New comics
DC week – The New 52 (03.03.2016, week 9)
Collection DC Comics for 02.03.2016 (9 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #49 2. Batman '66 Meets The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #8 3. Batman And Robin Eternal #22 4. Batman Beyond #10 5. Green Lantern #50 6. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #11 7. Midnighter #10 8. Omega Men #9 9. Swamp Thing #3
Collection Marvel (02.03.2016, week 9)
Collection Marvel Comics for 02.03.2016 (9 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A-Force #3 2. The Amazing Spider-Man and Silk - Spider Fly Effect Infinite Comic #4 3. Avengers Standoff Assault On Pleasant Hill Alpha #1 4. Black Widow #1 5. Darth Vader #17 6. Deadpool #8 7. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #1 8.
Wolverine - Manifest Destiny #01-04
The X-Men have arrived in San Francisco—but Wolverine finds he’s left more than his heart there! Something happened in Chinatown more than 50 years ago…something that the people there still have not forgotten. And now Logan finds himself a marked man, pursued by fighters from every dojo in town--not to mention the mystical warriors of the
Public Relations #01-02
Dan Clover's office crush would love to go to his father's 50th blowout birthday gala! It's in magical Sardonia! No really - magic! And father's king! And absolute ruler! From whom Dan's been estranged since birth. Ahhh Dan, can this possibly end well?
Doghouse #01-09
9 issues pages | 309.7 мb.

Tags: Doghouse Emily Jack Miller
One comic book, three stories. Welcome to THE DOGHOUSE. "MAYDAY MAYDAY! THIS IS 09-07682! WE ARE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY!" A British Army Chinook falls out of the sky and crash lands... somewhere else. The survivors are a long long way way from home - in AVALON. "SHE'S JUST A KID." "NO... SHE'S ONE OF US." A small girl named Emily faces off against
Dark Angel - Phoenix Resurrection #1-4
4 issues pages | 66.5 мb.

Tags: Dark Angel - Phoenix Resurrection Dark Yokuo Kia Asamiya
In a time of myth and magic, where a man's worth is defined by his skill with a sword, there lies the mysterious central land of Oukoku. Oukoku, a country in a state of constant turmoil and senseless battles, is surrounded by the Lands of the Four Winds. There are rulers of each of the Four Winds known as "Phantom Saints". These saints have been
Dark 48 #1-2
2 issues pages | 43.2 мb.

Tags: Dark 48 Steven O'Connell
History will come to know it as Dark 48. It began when a terrorist cell intercepted a designer Soviet plague, a virus genetically engineered to attack the Y-chromosome of males, inducing rage. In the '80s the Russians had hoped the Afghan rebels would turn on each other saving them lives and ammunition. Thankfully they never used it. An ex-Russian

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