Batman - Futures End #1
The pilot episode, titled "Renaissance" begins in 2019, 20 years after the "New Adventures of Batman" when Bruce Wayne has decided to retire a fighter against injustice. Next story continues in 2039, in Gotham, now as in the futuristic metropolis, with stunning high-rise buildings and aircraft. A high school student Terry McGinnis, accidentally hitting the estate of Bruce to escape the local gang Jokers, reveals the mystery of the Bat. That same evening his father Terry henchmen kill tycoon Derek Powers, crime disguised under attack "clowns." After learning about the cause of death of his father, a disk with data on the Biological Weapons Convention, McGinnis Wayne returns to the house and takes the last modification of the Batman costume. After a lengthy debate with Bruce, the legend is born again: under the guidance of an experienced Wayne, Terry goes to battle against evil in all its manifestations.