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Thief of Thieves #34
31 pages | 35.9 мb.

Tags: Thief of Thieves Andy Diggle Other comics
This issue sets the stage for the next phase of the master criminal’s legendary career.
Tara Normal #07
24 pages | 42.8 мb.

Tags: Tara Normal Jake Weston Kelly Savage Other comics
Let the mystery begin! Tara Normal wakes up in a mental institution after very bad things went down the night before.
Tara Normal #06
26 pages | 48.4 мb.

Tags: Tara Normal Jake Weston Kelly Savage Other comics
Let the mystery begin! Tara Normal wakes up in a mental institution after very bad things went down the night before.
Savage Dragon #215
Trouble in paradise. Malcolm and Maxine on their honeymoon in hell.
Outcast #20
31 pages | 43.0 мb.

Tags: Outcast Robert Kirkman Other comics
Answers are given and secrets are revealed, as the start of a new story arc finds Kyle and Sidney having a conversation that will change EVERYTHING. Kyle has never been in more danger.
Lake of Fire #1
48 pages | 75.8 мb.

Tags: Lake of Fire Other comics
SERIES PREMIERE! It is 1220 AD, and the gears of the Albigensian Crusade grind on. When an alien spacecraft infested with a horde of bloodthirsty predators crash-lands in the remote wilderness of the French Pyrenees, a small band of crusaders and a Cathar heretic are all that stand between God's Kingdom and Hell on Earth.
Doctor Who Magazine #502
TAKE A LOOK BACK AT THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR WHO BOOK COVER ART – IN DWM 499! As the art of the Target books is celebrated in a new exhibition, DWM tracks down the men who painted Doctor Who… DWM speaks to Chris Achilleos, the first regular artist on the range, establishing a new visual style for Doctor Who… “I didn’t need direction – I
Doctor Who Magazine #501
TAKE A LOOK BACK AT THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR WHO BOOK COVER ART – IN DWM 499! As the art of the Target books is celebrated in a new exhibition, DWM tracks down the men who painted Doctor Who… DWM speaks to Chris Achilleos, the first regular artist on the range, establishing a new visual style for Doctor Who… “I didn’t need direction – I
Chronicles of the Dragon Knights Vol.5 - The Ruined Demesne
After the stinging defeat of his troops, the Emperor calls on the Order of the Dragon Knights to get rid of thousands creatures deformed by the Veil. They are the only ones capable of stopping them before they reach the Capital. The battle that ensues will go down in history for many reasons, unfortunately not only for the heroism shown by
Snotgirl #2
30 pages | 35.5 мb.

Tags: Snotgirl Other comics
WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life or a gross, allergy-ridden mess? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O’MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG!
Mechanism #2
30 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: Mechanism Other comics
In the aftermath of an alien invasion, a prototype military robot is rushed into the field before it is combat-ready. Now attached to a group of survivors, it studies them to learn what it means to be human. Will it come to understand man as a noble creature worth preserving or that the human race isn’t worth saving at all?
Invincible #130
“REBOOT?” Part Two. Invincible’s father, Omni-Man, murdered The Guardians of the Globe to facilitate his attempt to take over Earth... now that he has the opportunity can Invincible stop his father and change the course of history... for the better?
Chew #57
31 pages | 44.2 мb.

Tags: Chew Mason Savoy John Layman Other comics

Chew #57 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Horizon #2
23 pages | 27.4 мb.

Tags: Horizon Other comics
Zhia Malen thought she’d fought her very last war, until she learned her planet was targeted for occupation… by a desperate world called Earth. The people of Earth will be told that her arrival on their planet means invasion; these are lies, this is retaliation. Skybound’s newest original series by BRANDON THOMAS (The Many Adventures of
Scout (Volume 1) 1-24 series + Mini series
25 issues pages | 194.4 мb.

Tags: Scout Scout comics Eclipse
Twenty four issues of the first series have been published. After the series ended, short comic marriage ceremony involving Santana was published in the first release of the album Timothy Truman right Marauder his band The Dixie guns.
Captain Atom - Armageddon #2
The explosive miniseries bringing Captain Atom to the WildStorm Universe continues! As Captain Atom tries to figure out where he is, the Wildcats gather to uncover the true fate of their fallen comrade Void. Was Captain Atom responsible for her death, or will he be instrumental in bringing her back to life?
Tiger 0930
32 pages | 71.1 мb.

Tags: Tiger 0930 Tiger Other comics
Love Adventures #9
36 pages | 69.8 мb.

Tags: Love Adventures Other comics
Features Include: Going Steady Prejudice! I Wanted a Cowpuncher When Faith Fails Our Hearts were Worlds Apart
Hedy of Hollywood Comics #40
Features Include: The Cinderella Caper! The Wardrobe Follie! No Life of Her Own The Bees-Ness

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