DC comics week (23.08.2017, week 34)
1. Scooby-Doo_Team-Up_058
2. Bombshells_-_United_001
3. The Kamandi Challenge 008
4. The Hellblazer 013
5. Nightwing - The New Order 01
6. Mother Panic 010
7. Manhunter Special 001
8. Harley Quinn 026
9. Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye 011
10. DC Super Hero Girls 010 - Out of the Bottle 010
11. Blue Beetle 012
12. Batman Beyond 011
13. Batgirl 014
14. Batman - Shadow 005
15. The Flash 029
16. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 027
17. Teen Titans 011
18. Suicide Squad 024
19. Detective Comics 963
20. Action Comics 986
21. Harley_Quinn_and_Batman_002
22. Injustice_2_021