New comics
Burn #1-6 Complete
6 issues pages | 87.0 мb.

Tags: Burn Arcana Studio
Collection Marvel (20.04.2016, week 16)
Collection Marvel Comics for 20.04.2016 (16 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Hawkeye #6 2. Astonishing Ant-Man #7 3. Captain America Road To War #1 4. Captain America Sam Wilson #8 5. Captain Marvel #4 6. Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three Bitter Medicine #1 7. Deadpool #10 8. Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #3 9.
DC week – The New 52 (20.04.2016, week 16)
Collection DC Comics for 20.04.2016 (16 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #51 2. Aquaman #51 3. Doctor Fate #11 4. Flash #50 5. Legends Of Tomorrow #2 6. Martian Manhunter #11 7. Poison Ivy Cycle Of Life And Death #4 8. Robin Son Of Batman #11 9. Superman American Alien #6 10. Superman Lois And Clark #7 11. Titans Hunt
Falling Skies #01-04
In the heart of Boston, following the devastating events of an alien invasion, history professor Tom Mason and his sons Hal, Matt, and Ben are just trying to survive. After an extreme firefight with the aliens, Ben gets kidnapped. Determined to get his son back, Tom joins forces with the Second Mass, a militia group that is taking the fight
Falling Skies - The Battle of Fitchburg #01-08
Catastrophe approaches as Dai makes it back to camp, only to deliver bad news . . . news that could lead to a final stand for the 2nd Mass.
Dracula's Revenge #01-02
2 issues pages | 21.3 мb.

Tags: Dracula's Revenge Jeff Mariotte Dracula
Someone is savagely butchering the prostitutes of Whitechapel. Sounds familiar - except it's been a decade since Jack the Ripper stalked these streets. And Springheel Jack never drank his victims' blood... But Dracula's been dead for eleven years, so why has Abraham Van Helsing been summoned to London?
Wayne Shelton #01-03
3 issues pages | 136.2 мb.

Tags: Wayne Shelton Honesty Goodness Jean Van Hamme
When a high-ranking official of a small nation in the Caucasus is killed in a car accident, the plans of a massive multinational corporation are derailed by one man: the unfortunate French trucker who caused the accident. Pressure from the unions in France and the military in Khalakjistan prevents a quick diplomatic solution. So, to secure its own
Marvel Knights - Spider-Man & Wolverine #01-04
The creative duo that brought you Spider-Man/Daredevil are reunited! Spider-Man goes to Japan to rescue a captured Wolverine, and it’s up to the duo to solve a mystery in the land of the Rising Sun.
Rocketeer Adventures #01-04
4 issues pages | 282.4 мb.

Tags: Rocketeer Adventures Bettie Page The Rocketeer
The Rocketeer Flies Again! Dave Stevens unveiled the Rocketeer nearly 30 years ago to instant acclaim, and in all the years since that auspicious debut, respect for Dave’s talent and his greatest creation have only continued to grow.
Marvelous Land of Oz #1-8
The epic continues! Fresh off their landmark run on THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF OZ, superstars ERIC SHANOWER (Age of Bronze) and SKOTTIE YOUNG (X-MEN) return with L. Frank Baum’s MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ. Join new characters Tip and Jack Pumpkinhead as they’re whisked to Oz, and meet foes and friends! You’ve NEVER seen L. Frank Baum’s masterpiece
Black Op #01-05
5 issues pages | 257.2 мb.

Tags: Black Op
Collection Marvel (13.04.2016, week 15)
Collection Marvel Comics for 13.04.2016 (15 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. A-Force #4 2. Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4 3. All-New All-Different Avengers #8 4. All-New Inhumans #6 5. All-New X-Men #8 6. Amazing Spider-Man #10 7. Darth Vader #19 8. Guardians Of The Galaxy #7 9. Hercules #6 10. Illuminati #6 11. Marvel's Avengers
DC week – The New 52 (13.04.2016, week 15)
Collection DC Comics for 13.04.2016 (15 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Superman #31 2. Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 3. Black Canary #10 4. Batman '66 Meets the Man From U.N.C.L.E. #11 5. Catwoman #51 6. Constantine The Hellblazer #11 7. DC Previews April 2016 8. Earth 2 Society #11 9. Gotham Academy #17 10. Green
Help Us! Great Warrior #01-06
WHY WE LOVE IT: Madeleine Flores’ tale of a smart, hilarious, and intensely capable little warrior enchanted us immediately with its unique sense of humor and manga-influenced look and feel. We couldn’t wait to bring it to you! WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: If you love the brand of kick-butt girl power that the Lumberjanes bring to the page each
Vampirella vs. Dracula #01-05
5 issues pages | 188.9 мb.

Tags: Vampirella vs. Dracula Dracula Vampirella Vampires
Spinning out of Alan Moore's retelling of the ageless horror classic, Dracula has come to America to play out his timeless narrative in this brave, New World. Only he didn't realize ANOTHER vampire already beat him to it. Drawn to one another across continents and centuries by a mysterious force, both Vampirella and Bram Stoker's immortal monster
The Gift #01-14
14 issues pages | 158.5 мb.

Tags: The Gift Raven Gregory

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