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Ghostdancing #01-06 Complete
Twenty-five years ago, Love Generation was trying to change the world with music. They could not. Now the dream is back, but this time the Indian power beings intervene, setting events in motion to achieve the fifth world - one in which humanity can coexist with nature. Keys charismatic shaman named Snake ... and a new drug known as "Ghostdancing."
Blood And Shadows #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 81.4 мb.

Tags: Blood And Shadows God of the Razor Joe R. Lansdale
Blood and Shadows is a 4 issue mini-series from writer Joe R. Lansdale and artist Mark A. Nelson. The series takes place in several time periods with Razor god of romance in Lansdale Nightrunners.
Collection Marvel (09.07.2014, week 27)
21 comics pages | 840.5 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 09.07.2014 week 27
Collection Marvel Comics for 09.07.2014 (27 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Deadpool #31 2. X-Force #07 3. Wolverine Vol.6 #10 4. Spider-Man 2099 #01 5. Captain Marvel #05 6. Amazing X-Men #09 7. Original Sins #03 8. Fantastic Four #07 9. 100th Anniversary Special - Spider-Man #01 10. The United States of Murder Inc. #03 11.
Collection DC - The New 52 (09.07.2014, week 27)
15 issues pages | 773.6 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 09.07.2014 (27 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #33 2. Batman Eternal #14 3. Birds Of Prey #33 4. Detective Comics #33 5. Grayson #1 6. Green Lantern Corps #33 7. Infinity Man And The Forever People #2 8. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Two #7 9. Justice League United #3 10. New 52 Futures End #10 11.
Grimm Fairy Tales presents - Wonderland (1-24 series)
24 issues pages | 715.1 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales presents Wonderland GFTP Wonderland comics
The Queen of Spades is revealed as a great manipulator for the evil that has been plaguing Calie and Viloet in life. As Calie leads a ragtag team of soldiers towards the lady, hoping to take it down forever, they do not know they are being watched by the Void, an incarnation of miracles. Begins the countdown to the landmark twenty-fifth issue of
Skin Graft - The Adventures Of A Tattooed Man (1-4 series) Complete
Graphic Novel Skin Graft: Adventures of a Tattoed Man mystical social drama from Vertigo The complete collection of 4 from 4 to 24 pages each.
Rachel Rising (1-26 series)
26 issues pages | 640.2 мb.

Tags: Rachel Rising Rachel Beck Terry Moore
Not possible Manson is nothing more than a ghost town? Rachel begins to wonder how she is looking for her killer and finds it suspects literally disappear. Meanwhile, Dr. Siemen he activates the device implanted in the brain of Aunt Johnny, for reasons which are both gentle and awful. (This is a must see!)
Chiaroscuro (1-10 series) Complete
10 issues pages | 102.7 мb.

Tags: Chiaroscuro Chiaroscuro comics vertigo
Full collection comics Chiaroscuro #1-10
Collection Marvel (02.07.2014, week 26)
21 comics pages | 1300 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 02.07.2014 week 26
Collection Marvel Comics for 02.07.2014 (26 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Miracleman #08 2. Iron Fist - The Living Weapon #04 3. Captain America #22 4. Thor - God of Thunder #24 5. Rocket Raccoon Special Edition - Digital Exclusive #01 6. Original Sin Special Edition #05 7. Moon Knight #05 8. Legendary Star-Lord - Special Edition
Collection DC - The New 52 (02.07.2014, week 26)
15 issues pages | 691.8 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 02.07.2014 (26 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #33 2. Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #4 3. Batman Eternal #13 4. Batman Superman #12 5. Batwing #33 6. Earth 2 #25 7. Green Arrow #33 8. Green Lantern #33 9. Justice League 3000 #8 10. New 52 Futures End #9 11. Scooby-Doo Team-Up #9 12.
The Hypernaturals (1-12 series) Complete
12 issues pages | 375.7 мb.

Tags: The Hypernaturals The Hypernaturals comics boom
A universe trembles. It is the far future; the human race has finally colonized the galaxy, preserving an era of prosperity thats only possible because of The Hypernaturals. Theyre a celebrated, galaxy-wide superhero task force that keeps the peace. That is, until they all mysteriously vanish. Now, as the galaxy teeters on the brink of chaos, its
Rush City (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 93.3 мb.

Tags: Rush City Rush City comics dc Rush
Rush, a private detective and the coolest driver in the city hires a woman named Sirez Daley. Her daughter lost in the crowd, and now the mother does not know that she was taken. And for people hunting by Rush a Mr. Bellingeyma and configured they are more than serious! Diego saves from his pursuers on the street some Paige Martinez and brings the
Jurassic Park - Redemption (1-5 series) Complete
The latest comic book series based on the novel and movie "Jurassic Park." The action takes place 13 years after the first film.

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