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Angel & Faith Season 10 #24
Faith faces off against Drusilla in a grudge match that could level Magic Town as Angel attempts to withstand Archaeus’s power over him. Meanwhile, a mysterious statue—a magical relic of great power—has been obtained by the Big Bad. What does Archaeus have planned for his new toy? The final arc of Angel & Faith Season 10.
Conan - Island of No Return #01-02 Complete
2 issues pages | 57.2 мb.

Tags: Conan - Island of No Return Conan Ron Marz
On the run from a cadre of guards, Conan is aided by two sister thieves who just happen to be in need of a strong back to help them with an upcoming heist. The first of a two-issue story by Ron Marz and Bart Sears!
King Conan - Wolves beyond the Border #03
In this expansion on Robert E. Howard’s unfinished “Wolves beyond the Border” tale, Conan leaves the protection of his kingdom in Aquilonia to return a cursed crown to Pictish tribes in the south. Hoping for a bit of adventure to clear his head, the undercover barbarian king is overwhelmed and captured! An adaptation of Howard’s “Wolves
Conan the Avenger #23
24 pages | 60.1 мb.

Tags: Conan the Avenger Conan Natala
Conan Natala and must fight for his life in the city of the damned eternal dreamers, Xuthal! When they separated, Conan is an army of fanatics and Natala must defend themselves from the butchers and animals! Can they escape the city alive? An exciting conclusion this futuristic arc! Adapted from the original story "Xuthal Twilight"!

Dark Horse comics

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