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Green Lantern Annual #4
40 pages | 58 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern Annual Green Lantern Annual
Sodem Yat - daksamit and Green Lantern Sector 1760, which used to support an entity called Ion. The prophecy was that he would become the greatest representatives of the Green Lantern Corps. According to one version, the future Sodem remain the last surviving member of the Corps.
Batman Annual #4
40 pages | 46.9 мb.

Tags: Batman Annual Batman Annual
Mr. Freeze - a former scientist looking for a cure to save his dying wife, and turned, due to human misunderstanding, a ruthless and cold-blooded (literally!) monster. But he still wants to save the only person he loved ... But what really motives are driven by Freese? Who is he really? As it relates to the owl's Court? And how it has changed in
Wonder Woman '77 #11
When the CEO of a powerhouse mysteriously catches on fire and at the same time freezing to death, Steve Trevor turns into Wonder Woman for help. But even Wonder Woman does not recognize the MO of any of its rogues gallery. I think we will have under the guise of Diana Prince to find out! Celsia 451 part 1 of 3, "Ice / Hot"
DC Comics - Bombshells #10
Wonder Woman and Mera arrive in Europe and immediately find themselves in the middle of a battle between Axis and Allied forces.
Batman - Arkham Asylum - The 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Batman, Arkham Asylum, The 25th Anniversary, Deluxe Edition, Batman comics
Batman - Arkham Knight #32
32 pages | 15.3 мb.

Tags: Batman - Arkham Knight Batman Calendar Man
Beaten to death his life, Batman hangs in the balance ... but the night is just beginning when he learns that the calendar was a random guy poisoned 365 citizens of Gotham, and they have less than 24 hours to live!
Batman Eternal Vol.2
After Commissioner Gordon’s arrest, Batman’s world is turned upside down in these stories from issues #22-34 of the hit weekly series. New allies emerge, old allies fall and his rogues gallery of villains are not quite who they seem. With a new power structure being established in Gotham City amid rising tension and chaos, can Batman adapt to
Batman - Arkham Knight - Batgirl Begins #01
Barbara Gordon notices someone's interest in moths while working at the library. She joins her father (Commissioner Gordon) at a speech showing the reporters that anyone can be like Batman, all they need is the right equipment. Before he can introduce a Batman-like suit with police scientist's versions of Batman's equipment, an attack happens by a
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #23
Urgent call for help sent Scooby and the gang rush to Gotham City, but Batman does not make the call! Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy stole an ancient relic, and they made sure that it was cursed. They need help from some intervention kids!
DC week - The New 52 (23.09.2015, week 38)
Collection DC Comics for 23.09.2015 (38 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #44 2. Deathstroke #10 3. Flash #44 4. Gotham By Midnight #9 5. Grayson #12 6. Harley Quinn And Power Girl #4 (of 6) 7. He-Man The Eternity War #10 8. Justice League 3001 #4 9. Sinestro #15 10. We Are Robin #4
Gotham by Midnight #9
The series tells about Midnight Change of Gotham City Police led by Detective Jim Corrigan. This is a special unit that investigates crimes of a special type, for which not even dare to take Batman. New ongoingu significantly helped weekly Batman Eternal, in which Ray Fox and began to develop the story Corrigan, so it is logical that Batman will
He-Man - The Eternity War #10
Are you a fan Masters of the Universe? Then He-Man: The Eternity War - the comic that you should read this December. We promise to show war that ended all wars, and judging by the cover, it seems that it will be attended by a very large number of characters.
The Flash #44
25 pages | 42.8 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Justice League 3001 #4
Two words: blue and gold. Okay, three. Three words, Blue and go ... Wait, that's four words. Okay, let's try eto.Komanda Blue Beetle and Booster Gold back! By Giffen and DeMatteis! This universe is ready for any of them ...? You?
Harley Quinn and Power Girl #4
Hey, remember the panel gutter between panels 3 and 4 of page 20 of HARLEY QUINN #12? What? You DON’T? It’s only, like, the most memorable panel gutter of the twenty-first century. Well, either way, have we got the miniseries for you, in which the full tale of that momentous and momentary pause can be told! It’s a cosmic adventure beyond
We Are… Robin! #4
24 pages | 68.5 мb.

Tags: We Are Robin Robin Robin comics
Spinning out of the pages of BATMAN! The teenagers of Gotham City have adopted the “R” and made it their own. A new Robin? No, HUNDREDS of new Robins! Don’t miss the start of this new series from rising star writer Lee Bermejo (JOKER, SUICIDERS), who also provides the covers!

DC Comics

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