New comics
Mythos #2
26 pages | 31.8 мb.

Tags: Mythos Other comics

Mythos #2 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Mythos #1
26 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: Mythos Other comics

Mythos #1 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Mr. Crypt #2
27 pages | 22.8 мb.

Tags: Mr. Crypt Other comics
Say hello to Mr. Crypt! Nobody's favorite suit-wearing mustachioed living skeleton. Down on his luck and feared for no reason at all, can Mr. Crypt and his friendly pet rat make the best of a bad situation?
Monstress #07
32 pages | 58.3 мb.

Tags: Monstress Maika Marjorie Liu Other comics
Maika fights to cross the wall. Elsewhere, the Warlord makes her move.
Kill Or Be Killed #3
33 pages | 67.6 мb.

Tags: Kill Or Be Killed Other comics
The bestselling team of ED BRUBAKER and SEAN PHILLIPS (THE FADE OUT, CRIMINAL, FATALE) launch their new monthly series: KILL OR BE KILLED, the twisted story of a young man who is forced to kill bad people, and how he struggles to keep his secret as it slowly ruins his life and the lives of his friends and loved ones. Both a thriller and a
Black Science #25
31 pages | 85.5 мb.

Tags: Black Science Rick Remender Other comics
NEW STORY ARC In a hotheaded attempt to rescue his daughter, Grant McKay threatens to unravel a peace treaty between three godlike races, putting the entire Eververse at risk! Big changes, bigger action, and a stunning climax that will shake the world of BLACK SCIENCE to its very foundations!
Black Light District - 6 Issues #1
AN ALL-NEW ONE-SHOT COMIC BOOK / MUSIC EXPERIENCE! JESSE BLAZE SNIDER’s groundbreaking online comic book / music anthology “BLACK LIGHT DISTRICT: 6 ISSUES” comes to Image Comics! Featuring six epic illustrated stories set to the music of the geek culture inspired “Black Light District “EP!
Z-Men #5 - Rabridge
181 pages | 157.3 мb.

Tags: Z-Men Jeff McComsey Other comics
Dead and/or alive. LBJ orders the Secret Service to bring him back a Zombie. This should be easy. With the U.S. in PA, solely as advisors, the Air Force drops 300,000,000 tons of advice on Evans County.
Spring #5 - Torrent
147 pages | 201.0 мb.

Tags: Spring Bill Jemas Derlis Santacruz Other comics
Hot sun, hot babes, and the cold decaying flesh of the zombie horde. She wore an itsy bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka dot the Apocalypse. It's co-eds vs. the undead. The only thing worse than disappearing under the water is being left behind.
Soul #5 - Rest in Peace
156 pages | 142.5 мb.

Tags: Soul Ben Chief McClelland Other comics
The posse shoots to kill, but Ben survives. Too bad it's all downhill from here. As the tale unwinds, Chief McClelland and the posse suspect that Ben may not be telling them the whole truth. And they might be right. Good thing Ben has a hard head. If at first you don't succeed, die, die, die again.
Slab #5 - Rigor
146 pages | 150.7 мb.

Tags: Slab Other comics
Even a Brain a-day can't keep this doctor away. Things get weird in the lab when Dr. Grimes feeds a zombie sandwiches, all in the name of science. Bring out your undead... Bring out your undead... I'm not undead yet!
Rise #5 - Fall
178 pages | 189.7 мb.

Tags: Rise Barbara Johnny Jeff McComsey Other comics
They're coming to get you, Barbara. An old story with a new end and a new beginning. Johnny and Barbara escape from the undead, live through the night, then pick up a hitchhiker on their way home. No good deed goes unpunished. Johnny blacks out, then goes to the kind of hospital where patients check in but never check out.
Remote #5 - Play It Again
194 pages | 249.1 мb.

Tags: Remote Samantha Gabe Yocum Other comics
As ghouls surround her station, KBRF Radio ace DJ Samantha stays on the air all night. Will Rock & Roll save her soul? Burn baby burn. Samantha starts a zombie inferno. Stand back. We don't know how big this girl gets.
Medic #5 - In Stitches
135 pages | 148.9 мb.

Tags: Medic Brian Finkelstein Zombies Other comics
Doctors, and nurses, and zombies, oh my! These patients just won't die! Something wicked this way comes, taking toes and eating thumbs.
Honor #5
Protect. Serve. Beat. Burn. Rinse. Repeat. If you get pulled over by these cops, get ready to hand over your License, Registration, and Death Certificate.

Honor #5 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Home #05
161 pages | 152.8 мb.

Tags: Home Michael Coast Other comics
A happy family, a lovely spring evening, and zombies. The family that faces zombies together stays together. Until they don't. The Foster family learns that blood, literally, is thicker than water.

Home #05 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Dedication #5
Thanks to some hungry customers, the closing shift at George's Market has turned into a graveyard shift. Cleanup in aisle... well, all of them. It's a late night snack attack in George's market. Help wanted: minimum wage, maximum carnage.
The Shield #3
33 pages | 51.1 мb.

Tags: The Shield The Shield comics Other comics
"Daughter of the Revolution," Part 3. Captured by Walter Chase, the Shield is made a surprising offer-an invitation to join his government organization, protecting the country as she was born to do. But as her new missions take her well beyond national borders, the truth slowly dawns and the Shield must face the ultimate question: does she serve
The Fuse #22
"PERIHELION" Part Four The bodies stack up, as Klem and Ralph somehow deal with two murders, one mass shooting, and a whole lot of witnesses lying through their teeth! "Enforced rest period"? Who has time to rest?
Southern Cross #08
31 pages | 48.7 мb.

Tags: Southern Cross Braith Becky Cloonan Other comics
How do you lose a ship?! The search for the Southern Cross starts on Titan, and ends in murder! Season 2 of SOUTHERN CROSS starts here.
Shutter #23
28 pages | 71.6 мb.

Tags: Shutter Joe Keatinge Owen Gieni Other comics
NEW STORY ARC, "SO FAR BEYOND"! THE FINAL ACT BEGINS NOW! SHUTTER's final storyline begins with Kate Kristopher in the most dangerous spot she's been in yet, as she's picking up the pieces in the wake of lives lost. Everything comes to a head as we learn the answer to every single question, every last mystery, and all the truths behind the lies
Sex #32
29 pages | 43.7 мb.

Tags: Sex Joe Casey Other comics
The end of one world. The beginning of another. Major Plot Point: An important character dies

Sex #32 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Lazarus #25
NEW STORY ARC “CULL,” Part One There are fifteen families fighting to control the world. That’s fourteen too many. The time has come for the cull.

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