New comics
Blaze the Wonder Collie #02-03 Complete
2 issues pages | 64.5 мb.

Tags: Blaze the Wonder Collie
Continued from Molly Manton's Romances #1, Blaze the Wonder Collie was published during 1949 through 1950 for a total of 2 issues.
Blade Runner #01-02 Complete
2 issues pages | 15.7 мb.

Tags: Blade Runner Bryant Deckard Gaff Tyrell
Adaptation of the movie Blade Runner, itself an adaptation of the Philip K. Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Blackstone the Magician #02-04 Complete
3 issues pages | 94.8 мb.

Tags: Blackstone the Magician Harry Blackstone Walter Gibson
Continued from "EC's Blackstone, The Magician Detective Fights Crime", Blackstone The Magician ran during 1948 for 3 issues.
Black Rider #08-27 Complete
20 issues pages | 646.9 мb.

Tags: Black Rider Clay Harder Kid Colt
The series continues with Western winners. Black Rider numbering continues in Western Tales Of Black Rider with number 28 and returned to Gunsmoke Wester of в„– 32. Gunsmoke Western continues to question 46 is not dispersed until July 1963, number 77.
Bizarre Adventures #25-34 Complete
With the number 25 black-and-white magazine showcase MARVEL Marvel previews renamed Bizarre Adventures. The content remains more or less the same as when you change the theme all questions. The series continues sketches starring new and current Marvel Universe characters (some were lifted from other series), new stand-alone story and adaptation of
Anthem #01-05
5 issues pages | 226.7 мb.

Tags: Anthem Adolf Hitler Liberty Girl Rockets Redglare
Anthem darker saga alternate Earth, and super heroes that have been created to save it. In this world, Pearl Harbor was not just an attack on Japanese aircraft sleepy Hawaiian base. It was a full-scale assault on the West Coast of the US imperial Japanese troops led by towering monster that can absorb ocean of Godzilla, and on the East Coast of
Army of Darkness – Xena Warrior Princess – Why Not (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 172.4 мb.

Tags: Army of Darkness Xena Warrior Princess Why Not Xena comics
Ash goes to the measurement of Xena, Warrior Princess, to prevent a mini-version of himself to destroy the world.
Collection Marvel (17.12.2014, week 50)
21 comics pages | 867.3 мb.

Tags: Collection week 50 Marvel 17.12.2014
Collection Marvel Comics for 17.12.2014 (50 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Deathlok #03 2. Ms. Marvel #10 3. Storm #06 4. Elektra #09 5. Fantastic Four #14 6. Amazing X-Men #14 7. Avengers Now! #01 8. Captain Marvel #10 9. Scarlet Spiders #02 10. Spider-Woman #02 11. Moon Knight #10 12. Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #08 13.
DC week - The New 52 (17.12.2014, week 50)
Collection DC Comics for 17.12.2014 (50 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman #37 2. Batman And Robin #37 3. Batman Eternal #37 4. Batman Superman #17 5. Batwoman #37 6. Catwoman #37 7. Earth 2 World's End #11 8. Green Lantern New Guardians #37 9. Justice League #37 10. Multiversity Thunderworld #1 11. New 52 Futures End #33 12.
Grimm Fairy Tales #01-105
105 issues pages | 2330 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Zenescope Collection 2005-2013
The series, which is aimed at updating stories to tell a story, often with an added touch of horror to them. As a rule, they explained how something izpritchi to modern conditions rotating character. Stories are usually told by either Belinda or Sela. Two control two books of fairy tales, and they are usually used to either help or hinder those
Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic Book #01-12 Complete
Riding on the success of "Bill & Ted's Incredible Adventure" and the movie "Bill & Ted in Bogus Journey" 1990 is this spin-off comic book series to the early 90's showing Teen Heroes "wear and tear.
Avengers - United They Stand #01-07 Complete
Comic book series that accompanies Avengers animated series 1999- 2000. It came at the same time as a comic Spider-Man Unlimited, another Marvel comic book series that accompanies the new Spider-Man cartoon that time.
The Sword and The Butterfly
A teenage girl was fighting for the right to be "Guardian" sword Excalibur. Now she must face her childhood demons and return the weapon to the true king. He is England's only hope against the darkness that idet.God 1910 and the legend of Excalibur continues.
Vampi #01-15
15 issues pages | 699.4 мb.

Tags: Vampi David Conway
Ground Zero.Buduschee is now. And now belongs VAMPI !! В Many elements of the original will be obvious, but it Vampi were transported to a world that today's readers will find terribly exciting, and for a whole new set of reasons. В Vampi is a young, modern view of Vampirella and in this slick, sharp and rich in the first question that we get the
Collection Marvel (10.12.2014, week 49)
21 comics pages | 957.6 мb.

Tags: Collection week 49) Marvel 10.12.2014
Collection Marvel Comics for 10.12.2014 (49 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Ultimates #11 2. Spider-Verse Team-Up #02 3. Amazing Spider-Man Annual #01 4. Amazing Spider-Man #11 5. Amazing X-Men #14 6. Uncanny X-Men Annual #01 7. Spider-Man & The X-Men #01 8. Thor #03 9. Rocket Raccoon #06 10. Nightcrawler #09 11. Axis -
DC week - The New 52 (10.12.2014, week 49)
Collection DC Comics for 10.12.2014 (49 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #37 2. Batman Eternal #36 3. Constantine #20 4. Earth 2 World's End #10 5. Green Lantern Corps #37 6. Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1 7. Justice League United #7 8. Klarion #3 9. New 52 Futures End #32 10. New Suicide Squad #5 11. Scooby-Doo Where Are
Collection Marvel (03.12.2014, week 48)
13 issues pages | 728.2 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 03.12.2014 week 48 Collection Marvel
Collection Marvel Comics for 03.12.2014 (48 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Factor #17 2. Deadpool #38 3. Death Of Wolverine The Weapon X Program #3 4. Hulk #9 5. Iron Fist The Living Weapon #7 6. Legendary Star-Lord #6 7. Thanos Vs Hulk #1 8. Men of Wrath #03 9. Angela - Asgard's Assassin #1 10. Captain America Peggy
DC week - The New 52 (03.12.2014, week 48)
Collection DC Comics for 03.12.2014 (48 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #37 2. Batman Eternal #35 3. Detective Comics #37 4. Earth 2 #29 5. Earth 2 World's End #9 6. Gotham Academy #3 7. Grayson #5 8. Green Arrow #37 9. Green Lantern #37 0. Justice League 3000 #12 1. Lobo #3 2. Looney Tunes #222 3. New 52 Futures End
Collection Marvel (26.11.2014, week 47)
16 comics pages | 661.9 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 26.11.2014 week 47
Collection Marvel Comics for 26.11.2014 (47 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17 2. Deathlok #02 3. All-New Ghost Rider #09 4. Spider-Man 2099 #06 5. Superior Iron Man #02 6. Secret Avengers #10 7. Wolverine and the X-Men #12 8. Scarlet Spiders #01 9. Nova #24 10. New Warriors #12 11. Cyclops #07 12.
DC week - The New 52 (26.11.2014, week 47)
Collection DC Comics for 26.11.2014 (47 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #36 2. Arkham Manor #2 3. Batman Eternal #34 4. Catwoman #36 5. Deathstroke #2 6. Earth 2 World's End #8 7. Flash #36 8. Gotham By Midnight #1 9. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #19 10. I nfinity Man And The Forever People #5 11.Justice League

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