Captain Marvel Adventures was one of several habits during the Golden Age starring Fawcett Captain Marvel , who was more popular than Superman in the late 40 's and early 50 's. The series told the adventures of the young Billy Batson, who are saying the magic word "Shazam!" get superpowers. The problem was , these powers were somewhat similar to
Figthing. Cursing. Devils. Demons. How. Sarcasm. Smoking while drinking. Angels. More Wrestling. Hangover. Cursing. Booze. Tattoos. Epic events unfold to change the course of the world. I drink .... Continued!
Having an escort of Vokuler, Marie and Jeanne make their way to see the Dauphin in Chinon. Joan as targeted as ever, but Marie feels some distance between her and her best friend.
Jeanne Marie and the first issue of a comic book about two girls in 15th century France, one of which is Joan of Arc. Marie is an orphan in a small French town Domremi. Her friend, Joan of Arc, hears voices.
Sailed on the Great Sea, a world full of magic, danger, and excitement! Join Ariane, the most unlikely heroine on board ship fascinated as she discovers what it really means to be a pirate, on a journey that will change the world forever.
SEX! DEATH! LIVE TV! As a writer of the series finds himself trapped in the blackmail scheme, she stumbles behind the scenes on the big secret of the late Carlyle White still can not his son Michael from descending further into the world of cheap sex and celebrity.
"The Myth of History" Do you think we could get through five questions without doing a little "now HARKEN ye Olde these legends?" So you're not paying attention. There are clues in here! Important ones! And the gods sword fighting, too, if you like such a thing. Some do.
So much stuff crammed into this problem, do not believe it! You have questions? We have answers! Darling ready to show his hand! And the bounce is ready to break into the account on the other side! Try to run! Try to hide! But whatever you do, do not miss it!
"A dozen cousins ​​and crumpled crown", part one Do not cry anymore. SKULLKICKERS back with another major fragmentation of the arc of history to fill the void of fantasy fun in their lives. The dwarf was forcibly returned to their homeland and deranged miniature Dwayre residents will make it back home like no other.
Life in the City Saturn is about to get even harder. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? And who gets fucked? The answers will shock and awe as the first year comes to a climax SEX!
Frank Griffin drunk. The doctor outside Mexico removed its face and fingerprints and grafted them to his young lover pornstar wife. Mad with pain, Griffin begins to believe that he is a Revenger. And someone will pay.
They are the six most famous actors in the world and together they play Olympians greatest superhero film franchise in history. You would have to ask them to save the world? They may be our only hope ...
Every good detective, is the moment when the detective confronts the suspects to try to figure out which of them is the killer. But, generally speaking, the suspects are not powerful enough to fly you five miles up, rip your limbs and take you to the Atlantic. That's the problem faced by Lieutenant Detective John Riley when he finally comes face
Gage took one of the killers of his wife captive in the back of his van. In pursuit of a fleet of bikers and other murderous scum. Are you ready for examination at 100 miles per hour!
"I kill, therefore I am." After an explosive debut actor, who became Hitman Richie Rees, it's time for the prequel, "Episode One: Childhood threat." This is a killer on the birth of epic proportions!
The second part of the intensive arc still Fatale! Nicholas Lash and Josephine finally meet again, as everything we know about Fatale gets flipped on its side ... when the hunter becomes the hunted. And do not forget all the back and do what items you can only find in certain issues Fatale every month!
The tasks of first assassination mission, Marcus and Willie roam sad and lonely streets of San Francisco in the dead of night, haunted by the shadows of the mysterious past Marcus.
2000 AD Prog 1874 is the perfect jumping on point for new readers ! This special edition - on March 26 - is designed specifically to give new readers an easy place to start , with the first parts of five new stories - including two new series . Creators involved include Judge Dredd One of the creators John Wagner , the New York Times bestseller by
From Seaboard/Atlas publication, with art by Howard Chaykin. This was part of a short lived comics company started by Martin Goodman and other Marvel veterans. 1. The Mark of the Devil 2. The Pope's Secret 3. Peter's Cross 4. The Demon in the Vatican 5. The Sacred Valley 6. The Treasure of the Temple 7. In the Name of the Father 8. The Shadow of