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Collection Marvel (06.04.2016, week 14)
Collection Marvel Comics for 06.04.2016 (14 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Black Panther #1 2. Black Widow #2 3. Deadpool #9 4. Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #3 5. Infinity Entity #4 6. Invincible Iron Man #8 7. Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Civil War #2 8. Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Infinite
DC week – The New 52 (06.04.2016, week 14)
Collection DC Comics for 06.04.2016 (14 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #50 2. Batman Beyond #11 3. Bloodlines #1 4. Detective Comics #51 5. Green Arrow #51 6. Green Lantern #51 7. Harley Quinn And The Suicide Squad April Fool's Special #1 8. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #7 9. Justice League Darkseid War Special #1 10.
The Deep - Here Be Dragons #01-03
3 issues pages | 90 мb.

Tags: The Deep - Here Be Dragons Tom Taylor
Dive into the first, award-winning, all-ages adventure of the Nektons, a multiethnic family of daring aquanauts, as their hunt for a dragon begins. Will they find what they're looking for? Will they teach a fish to fetch? Will they be accidentally eaten? Find out here.

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