New comics
Ghost Vol.4 - A Death in the Family
With her memories recovered, Ghost tries to take down Chicago’s entrenched criminal network. But will the fight bring out the worst in a woman already filled with deadly rage? And what happens when her friends are caught in the crossfire? Collects issues #9–#12.
Ghost Vol.3 - Against the Wilderness
Ghost drove the demons from the city, but a new crop of villains has taken their place! Chicago's spectral protector takes on a cult-leading TV host and a tech-savvy bounty hunter, while trying to write a new chapter on her life’s blank slate. Collects issues #5–#8. The crack team of Star Wars artists takes on a superhero! Featuring covers by
Ghost Vol.2 - The White City Butcher
Ghost, the spectral protector of Chicago, defends the world against extradimensional demons and all-too-human monsters. After a painful encounter with a familiar face, Elisa Cameron finds herself torn between protecting her city and uncovering the mystery of her past life! Collects Ghost #1–#4. Featuring killer covers from Terry and Rachel
Ghost Vol.1 - In the Smoke and Din
Super Natural! One warm night in Chicago’s Resurrection Cemetery, paranormal investigators Vaughn and Tommy accidentally summon a beautiful, transparent woman. Their search for her true identity uncovers a dark, hidden history of the city and a deadly alliance between political corruption and demonic science! In the middle of it all stands a
Falling Skies #01-04
In the heart of Boston, following the devastating events of an alien invasion, history professor Tom Mason and his sons Hal, Matt, and Ben are just trying to survive. After an extreme firefight with the aliens, Ben gets kidnapped. Determined to get his son back, Tom joins forces with the Second Mass, a militia group that is taking the fight
Falling Skies - The Battle of Fitchburg #01-08
Catastrophe approaches as Dai makes it back to camp, only to deliver bad news . . . news that could lead to a final stand for the 2nd Mass.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.7
Buffy's emotions run high after the tragic loss of her mother, but she still fights. She struggles with blood-starved vamps from another dimension and swarms of green demon children with a penchant for nibbling on faces, and, as barriers between alternate realities erode, nightmare versions of friends and long-dead enemies must be dealt with. Then
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.6
The Buffy Omnibus series continues with Volume Six, delving further into Season Four of the acclaimed television series, and launching readers into the heart of Season Five. Buffy and Angel, who's now a resident of Los Angeles, must reunite to fight new foes, but Buffy's current flame, Riley Finn, isn't too keen on the former lovers reuniting
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.5
Volume Five of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus series begins immediately after Season Three, after Sunnydale High has gone up in flames. Buffy is plagued by dreams of fellow Slayer Faith, who now lies in a coma. Jane Espenson, the celebrated writer from the Buffy TV show, who went on to work on Battlestar Galactica, writes the powerful Faith
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.4
Volume Four of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus series concludes Buffy's high school career, wrapping up Season Three of the show's storyline. Collected in this volume are: The complete "Bad Blood," saga written by Andi Watson (Clubbing), the first attempt at making a "season" of the comics, where Buffy battles a sultry vampire who hungers for
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.3
The third volume of our Buffy omnibus series follows the gang through harrowing trials and tribulations--slaying vampires, going to high school, and young love. Angel has lost his soul and found it again, Xander and Cordelia kiss and make up, and Willow and Oz confront his inner beast. With so much romance in the air it seems only natural that we
Tomb Raider Vol.3 - Queen of Serpents
Lara must save the life of a friend she thought to be dead as a dangerous organization threatens to kill this person for good! But Lara will not be alone, as Sam, Jonah, and Kaz join her on this rescue mission! Danger lurks behind every shadow—can they make it in time to save a life they thought was lost? Collects issues #13–#18 of the series.
The Massive - Ninth Wave #05
24 pages | 54.2 мb.

Tags: Massive - Ninth Wave Lars Max Purge Rimona
The environment’s first responders In the pages of The Massive, Ninth Wave was struggling to repair a broken world. But before that, they were the preeminent global environmental-rescue unit, taking on criminals, polluters, politicians, and rogue states. The Massive: Ninth Wave tells these stories in a stylish, high-action, done-in-one format,
Alabaster - The Good, the Bad, and the Bird #05
A new evil haunts the sun-scorched back roads and ghost towns of the American South—murderous twins who command a legion of ghouls. Once again, Dancy Flammarion must face down demons: both those who walk the world unchallenged and those in her own shattered mind. Winner of the Bram Stoker Award!
Abe Sapien #32 - Regressions #1
25 pages | 43.8 мb.

Tags: Abe Sapien Scott Allie Regressions
Abe meets a prophetic young woman who knows the truth about his role in what’s coming.
Harrow County #11
31 pages | 90.5 мb.

Tags: Harrow County Emmy Cullen Bunn
When your twin is the evil half of a dead witch that can control monsters and the undead, a joyful reunion just isn’t in the cards—which means there’s only one option for Emmy: war!
Avatar The Last Airbender Smoke and Shadow Part 3
With the disappearances of children in the Fire Nation capital, Avatar Aang and his friends are doing everything they can to find out who—or what—is responsible. Aang and Zuko must work together to keep the peace, but the emergence of the New Ozai Society, and the appearance of the mysterious Kemurikage of legend, may prove to be too much even
Star Wars - The Old Republic #01-06
"Threat of Peace" unveils a galaxy on the brink of destruction three hundred years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic! For decades, the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire have been at war-the Sith have gained control of the Outer Rim, but their efforts to penetrate the Core Worlds have so far been thwarted. Now, representatives

Dark Horse comics

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