol.4
As the end approaches, the school, the gang is planning a birthday party for Robin. In addition, Supergirl and Kid Flash have a race around the world and Zatara mixed her magic words, unleashing the fury of furry fun. Collects TINY Titans # 13-18.
Tiny Titans - Return to the Treehouse
Eisner award-winning series is back in a new title, collecting six issues of the series! Superboy and Supergirl to return to the Treehouse, to discover ... it's not enough! Or is it just ... really enough? Who would do such a thing? Find out all your favorite search Tiny Titans answers!

DC Comics

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