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General Mills Presents - Justice League (1-9 series +  Convention Exclusive)
General Mills Presents: Justice League was originally a 4-issue mini-series featuring the Justice League available in and around October 2011 in specially marked boxes of General Mills cereals, including Honey Nut Cheerios. This mini-comic measured 7" by 5". The stories were continued on the website Big G Cereal Heroes. Several years later, issues
G.I. War Tales (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 56.5 мb.

Tags: G.I. War Tales G.I. War Tales comics
G.I. War Tales was a reprint comic featuring World War II military stories. The stories did not feature continuing characters, but the first two issues did include stories of the War that Time Forgot.
Four-Star Battle Tales (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 108.2 мb.

Tags: Four-Star Battle Tales Four-Star Battle Tales
Four-Star Battle Tales was a short-lived ongoing series published from March-December of 1973. The series reprinted classic war stories from various war-related comic book titles of the 1950 and 60s. Although the indicia identified the title as Four-Star Battle Tales, the cover copy actually read Four **** Battle Tales.
Flashpoint - Grodd of War
45 pages | 30.4 мb.

Tags: Flashpoint Grodd of War Eddie Berganza
Gorilla Grodd, risen to ruler of Gorilla City after overthrowing Solovar and having taken control the entire continent of Africa, feels unfulfilled as his military endeavors seems too easy for him and eclipsed by the conflict between Aquaman and Wonder Woman. He tries to quench his boredom by having a 'sparing match' with one of his best warriors,
Flash & Green Lantern - The Brave and the Bold (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 214.4 мb.

Tags: Flash Green Lantern The Brave Bold Mark Waid
This is a 6-issue limited series that explores the friendship between Barry Allen and Hal Jordan. It is comprised of six seperate stories taken from different time periods from DC continuity. There is a running gag through the series of Hal Jordan needing to borrow money from Barry Allen and promising to pay him back.
Fate (0-22 series) Complete
23 issues pages | 302.2 мb.

Tags: Fate Fate comics
Fate was an ongoing series, launched as part of the Zero Hour event, which ran from October 1994 to September 1996, for twenty-three issues. The series introduced a new heir to the legacy of Doctor Fate, Jared Stevens, who took the name of Fate. Jared starred in a second, short-lived title, The Book of Fate, which rebooted the character, giving
Wonder Woman #49
27 pages | 36.3 мb.

Tags: Wonder Woman Donna Troy Eris Nikos Aegeus
Wonder Woman is on the trail of Donna Troy, who are seeking asylum in London, Diana and her past. But the new one can be more trouble than help in fleeing Amazon outcast!
DC week – The New 52 (17.02.2016, week 7)
Collection DC Comics for 17.02.2016 (7 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin Eternal #20 2. Doctor Fate #9 3. Harley Quinn #25 4. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #9 5. Martian Manhunter #9 6. Robin Son Of Batman #9 7. Secret Six #11 8. Sinestro #20 9. Superman American Alien #4 10. Titans Hunt #5
Robin - Son of Batman #9
The son of a Bat and a Demon, Damian al Ghul has set out to forge his own destiny – and atone for the shameful Year of Blood! Will he be aided or hindered by the behemoth Goliath? And what mysterious legacy trails behind him? Join writer/artist Patrick Gleason as he chronicles the globe-hopping adventures of ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN!
Martian Manhunter #9
Real name Martian Manhunter - Dzh'onn Dzh'onzz. Dzh'onn is the last Martian happened to be in the world, where, thanks to their ability to take shape green-humanoid creature wearing a long blue cloak. Also, quite often he took human form, masquerading as detective John Jones and other random individuals. Martian Manhunter is a member of the

DC Comics

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