New comics
DC week - The New 52 (20.05.2015, week 20)
Collection DC Comics for 20.05.2015 (20 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Convergence #7 2. Convergence Adventures Of Superman #2 3. Convergence Batman And The Outsiders #2 4. Convergence Green Lantern Corps #2 5. Convergence Hawkman #2 6. Convergence Justice League America #2 7. Convergence New Teen Titans #2 8. Convergence Superboy
Astro City Vol.2 (1-23 series)
23 issues pages | 331.2 мb.

Tags: Astro City Confessor Samaritan Winged Victory
Winged Victoria Samaritan and Confessor remove villain targeting her - and then she has to face the rain. It will be the most famous super heroine Astro City survive? Do not miss the grand finale of this four-part epic!
Puppet Master #01-03
3 issues pages | 113.7 мb.

Tags: Puppet Master Bodega Bay Inn Shawn Gabborin
Long a cult horror film series by Charles Band makes its way to the comic page! When a group of friends set out to use the abandoned Bodega Bay Inn at the site of the party, they find out first hand what the local folklore strangely more truth than imagination, like an army of twisted self Puppets have their way with trespassing teenagers! Dolls
Collection Marvel (13.05.2015, week 19)
18 comics pages | 761.1 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 13.05.2015 week 19
Collection Marvel Comics for 13.05.2015 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Uncanny Avengers #04 2. Darth Vader #05 3. Howard The Duck #03 4. Angela - Asgard's Assassin #06 5. Guardians 3000 #08 6. Ms. Marvel #15 7. Secret Wars #02 8. Silk #04 9. Spider-Man 2099 #12 10. Thor #08 11. Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier #08 12. Captain
DC week - The New 52 (13.05.2015, week 19)
Collection DC Comics for 13.05.2015 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Convergence #6 2. Convergence Aquaman #2 3. Convergence Batman Shadow Of The Bat #2 4. Convergence Catwoman #2 5. Convergence Green Arrow #2 6. Convergence Green Lantern Parallax #2 7. Convergence Justice League International #2 8. Convergence Suicide Squad #2
Daredevil - Yellow #01-06 Complete
"The measure of man is not in how he gets knocked to the mat, this is how he gets." These words father blind prosecutor Matthew Murdock lived and died in. Prizefighter Battlin "Jack Murdock murder in motion a chain of events that exploded with new super hero swinging kitchen of New York Hell - blind Acrobat Daredevil. In this retelling of the
Daredevil - Reborn #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 74.1 мb.

Tags: Daredevil - Reborn Daredevil Andy Diggle
In the apocalyptic events of Shadow were once proud heritage Daredevil apart. Now, far from secondary streets Hell kitchen, new evil is growing, and the only person crazy enough to solve it is a man with nothing to lose. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but a long way to redemption more difficult way ...
Daredevil - Ninja #01-03 Complete
3 issues pages | 30.7 мb.

Tags: Daredevil - Ninja Daredevil Stick Stone Trahn
Nothing is more sacred to the boy without fear, than employees of his late mentor Stick. So how do you think he reacted when he stole? Who would take this seemingly useless object? And why? And what will be the end of Matt Murdock to go to get it? With scant streets Hell Kitchen New York to Tokyo neon spiers, stunning plot develops affects not
Cyberspace 3000 #01-08 Complete
Part of the Marvel Universe Great Britain (Marvel's British comic line), 3000 Cyberspace explores the unknown galaxy's space. This is the reality of Earth-691. Guest starring Halaktus, Adam Warlock and Thanos.
Curse of the Weird #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 100.8 мb.

Tags: Curse of the Weird Steve Ditko Zombie
A short-lived series that reprinted old Marvel Monster classics as well as new original stories.
Crimson Dynamo #01-06 Complete
After pearls in high-tech weapons arsenal of the former Soviet Union, Red Dynamo was armored killing machine mechanical power of fusion power. But the fact that the Kremlin never knew its inventor left a secret legacy: SPARE! Now the Russians, the American weapons inspectors and ruthless smugglers of weapons all know, and they want it for
Crime Fighters #11-13 Complete
3 issues pages | 112.9 мb.

Tags: Crime Fighters Chuck Miller John Forte
Crime Fighters ran during 1954 through 1955 for 3 issues. This series then continued into Crimefighters.
Crimefighters #01-10 Complete
10 issues pages | 382.6 мb.

Tags: Crimefighters Carmine Infantino
Crimefighters ran during 1948 through 1949 for 10 issues. This series then continued into Crime Fighters.
Western Thrillers #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 100.1 мb.

Tags: Western Thrillers Carl Burgos Joe Maneely
Western Thrillers ran during 1954 through 1955 for 4 issues. This series then continued into Cowboy Action.
Crazy Vol.1 #01-07 Complete
7 issues pages | 191.6 мb.

Tags: Crazy Bill Everett Dave Berg
Crazy is a 7 issue series that ran through 1953 through 1954 This action packed series will have you begging for more
Crazy Magazine #01-94 + Super Special Complete
95 issues pages | 3760 мb.

Tags: Crazy Magazine Doctor Doom E. T. Obnoxio the Clown Teen-Hulk
A comedy "Mad" like magazine published by Marvel Comics in the 1970's and 1980's. Main characters of the series where Nebbish and Obnoxio the Clown.
Craptacular B-Sides #01-03 Complete
Four teens metahuman Perch Crow spent many weekends schoolnight and use their unique skills of treatment suburban blues. Feeva moved to BigTime, leaving Jughandle, Fateball Mize and doomed for every day. That all changed when Charlie Hackl proposed offer they could not refuse ... to manage and promote the Trio as a super-team ... The B-Sides!

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