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Kid Beowulf FCBD
13 pages | 12.2 мb.

Tags: Kid Beowulf Beowulf Alexis E. Fajardo
Twelve year old Beowulf gets pushed into a swimming race against the big bully Brecca, but the boys discover there are more dangerous things lurking in the water! The Kid Beowulf Free Comic Book Day issue is an excerpt from the upcoming graphic novel Kid Beowulf: The Blood Bound Oath coming this August.
Heroic Spotlight #23
33 pages | 39.6 мb.

Tags: Heroic Spotlight Fantastic Girl Knightshade
His name is Daniel Knight. But he's better known as Knightshade! The Heroic Spotlight shines this issue on the romantic adventures of one of the most popular members of Skylark Smith's crew of international spies, as Knightshade stars in his very first solo adventure, by Tim Burgard, Dennis Mallonee, and Willie Blyberg. PLUS! Where will the
Gypsy #01-03
3 issues pages | 228 мb.

Tags: Gypsy
Flare #43
The sinister Steel Shrike is on the rampage, and his targets are the people who work for Flare! With their glittering goddess of the light torn away to help the LEAGUE OF CHAMPIONS deal with a menace that threatens the survival of the entire planet, how in the world can her household staff possibly hope to protect themselves against the wrath of a

Flare #43 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Elephantmen #70
31 pages | 76.7 мb.

Tags: Elephantmen Richard Starkings
The return of the Silencer.
Descender Vol.2 - Machine Moon
Young robot boy TIM-21 and his companions struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. DESCENDER is a rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey, pitting humanity against machine and world against world to create a sprawling epic. Collects DESCENDER #7-11.
Camp Midnight FCBD
30 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: Camp Midnight Mia Skye
Add a touch of spooky to your Free Comic Book Day this year with the first chapter of Ben 10 and Big Hero 6 creator Steven T. Seagle and New Yorker Magazine cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein's Camp Midnight! Not wanting to please her "step monster," reluctant Skye is dead-set on not fitting in. But when she's accidentally sent to the wrong summer
Diskordia #11
37 pages | 38.8 мb.

Tags: Diskordia Andrew Blackman
Worlds collide as the chaotic duo Jackal & Squidgirl Encounter Iverna Diskerna and her menagerie of freaks and dangerous monsters. All of them desire possession over the mysterious 'object' and many are willing to resort to extroardinary measures to possess it. Calamity will ensue. Jackal's outrageous entrance to the auction sets the tone for the
Trail #1
43 pages | 74.7 мb.

Tags: Trail Other comics

Trail #1 (2014)

Publisher: Other
Lloyd and the Bear #03
27 pages | 20.1 мb.

Tags: Lloyd and the Bear Bear Lloyd
Lloyd and his teddy bear are kidnapped by an alien race and end up in outer space and that all happens in only the first few pages! You won't believe what happens next!
Vanguard  #2
27 pages | 33.7 мb.

Tags: Vanguard Other comics
Spin Angels Vol.5 – Eternity Is Not Enough
"If it is by the hand of God that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you." Luc, XI:20. 2000 years of secrets. One Gospel written by Judas. A relic coveted since the Crusades. Inquisitors willing to do anything to seize it. A world which could go over to fanaticism... What worse could happen? The worst? The worst would be that
Red Fury #03
25 pages | 54.6 мb.

Tags: Red Fury Red Fury comcis

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