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Slingers (0-12 series) Complete
13 issues pages | 153.5 мb.

Tags: Slingers Slingers comics
This young man on his skill and the reaction is not inferior to Spider-Man, and it drives so fast and precise that even the climber not always be able to dodge them. Meet Ricochet translated Holuwet.
Robot 13 (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 95.2 мb.

Tags: Robot 13 Robot 13 comics Robot Blacklist Studios
Robot 13 ​​from Robot Comics, used various opportunities to improve the perception of the Google Phone. If a block something breaks or crumbles - the phone vibrates. Also the transitions between pages too nonlinear, the effects of the approximation used different areas of the slide that deeply involves the reader in the process.
Nathaniel Dusk (Volume 2) Apple Peddlers Die at Noon #1-4
Download Nathaniel Dusk (Volume 2) Apple Peddlers Die at Noon #1-4
Nathaniel Dusk (Volume 1) Lovers Die At Dusk #1-4
4 issues pages | 58.2 мb.

Tags: Nathaniel Dusk Nathaniel Dusk comics Lovers Die At Dusk
Content information such as writer, artist, character appearances, story synopsis, etc. are correct to the best of our knowledge, but we provide no guarantee. An item may not be returned because of errors in content reporting. Also, please note: Due to the large volume of items listed, we are unable to provide further information about the content
Codebreakers (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 86.6 мb.

Tags: Codebreakers Codebreakers comics boom
They are the elite Cryptanalysis Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, examining manually encrypted documents and records of illegal enterprises, providing expert testimony, forensic assistance, and identification of terrorism, foreign intelligence, and criminal activities in support of federal, state, local, and international law
Checkmate (Volume 1) 1-33 series
33 issues pages | 311.7 мb.

Tags: Checkmate Checkmate comics Checkmate vol 1 dc
In Santa Prisca rebellion broke out. Bane, a legitimate attempt to take control of the country, the opposition walked, and then began a rebellion that threatens to escalate into civil war! Only one "person" can save the day - Colonel Computron has real information about the election. To help him and Tommy went to Bea, who has a personal score to
Collection Marvel (17.09.2014, week 37)
Collection Marvel Comics for 17.09.2014 (37 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Factor #14 2. All-New X-Men #32 3. Avengers #35 4. Avengers World #13 5. Daredevil #8 6. Deadpool Bi-Annual #1 7. Elektra #6 8. Hulk #6 9. Hulk Annual #1 10. Miles Morales The Ultimate Spider-Man #5 11. Nova #21 12. Original Sin #5.5 13. Savage
Collection DC - The New 52 (17.09.2014, week 37)
15 issues pages | 642.3 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 17.09.2014 (37 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin Futures End #1 2. Batman Eternal #24 3. Batman Superman Futures End #1 4. Batwoman Futures End #1 5. DC Essentials- Batman - The Killing Joke #1 6. Gotham Central Special Edition #1 7. Green Lantern New Guardians Futures End #1 8. Justice
Collection Marvel (10.09.2014, week 36)
18 comics pages | 826.2 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 10.09.2014 week 36
Collection Marvel Comics for 10.09.2014 (36 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Captain Marvel #07 2. Inhuman #05 3. All-New Ultimates #08 4. Fantastic Four #10 5. Edge of Spider-Verse #01 6. Amazing Spider-Man #06 7. The United States of Murder Inc. #05 8. Nightcrawler #06 9. Hawkeye #20 10. Powers - The Bureau #11 11. Magneto #09 12.
Collection DC - The New 52 (10.09.2014, week 36)
13 issues pages | 539.7 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 10.09.2014 (36 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl Futures End #1 2. Batman Eternal #23 3. Batman Futures End #1 4. Birds Of Prey Futures End #1 5. Constantine Futures End #1 6. Green Lantern Corps Futures End #1 7. Justice League United Futures End #1 8. New 52 Futures End #19 9. New Suicide Squad
Collection Marvel (03.09.2014, week 35)
23 comics pages | 1200 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 03.09.2014 week 35
Collection Marvel Comics for 03.09.2014 (35 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. She-Hulk #08 2. All-New Doop #05 3. Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #00 4. Figment #04 5. The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15 6. Miracleman #10 7. Original Sin Special Edition #08 8. Uncanny X-Men #25 9. The Dark Tower - The Drawing Of The Three - The Prisoner #01 10.
Collection DC - The New 52 (03.09.2014, week 35)
15 issues pages | 636.8 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 03.09.2014 (35 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics Futures End #1 2. Batman '66 #34 3. Batman Eternal #22 4. Batwing Futures End #1 5. Detective Comics Futures End #1 6. Earth 2 Futures End #1 7. Green Arrow Futures End #1 8. Green Lantern Futures End #1 9. Justice League #33 10. New 52 Futures
Strangers Vol.1-6
6 issues pages | 211.2 мb.

Tags: Strangers Futura Homicron Jaleb Starlock Tanka
HOMICRON requests STARLOCK to promote international security organization CLASH with the removal of nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons stored in a space station in orbit. Meanwhile, on Earth, a mysterious Tank enlists the help of Futura, and tries to save JALEB from his coma, because he knows telepath holds the key to their final
Jaydee Vol.1-3
3 issues pages | 197.1 мb.

Tags: Jaydee Mary Stone
Young orphan John Douglas Emerson finds his fantastic metamorphic powers and, in the company of other orphans, young Mary, fights crime and evil organization SPIDER ...
Weird Western Tales (volume 2) 1-4 series
Endless darkness covered the deserted town lumen where scientists got into the hands of the mysterious Black Ring. What kind of power it stores, they only have to find out. Once you get through the dark night and wait for dawn. After all, the dead are not asleep now ...
The Unseen Hand (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Unseen Hand Unseen Hand comics vertigo Unseen Hand
Learn the secret of their origin, to escape from the Russian hitman to stay first in Serbian, and then at the Croatian soldiers to get to Russia and finally find his sister. Well, there, which that about almost world domination. If you only knew what was going on at Moscow ... Extravaganza, naturally. Serb soldiers at all at first took to be a

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