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SuperZero #04
34 pages | 38 мb.

Tags: SuperZero Dru Dragowski Wax
Dru takes the next step towards her search for super powers. She trains with her new backyard buddy, Wax, and applies what she learns from him both in and out of the classroom. All this happens while Dru's idea for a Gamma Ray bath is in the early stages of development!
Ringside #05
25 pages | 38 мb.

Tags: Ringside Joe Keatinge
THE PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING EPIC BEGINS IN AN OVER-SIZED FIRST ISSUE! RINGSIDE is an ongoing series set within the world of professional wrestling, written by JOE KEATINGE (SHUTTER, GLORY, TECH JACKET) and drawn by acclaimed illustrator NICK BARBER, combining the ensemble drama of THE WALKING DEAD with interconnected rotating perspectives akin to
Dream Police #08
In Dreamscape, it is impossible for a dreamer just go missing. But that's exactly what happened, and it's up Dream Police detectives Joe Black Thursday and Kathy to find it ... the trail that leads to the nightmare that has gone too far. Meanwhile, Joe came to the conclusion that he was not told the truth about a man who continues to appear with
Chaos Campus Sorority Girls Vs. Zombies #11
The girls rush to the friendly neighborhood Grab-E-Mart to try and find more clues on the zombie infestation on campus (as Paige’s ex-boyfriend Roger and his friend Billy stole a beer truck from there and were bitten within issue #1).
Birthright #15
As Mikey and Brennan track the next mage to Seattle, Wendy and Aaron make their own deals to try to save their sons. Plus a new “Hero’s Journey” variant by Benjamin Dewey (THE AUTUMNLANDS)!
Hip Hop Family Tree #08
The best-seller is action packed in this issue. Rap battles will never be the same after Kool Moe Dee gets done with Busy Bee Starski in their legendary confrontation. Blondies "Rapture" plays on the first day's broadcast of a new channel called MTV. Grandmaster Flash and other rap groups get seduced by Sugar Hill Records.
Sons Of The Devil #06
30 pages | 49.1 мb.

Tags: Sons Of The Devil Brian Buccellato Toni Infante
The final chapter of the first arc. A traitor revealed.
Outcast #17
31 pages | 32.8 мb.

Tags: Outcast Robert Kirkman
Get behind me Satan.
Wretched Things #02
25 pages | 32.5 мb.

Tags: Wretched Things
Kodoja #3
25 pages | 39.8 мb.

Tags: Kodoja Kodoja comics 215 ink

Kodoja #3 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Chakra The Invincible #08
33 pages | 41.8 мb.

Tags: Chakra The Invincible Shatru Seth
Chakra the Invincible is the latest super-hero series from legendary creator Stan Lee. In this issue, Chakra learns Shatru Seth's insane plans for the future of the world, but in order to stop Seth, Chakra must face his worst fears.

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