New comics
Spawn #260
28 pages | 50.2 мb.

Tags: Spawn Spawn (Simmons) Todd McFarlane
Spawn returns to the one place he never thought he would see again...HELL.
Paper Girls #05
36 pages | 41.6 мb.

Tags: Paper Girls Brian K. Vaughan
What lurks beneath the streets of Stony Stream?
Nailbiter #20
29 pages | 40.2 мb.

Tags: Nailbiter Joshua Williamson
Serial Killer Theater!
Meteora #2
25 pages | 45.5 мb.

Tags: Meteora Meteora comics
Golem #3
27 pages | 39.1 мb.

Tags: Golem Golem comics mike kennedy

Golem #3 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Golem #2
25 pages | 38.8 мb.

Tags: Golem Golem comics mike kennedy

Golem #2 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Exlibrium #02
25 pages | 39.1 мb.

Tags: Exlibrium Nataliya Devova
...And the door will open "Exlibrium" (from the Latin 'ex libris', "of the books" and 'equilibrium', "balance") - a magic seal that helps the mysterious order of sorcerers to guard the border between the real world and the world of fiction. For many centuries members of the order have been successfully preventing creatures from the works of art
Heavy Metal #278
99 pages | 174 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Vittorio Astone Zeljko Pahek
Deck the halls with balls of steel! Or something like that! Heavy Metal celebrates the holidaze by launching Enki Bilal's epic "Julia & Roem," kicking off Erika Lewis' stunning new graphic novel, "The 49th Key," and introducing horror writer Matt Farrell to our unhallowed pages with his short story "R.I.P."! And that's just the beginning! Cover by
Shutter #18
30 pages | 52.1 мb.

Tags: Shutter Joe Keatinge Owen Gieni
Shots fired.
Pretty Deadly #08
29 pages | 82.8 мb.

Tags: Pretty Deadly Deathface Ginny Fox Sissy
NEW ARC: "THE BEAR" KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (BITCH PLANET, Captain Marvel) & EMMA RГЌOS (ISLAND, Dr. Strange) reunite for the continuing story of Deathface Ginny, Fox, and Sissy. The survivors of the battle against Death enter a new century, where they face fresh violence and the horrors of war.
Enormous #10
25 pages | 35.2 мb.

Tags: Enormous Ellen Grace James Coyle
Winged death from above. Fanged death below. In between, strange voices from efira.Pervy story arc huge locked in deadly clashes for James Coyle, and it is all but a bad dream for Helen Grace, as the struggle for survival continues. Covers Mehdi Cheggour and Colin Lorimer.
Bad Moon Rising #05
29 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Bad Moon Rising
Axcend #04
30 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Axcend Eric Morn Rain
The virtual world, Axcend, continues to spill out into reality. We follow fiery pop star, Rain, as she is the next player to activate. Rain and the mysterious A.I. DOG must enlist the help of gamer, Eric Morn, to get to Ruin before he activates into a catastrophic rampage. Can the trio reconcile their differences in time to save our world?
The Walking Dead #151
30 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: The Walking Dead Robert Kirkman
No Turning Back.
Saints #05
30 pages | 31.3 мb.

Tags: Saints Blaise Sean Lewis
The wild group of Saints exit to New Mexico after battling Michael's Southern Fried Henchmen. There an old friend of Blaise's plays some metal records backwards and accidentally conjures Baal, the prince of hell. Heavy Metal, irreverent humor, and saintly murder continue in this ongoing series.
DIS - The Satan Machine #03
After receiving a mysterious tip-off that takes him in South London Cemetery, Corvus facing chilling ceremony of human sacrifice. Close the death of John ends with the suffering of the victim - only to discover the deceased British government minister ...
The Bounce (Volume 1) TPB
286 pages | 405.2 мb.

Tags: The Bounce TPB

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