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Batman vs. Superman - The Greatest Battles
The two most popular superheroes of all time aren’t always on the same side! This collection captures some of the most incredible and memorable clashes between the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight from the pages of BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS #4, BATMAN #612, BATMAN #35-36, SUPERMAN/BATMAN #32 and #78, and JUSTICE LEAGUE #2.
Batman - Battle for the Cowl - The Network #1
A wave of heroes arrive in Gotham City in this one-shot with hopes of helping stem the tide of chaos threatening to overwhelm everybody! Starring Huntress, Batgirl, Misfit, Ragman, Manhunter and many others. Will these heroes succeed – or will they be victims of Gotham City's madness? And if they do succeed, what does the future hold for them?
Arrow - The Dark Archer #06
As Malcom's confession continues…enter: The League of Assassins!
Detention Comics
56 pages | 19.9 мb.

Tags: Detention DC comics

DC Comics

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