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Island #08
67 pages | 112.4 мb.

Tags: Island Farel Dalrymple Brandon Graham Other comics
Fourth issue of the OVERSIZED COMICS MAGAZINE. This issue introduces new work by GAEL BERTRAND and a new chapter of FAREL DALRYMPLE's Pop Gun War.
Injection #10
A spriggan hunt among the dark satanic mills.
Birthright #16
As Mikey and Brennan track the next mage to Seattle, Wendy and Aaron make their own deals to try to save their sons. Plus a new “Hero’s Journey” variant by Benjamin Dewey (THE AUTUMNLANDS)!
2000AD #1984
32 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd SlГЎine Other comics
he Fall of Deadworld gathers pace as Fairfax battles against the tide of the Dark Judges – will he survive and is there anything he can do to alter the fate of his world? Also in this week’s Prog: Judge Dredd: The Lion's Den by Michael Carroll, PJ Holden, Adam Brown, and Annie Parkhouse; Survival Geeks: Lord of the Ringers by Gordon Rennie,
The Last Templar #01-02
2 issues pages | 112.6 мb.

Tags: The Last Templar
Soda #01-02
2 issues pages | 102.7 мb.

Tags: Soda Tome
Simpsons Comics #228
Bart and Milhouse go on a treasure hunt through the trash of Springfield and get much more than they bargained for. Then, Homer tries to unlock the mystery of KrustyBurger's highly coveted and super tasty secret menu. Can he crack the code? And Itchy and Scratchy send up a galaxy far, far away.
Seductions #01
31 pages | 41.2 мb.

Tags: Seductions
Savage Dragon Archives Vol.6
539 pages | 892.5 мb.

Tags: Savage Dragon Archives Savage Dragon Erik Larsen
Savage Dragon rejoins the Chicago police force and his life will never be the same! Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #126-150.
Namibia - Episode 02-04
3 issues pages | 113.5 мb.

Tags: Namibia
Hombre T01-05
5 issues pages | 111 мb.

Tags: Hombre
Heavy Metal #274
130 pages | 211.9 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Victor David Cantu Fabio Ruotolo
April is the cruelest month, unless you pick up our latest issue, in which case you'll be drowning in comic nirvana of the Heavy Metal kind! Featuring the continuing epic of Bilal's "Julia & Roem," more apocryphal mayhem from the Molen Brother's, high flyin' spy adventure from the enigmatic JD & JMB, and so much more! Cover by Michael Penn.
Heavy Metal #273
132 pages | 203.8 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Enki Bilal Marco Turini
Heavy Metal heats up the winter with another batch of bodacious yarns sure to pierce your hardened hearts! Introducing the Molen Brothers, who've come to harrow our hallowed pages with the first chapter of their psychedelic sci-fi spectacular! Featuring chapter two of Enki BILAL's awesome "Julia & Romeo", captivating science fiction from the
Chaos Campus Sorority Girls Vs. Zombies #21
Smart Zombies, Part 1 of 2 While in the middle of the apocalyptic ruins of a major city, our Chaos Trio seeks refuge from nightfall inside a large luxury hotel. But there's already a community of scientists inside! Though welcoming, these scientists hold a secret that will change everything we thought we knew about the zombie apocalypse. Welcome
Carbon Grey - Omnibus
302 pages | 1009.5 мb.

Tags: Carbon Grey - Omnibus Giselle Grey Hoang Nguyen
"LEGENDS OF THE GREYS" The Sisters Grey are warriors, sworn to protect their Kaiser. But as great war rages, the Kaiser is found dead, and one sister - Giselle Grey - is accused of murder. Persued by enemies, Giselle must unravel the prophecy of the Carbon Grey - before history itself unravels. This collection includes all three volumes of the
Badger #02-04
3 issues pages | 141.6 мb.

Tags: Badger Ham Vladimir Putin
Norbert Sykes (alias Badger) gets sprung from the asylum thanks to the influence of his new best friend, Hamilton Thorndyke, a 4th Century Druid wizard. The housewarming at Ham's new castle is spoiled by a Russian invasion. It seems the world's balance of power is shifting and Ham has a deadly new rival, Vladimir Putin! Good thing Ham has a trusty

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