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Starve #10
24 pages | 41.3 мb.

Tags: Starve Gavin Cruikshank Brian Wood Other comics
NEW STORY ARC. Critically-acclaimed STARVE is back for a second season! Chef Gavin Cruikshank shifts his focus from the soundstage to the streets, addressing real world themes of food scarcity and class warfare. Smart, subversive, and darkly comic, STARVE is an instant cult classic.
Empty Zone #09
30 pages | 57.1 мb.

Tags: Empty Zone Corinne White Other comics
We learn Corinne's dark secret and everything crashes down in pure destruction as she takes on a gang of thugs that are half-animal.
Jupiter's Legacy Vol.2 #1
The children of the world’s greatest superheroes may never be able to fill their parents’ shoes. When the family becomes embattled by infighting, one branch stages an uprising and another goes into hiding. How long can the world survive when one family’s super-powered problems explode onto the global stage? Just in time for the launch of the
Tailwands #3
21 pages | 31.0 мb.

Tags: Tailwands Other comics
Excited to embark on her life as a tailwand, Kaya begins vigorous training with the help of her big brother, Jak.
Witch Doctor - The Resuscitation
It's a sick world — Literally. The universe is a living thing, and the monsters of legend are its parasites… but Dr. Vincent Morrow is on the case! Dr. Morrow's on a quest to understand the supernatural using every tool at his disposal, magical and medical. It's a sick world — he's here to treat it.
Wynter #04
25 pages | 26.7 мb.

Tags: Wynter Liz Wynter Guy Hasson
Will Liz's only ally save her or betray her?
174 pages | 165.7 мb.

Tags: Kafka Steven T. Seagle Stefano Gaudiano
A MAN WITH NO PAST HAS SIX DAYS TO RECOVER HIS FUTURE. Dan Hutton lost everything. Adrift in the witness relocation program, Dan is told his new identity has been compromised - by two different groups each claiming to be US agents. Not knowing who to trust, Dan runs - back to the world that took everything he loved.

Kafka (2013)

Publisher: Other

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