Button Man Vol.1-4 Complete
- Collections / Other publisher
- Pages: 4 issues
- 2003-2010 year
- English comics
- Size: 250.0 mb.
- Tags: Button Man Button Rebellion
A former soldier, he left the military to offer his services as a mercenary in various Third World engagements, But soldiers-for-hire were a dying breed and the work was drying up. So Harry returned to England, and civvy street.
Until a friend tells him about THE KILLING GAME
Modern-day gladiatorial contests ‹ man against man, usually to the death. A game of murder played for high stakes. The games are arranged by mysterious backers known as the 'Voices'; disembodied voices on the other end of a telephone, telling you where to go to, who to meet. A player can either become very rich or very dead, very quickly.
Harry decides to become a player. A BUTTON MAN.
For a professional killer like Harry, the rewards are plentiful ‹ but once the game begins, will he be able to walk away?
Button Man: The Killing Game (progs 780-791)
Forewords by John Wagner & Arthur Ranson