New comics
Underdog vol.3 #1.2
2 issues pages | 31.6 мb.

Tags: Harvey Underdog
DC comics week (08.02.2017, week 6)
22 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 08.02.2017 (6 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics 973 2. New Super-Man 008 3. Detective Comics 950 4. All Star Batman 007 5. Justice League Of America Rebirth 001 6. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 014 7. Batman _66 Meets Wonder Woman _77 006 8. Injustice - Ground Zero 019 9. Gotham Academy
Collection Marvel (08.02.2017, week 6)
19 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 08.02.2017 (6 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Power Man and Iron Fist 013 2. Inhumans vs. X-Men 004 3. Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme 005 4. Doctor Strange - The Punisher - Magic Bullets Infinite Comic 007 5. Black Widow 011 6. The Dark Tower - The Drawing of the Three - The Sailor 05 7.
The Smurfs #1-22
22 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Papercutz Smurfs
Collection Marvel (01.02.2017, week 5)
18 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 01.02.2017 (5 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. The Unstoppable Wasp 002 2. Star Wars 028 3. The Unbelievable Gwenpool 011 4. Old Man Logan 017 5. Nova 003 6. Moon Knight 011 7. Monsters Unleashed 002 8. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude 002 9. Marvel Universe Avengers - Ultron Revolution 008 10.
DC comics week (01.02.2017, week 5)
17 issue pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 01.02.2017 (5 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. The_Fall_and_Rise_of_Captain_Atom_02 2. The_Flintstones_008 3. Super_Powers_04 4. Shade__the_Changing_Girl_005 5. Midnighter_and_Apollo_05 6. Harley_Quinn_013 7. Green_Arrow_016 8. Aquaman_016 9. Death_of_Hawkman_05 10. DC_Super_Hero_Girls_009 11. Nightwing 014
Collection Marvel (25.01.2017, week 4)
26 issues pages | 1000.4 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 25.01.2017 (4 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Thunderbolts 009 2. The Totally Awesome Hulk 015 3. Thanos 003 4. Star Wars 027 5. Spider-Woman 015 6. Spider-Man - Deadpool 001.MU 7. Solo 004 8. Slapstick Infinite Comic 004 9. Prowler 004 10. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 015 11. Marvel Universe Ultimate
DC comics week (25.01.2017, week 4)
16 issues pages | 415.1 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 25.01.2017 (4 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics 972 2. Batgirl 007 3. Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 005 4. Batman Beyond 004 5. Blue Beetle 005 6. Deathstroke 011 7. Detective Comics 949 8. Doom Patrol 004 9. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 013 10. Injustice - Ground Zero 017 11.
Atomic Robo and the Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 300 мb.

Tags: Atomic Robo Savage Sword Dr. Dinosaur
Atomic Robo and his Action Scientists trapped in the Hollow Earth. If magma, monsters, two different armies, Dr. Dinosaur, or bomb set to destroy the previous 65 million years do not get them, Majestic 12 will! Because these guys invade Tesladyne island. Do not worry, there is still one more question for things worse.
Atomic Robo - Real Science Adventures #1-12 Complete
12 issues pages | 313.6 мb.

Tags: Atomic Robo Real Science Adventures
The untold tales of Atomic Robo are, uh, told At last Featuring the (first) Revenge of Dr. Dinosaur Part one of an all-new Sparrow adventure The Last Stand of the Commie-Bots And a secret guest star
Superpatriot - War on Terror #1-4 Complete
4 issues pages | 40.9 мb.

Tags: Superpatriot War on Terror image
Super soldier Johnny Armstrong has been battling the forces of evil since World War II. In the early '90s it seemed his career had come to an end. His arms and legs missing, the result of a deadly battle with Chicago's notorious Vicious Circle, Johnny was rebuilt into the ultimate killing machine. More machine than man, Johnny has settled into
Collection Marvel (18.01.207, week 3)
25 issues pages | 1000.1 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel free Marvel 2017 Week
Collection Marvel Comics for 18.01.2017 (3 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Men 017 2. Amazing Spider-Man 023 3. Avengers 003.1 4. Black Panther - World of Wakanda 003 5. Black Widow 010 6. Cage! 04 7. Captain America - Sam Wilson 018 8. Deadpool & The Mercs For Money 007 9. Deadpool the Duck 002 10. Doctor Aphra 003 11.
DC comics week (18.01.2017, week 3)
15 issues pages | 665.7 мb.

Tags: DC comics DC free DC 2017 Week
Collection DC Comics for 18.01.2017 (3 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman v3 015 2. Green Arrow 015 3. Green Lanterns 015 4. Harley Quinn 012 5. He-Man - Thundercats 04 6. Justice League 013 7. Justice League of America - The Ray - Rebirth 001 8. Justice League Vs Suicide Squad 05 9. Nightwing 013 10. Raven 05 11. Suicide Squad
Kevin Keller #1-15 Complete
10 issues pages | 232.0 мb.

Tags: Kevin Keller Kevin Keller Archie Archie comics
In this collection, there are no such series: 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 It’s a bunch of firsts for Kevin Keller in the FIRST issue of his ongoing series. It’s his FIRST time as Riverdale High class president. And he gets published in the Riverdale newspaper for the FIRST time. Oh yeah, and Kevin gets ready to go on his FIRST date! What??!! Kevin’s
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