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Terminator 2: Infinity (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 83 мb.

Tags: Terminator 2 Infinity Terminator
Set after Skynet launched a nuclear attack on mankind, John Connor must find it in himself to face his destiny and lead the resistance against the Terminators.
Collection Marvel (30.03.2016, week 13)
Collection Marvel Comics for 30.03.2016 (13 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New All-Different Marvel Universe #1 2. All-New X-Men #7 3. Amazing Spider-Man #1.4 4. Captain America Sam Wilson #7 5. Daredevil #5 6. Darth Vader #18 7. Drax #5 8. Hercules #5 9. Marvel Previews April 2016 10. Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy

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