New comics
Groo - Play of the Gods #04
30 pages | 122.7 мb.

Tags: Groo - Play of the Gods Groo Mark Evanier
Groo finds himself the unwitting pawn in a game that involves a newly-found land filled with gold. There are those who think, ''How do we convert their gold to our gold?'' and also ''How do we convert their gods to our gods?'' How does Groo figure into all of this and, more importantly, how does he create doom and destruction for all? It's brought
Berger Books
16 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: Berger Books Mata Hari Zane Pinchback
Hi everyone, and welcome to a sneak peek at the all-new BERGER BOOKS! As the founding editor of Vertigo, I’m so excited to be back in comics in a big way and couldn’t be happier about setting up shop with the very fine crew at Dark Horse. Stories that are smart, sensational, and a bit strange have always been my passion — and I’m thrilled
Station 16
65 pages | 125.8 мb.

Tags: Station 16 Hermann Huppen Yves H. (Huppen)
May 1997, Russia, north of the Arctic Circle: A border patrol rookie receives a distress call from the long-abandoned Station 16, uninhabited since the heyday of massive nuclear testing more than thirty years ago. When he and his squad fly out to investigate the call, they find an injured man who claims that the rookie was his attacker—and

Dark Horse comics

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